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    chop up Beispielsätze

    chop up

    1. Jane, nabbing the four young people as she goes, efficiently takes it away to chop up and the guests start milling around the room

    2. “Sorry, Jack and I have to chop up all the wood for winter

    3. “Well, a machine could chop up the waste and maybe when

    4. Wash and chop up the spinach

    5. Tee went off to pick up supplies for the restaurant and when he came back, he went to the kitchen to chop up goat meat

    6. the other, which he had the manservant chop up and stick in the deepfreeze

    7. Ramm followed with a chop upon his neck and shoulder,

    8. you are in a hurry and who has time to chop up vegetables?

    9. “Chop up an onion,” she added a few drops of oil to the plain flour

    10. The level was set on medium in order to give her time to chop up

    11. and who has time to chop up vegetables? Well, there are reasons why

    12. Using the spoon, chop up the egg, mixing it with butter and pepper

    13. If you decide to purchase fresh vegetables or fruits from a grocery store, get those that you have to chop up on your own

    14. works best to chop up the berries while stil frozen, then added directly to recipes

    15. If you chop up the little blob, or soak it in warm water for a while it might be easier going down, but you know me, I just grabbed the thing and chewed and swallowed

    16. chop up the rest of my flesh, blood and bones, and heap it

    17. Those bodies reminded him of the kind of bodies he used to chop up in the anatomy- labs

    18. The idea that you can chop up pieces of Time into absolutely separated segments called seconds is so stupid, so illogical, so absurd: it is even stupider than the idea of chopping up all the oceans of the world into separate ounces of liquid

    19. Yet scientific measurement is all based upon the idea that you can chop up Time into absolutely separated, tangible segments

    20. And he was telling us there's two fellows waiting below to pull his heels down when he gets the drop and choke him properly and then they chop up the rope after and sell the bits for a few bob a skull

    21. I would be a brave little girl and say that I saw Ben chop up my sister and I saw Ben kill my mother

    22. If this be the intention of gentlemen, I have nothing further to say; if it be not their intention, they will have in this case, as they have had in others, a very great experience of the disadvantages of undertaking to chop up law

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