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    churchyard Beispielsätze


    1. It’s always freezing cold and wet standing in the churchyard but I suppose it’s a small thing to suffer compared with what the soldiers had to go through

    2. Looking at them from my place in the crowd, I am overcome with pride for them as they stand near the stone cross in the churchyard watching as representatives of the local organisations lay wreaths around its steps

    3. there, standing by the gate that opened into the churchyard, an old

    4. While Peter turns off lights and locks up, we stroll out into the churchyard

    5. Simon ‘just happens’ to be looking at the gravestones in the churchyard when we get to church and, judging by the way his face lights up when he spots Anna, it looks as though he’s got it as badly as she has; that’s good

    6. Simon is waiting in the churchyard for me, the darling …

    7. Adem was nowhere in sight when she arrived at the churchyard

    8. Walls of the palace surrounded the churchyard though the walls were raked levels to allow hours of daylight to penetrate the stain glass windows of the church

    9. Terese watched from the balcony as Jean walked away from Adem in the churchyard

    10. With the entire day ahead of me, I ambled through the grounds of the churchyard, kicking my feet through the lush, green lawn

    11. went back to the churchyard, Harry told himself, but more because

    12. what would happen if he went back into the churchyard, to pick up the story

    13. copse at the bottom of the churchyard a dozen birds lifted into the sky and

    14. come in search of food whenever they saw children in the churchyard

    15. We’ll give the churchyard a recky

    16. “J, we forgot to check the churchyard

    17. The Abbot pulled her to him and tried to explain a little of what she could expect in the churchyard

    18. On the other side of it was the parson's manure heap, on which stood wet fowls mournfully investigating its contents? His windows, shut and impenetrable, looked out on to the manure heap, the fowls, the churchyard, and me

    19. It is not as though we were having tea in a churchyard, which of course we never would have

    20. It is a very pretty, very small, handful of fishermen's cottages, one little line of them in a green nest of rushes and willows along the water's edge, with a hill at the back, and some way up the hill a small, dilapidated church, forlorn and spireless, in a churchyard bare of trees

    21. Up we sped in silence past the bleak churchyard on to what turned out to be the most glorious downs

    22. In spite of the bitter wind that was raking the churchyard every person who had been inside the church was waiting outside to see the pastor come out

    23. The divers love-makings with which his past bristled as an ancient churchyard bristles with battered tombstones, had all been conducted as it were on his doorstep

    24. She was waiting while he bought it in the adjoining churchyard sitting on a tombstone, and he could neither let her sit there indefinitely nor dare, so great was her eagerness to have the thing, go back without at least a hope of it

    25. "It is the small cottage," said Fritzing mastering his anger, "adjoining the churchyard

    26. While Fritzing was losing his temper in this manner at the agent's, Priscilla sat up in the churchyard in the sun

    27. The Symford churchyard, its church, and the pair of coveted cottages, are on a little eminence rising like an island out of the valley

    28. Who but knows the inward peace that descends upon him who makes good resolutions and abides with him till he suddenly discovers they have all been broken? And what does the breaking of them matter, since it is their making that is so wholesome, so bracing to the soul, bringing with it moments of such extreme blessedness that he misses much who gives it up for fear he will not keep them? Such blessed moments of lifting up of the heart were Priscilla's as she sat in the churchyard waiting, invisibly surrounded by the most beautiful resolutions it is possible to imagine

    29. "Here comes someone in a hurry," said the vicar, his attention arrested by the rapidly approaching figure of a man; and, looking up, Robin beheld Fritzing striding through the churchyard, his hat well down over his eyes as if clapped on with unusual vigour, both hands thrust deep in his pockets, the umbrella, without which he never, even on the fairest of days, went out, pressed close to his side under his arm, and his long legs taking short and profane cuts over graves and tombstones with the indifference to decency of one immersed in unpleasant thought

    30. Fritzing stared for a moment from one to the other, then clutching his hat mechanically half an inch into the air turned on his heel without another word and went with great haste out of the churchyard and down the hill and away up the road to the farm

    31. The plan was of a barbarous simplicity: he was going to choose an umbrella from the collection that years had brought together in the stand in the hall, and go boldly and ask the man Neumann if he had dropped it in the churchyard

    32. He was immensely agitated, and administered something very like a scolding, and he urged the extreme desirability of taking Annalise with her in future wherever she went--("Oh nonsense, Fritzi," interjected Priscilla, drawing away her arm)--and he declared in a voice that trembled that it was a most intolerable thought for him that two strange men should have dared address her in the churchyard, that he would never forgive himself for having left her there alone--("Oh, Fritzi, how silly," interjected Priscilla)--and he begged her almost with tears to tell him exactly what she had said to them, for her Grand Ducal Highness must see that it was of the first importance they should both say the same things to people

    33. She it was who had sent the Morrisons, father and son, to drive Priscilla from the churchyard before Fritzing had joined her, without which driving she would never have met Augustus

    34. She it was who had used the trifling circumstance of a mislaid sermon-book to take the vicar and Robin into the church at an unaccustomed time, without which sermon-book they would never have met Priscilla in the churchyard and driven her out of it

    35. Meanwhile she was not a person to watch the destruction of her hopes without making violent efforts to stop it; and immediately she had played the vicar into the vestry after service that Sunday she left the congregation organless and hurried away into the churchyard

    36. Priscilla's side of Creeper Cottage was the end abutting on the churchyard, and her parlour had one latticed window looking south down the village street, and one looking west opening directly on to the churchyard

    37. The long grass of the churchyard, its dandelions and daisies, grew right up beneath this window to her wall, and a tall tombstone half-blocked her view of the elm-trees and the church

    38. Priscilla was sitting at the window looking on to the churchyard, staring into the dark with its swaying branches and few faint stars, and when she heard him outside the door listening again in anxious silence she got up and opened it

    39. The grass in the churchyard sparkled with the fairy film of gossamers

    40. He should have left her in the churchyard and found Rohan himself, but Rohan had been speaking with Petra and he would rather compromise Anne than face Petra

    41. A man in a long coat stood at the end of the broken churchyard with his hands in his pockets, shivering in the biting-cold

    42. Unlike some of the men who congregated in the churchyard, he did not believe the bell was evil

    43. Cruncher did not assist at the closing sports, but had remained behind in the churchyard, to confer and condole with the undertakers

    44. and all the gravestones in the churchyard--it was a large churchyard that they were in--looking on like ghosts in white, while the church tower itself looked on like the ghost of a monstrous giant

    45. immediately to the churchyard, and tears of affection, such was the effect of my

    46. In Wilford churchyard the dahlias were sodden with rain--wet black-crimson balls

    47. On her seventeenth birthday, he did not visit the churchyard: it was raining, and I observed:

    48. In the evening I went to the churchyard

    49. The grey church looked grayer, and the lonely churchyard lonelier

    50. It is to be carried to the churchyard in the evening

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