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    chopping Beispielsätze


    1. He gives a wink, makes a chopping motion against his neck with the side of his hand

    2. you were chopping it up

    3. The wind was sharpening now so I shoved my hands into my pockets and quickened my pace, darting about and skimming round the corners and making good headway till I turned a corner and almost ran into a large woman chopping wood right in my path

    4. She was just chopping up the potatoes when she heard the sound of the men coming into the building

    5. littered the workspace, and chopping boards were stacked

    6. “Yes, I understand, money is nice,” Matt said, “However the Nevermore Forest holds important cultural significance to the villagers of Trouble Valley, and they are against you chopping down all the trees

    7. together they began chopping at the soft earth

    8. And chopping wood is an extremely rough task

    9. He repeated the blow, again and again, chopping through the barricade of boards one by one

    10. Chopping it down only to face it once more, its form restored by the dark power filling the armor with the semblance of life

    11. He raised his hand above his head and brought it chopping down

    12. Next, Peiton’s steward testified that the axe was used in their household for chopping

    13. chopping heads, he was the tenant farmer of this field

    14. To her amazement the Guild Master produced a second weapon, a large dagger, and used the dual blades to dispatch with the nearest bug’s head, chopping it at the middle of the long neck

    15. “I use the axe for chopping down trees

    16. “I found a spot of cover and I could hear our lads shouting for wire cutters and warning others to watch out for the mines just at the water’s edge near the wire and then those fucking machine guns started up hammering away and chopping our lads to pieces

    17. Chopping of heads and the electric chair was never used, that being rather barbaric if you ask me

    18. his partner, who was chopping potatoes in a pan on the stove

    19. Guard - The crossed top of the sword's hilt which keeps the enemy's sword from sliding down and chopping off the wielder’s fingers

    20. Finally the thing made a chopping motion with a tentacle, and the view was cut

    21. Think of it as chopping my own arms off trying to avoid a disease spreading to my heart and killing me, okay? Now, in that processing I seem to have irreversibly placed as much of my conscience and intelligent functions in this scrap of metal, the avatar, the Prosops

    22. When the monsters were too tightly held, soldiers raised their swords and arrows and they attacked the creatures chopping them one by one

    23. The monster was about to kill the king until Iso threw her sword to its neck chopping it off and saving his life

    24. Wind is blowing in all directions from the blades chopping like a high-speed fan

    25. away to start chopping trees

    26. I remember being chased around the kitchen by a Chinese chef with a chopping knife when I made a comment about the way he was storing food

    27. We ate our ice creams on the beach at Mount Edgecumbe, its sunny green fields behind us, the chopping blue water of the Tamar in front

    28. When Halfdan awoke near the chilly mountain-top, the two women from Starheim were already awake; Siv chopping up some freshly-gathered plants with her belt-knife, Yngvild piling twigs for a camp-fire

    29. But it hit his left hand, chopping off most of the smallest finger

    30. And then a flurry of other words and thoughts chopping, pecking at his blood

    31. Haki swung his ax back over his head, killing a foe behind him, then swung it forward, chopping through the helmet and skull and jaw of another foe, scattering teeth all around

    32. think about it, is as violent as cleaning a trail, or chopping some

    33. them up behind me, I began chopping and thrashing the bushes

    34. to chopping the hands off their corpses

    35. With clean fire-pots, a knife and even a chopping board it would make her meal that much easier to prepare

    36. They were all on the chopping block now

    37. “I want to hear more chopping,” Papa barked as he got in the family car

    38. One by one the tree creature began to bellow its way through the crowd of fighters, who were chopping at the roots of the tree creature

    39. Monique was chopping onions

    40. He looked at where the shop was, but he could not see it amongst all the coffee bean stores and chopping board shops

    41. put the box on the chopping board

    42. I’ve heard she thinks nothing of chopping the balls off anyone who gives her backchat,” said Terry, “And I don’t get the impression she loves you

    43. `What? Chopping off your mother's head?'

    44. She remembered passing a small clearing in the bushes where someone had been chopping logs for firewood…perhaps there was an axe there, or at least a useable length of log

    45. A heavy chopping crunch sounded behind the leaves

    46. He’d been bitten at the wrist and only his quick act of chopping off his arm had saved him

    47. Below was Joe chopping away at the tree

    48. wasn’t even doing it properly, not that I was an expert in tree chopping

    49. “I’m chopping the

    50. Stop!” I pleaded but Joe just kept on chopping

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