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    chesterfield Beispielsätze


    1. Johnny settled back onto the rather comfortable chesterfield, topped up both his and

    2. By the window there is a buttoned leather Chesterfield,

    3. Two chesterfield sofas and a pair of high backed leather club chairs provided the

    4. ’ When we finally met with the senior loan officer, Park was a humble but chatty new client, doffing his Chesterfield velvet-collared coat and homburg hat, and settling in a high-backed leather chair

    5. Only three brands were considered official underground currency: Lucky Strike, Camel and Chesterfield

    6. We all sit around her in the Chesterfield in front of the hearth and patiently and worriedly wait until she’s somewhat calmed down

    7. It had all the trappings of a Whitehall mandarin, including oak panelled walls, drinks cabinet, a large red leather Chesterfield and red leather, wing-backed armchairs

    8. back of a toffee coloured chesterfield, keeping time with

    9. on the other side of the chesterfield

    10. Eleanor and Mary Catherine were seated on the chesterfield, next

    11. I tapped another Chesterfield out of the pack and tucked it into my mouth

    12. He sat in a leather buttoned Chesterfield armchair and read the relevant documents

    13. er chesterfield in front of the fireplace

    14. As Lord Chesterfield said; “Be wiser than other people if you can, but do not tell them so

    15. Abruptly the air is so charged with savagery that I feel squished into a corner on the chesterfield

    16. On the chesterfield, with my back to the door, I know it’s Barrons

    17. I’ve been tossing restlessly on the chesterfield, waiting for the bell to tinkle

    18. Except these, the plover and the curlew are the only inhabitants until you come to the Chesterfield high road

    19. At the spot where we saw the last of the Dunlop tyre it might equally have led to Holdernesse Hall, the stately towers of which rose some miles to our left, or to a low, grey village which lay in front of us, and marked the position of the Chesterfield high road

    20. Then in the gloom we saw the two side-lamps of a trap light up in the stable yard of the inn, and shortly afterwards heard the rattle of hoofs, as it wheeled out into the road and tore off at a furious pace in the direction of Chesterfield

    21. The Earl of Chesterfield, Letters to His Son

    22. Reuben Hayes was arrested at Chesterfield on my information at eleven o'clock last night

    23. I am seated on one of two dark green chesterfield couches made of leather – not unlike the couch that Christian has in his playroom

    24. Was it a kind of revenge, then, to return the chesterfield coat to its box, to slide it back under the futon where it had waited so long? Or was it, rather, a test, to see if William noticed it was missing? Too tired to decide anything for certain, Mercer trudged to the sleeping nook, shooed Eartha from his pillow, crawled half-dressed under the coverlet, and abandoned himself to troubled dreams

    25. Our dignified elephant of a chesterfield with its matching baby ottoman sits in the living room looking stunned, as if it got sleep-darted in its natural environment and woke up in this strange new captivity, surrounded by faux-posh carpet and synthetic wood and unveined walls

    26. My father was a schoolmaster in Chesterfield, where I received an excellent education

    27. At the spot where we saw the last of the Dunlop tire it might equally have led to Holdernesse Hall, the stately towers of which rose some miles to our left, or to a low, gray village which lay in front of us and marked the position of the Chesterfield high road

    28. Then, in the gloom, we saw the two side-lamps of a trap light up in the stable-yard of the inn, and shortly afterwards heard the rattle of hoofs, as it wheeled out into the road and tore off at a furious pace in the direction of Chesterfield

    29. Reuben Hayes was arrested at Chesterfield, on my information, at eleven o'clock last night

    30. Johnson makes Lord Chesterfield say, liberty and licentiousness are blended like the colors in the rainbow; it is impossible to tell where one ends and the other begins

    31. The geology of this tract, from a few miles south of Northampton in Massachusetts, to the north boundary of Brattleborough in Vermont, and of Chesterfield in New-Hampshire, is shown on the subjoined map

    32. The pits, which we made the particular object of our visit, are situated in the county of Chesterfield, about 14 miles distant, in a direction W

    33. The red or rose tourmaline of Massachusetts, is found chiefly at Chesterfield, in a subordinate bed of granite, contained in mica slate

    34. About six miles from Chesterfield, in Goshen, is found the rose mica, with tourmalines and emeralds interspersed in the granite

    35. —, on the tourmalines and other minerals of Chesterfield, Mass

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    chesterfield fourth earl of chesterfield philip dormer stanhope