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    circumstantial evidence

    1. By piecing together this circumstantial evidence and combining it with a few scraps of intelligence that we gleaned during our interrogations, we also decided that we were currently the guests of Cruce Signati, who held sway along the Thames Valley corridor and down in the deep heart of the South West

    2. that ‘circumstantial evidence is a very tricky thing, it may seem to

    3. (Iraq/Iran/Syria/Libya/North Korea); that is to say, nations that support terrorist causes, notwithstanding the overwhelming volume of circumstantial evidence that, rightly considered, common sense should not (otherwise) refute, must inevitably undermine our nation‘s ability to properly defend itself

    4. They should be extended on the basis of (overriding) circumstantial evidence that otherwise creates (plausible) doubt as to the merits of the conviction

    5. “There is a mountain of circumstantial evidence,” pointed out Cleve Walks-in-the-Shadows

    6. �Well, we have one suspect with circumstantial evidence which could lead to an indictment, and we have another suspect who we can't prove as the murderer to this case

    7. �Steve,� as she turned around to face him, �all this circumstantial evidence can cloud one's mind, and dogs aren't allowed on the jogging path at the Mall

    8. Stuart would be charged with murder, and the circumstantial evidence was strong enough to send him away for 8 years at least

    9. All they had was a collection of circumstantial evidence

    10. Circumstantial evidence leads us to believe that it occurred somewhere around the time that Mr

    11. Michael lived at the time, the circumstantial evidence started adding

    12. They only had circumstantial evidence

    13. They charged Michael but all they had was circumstantial evidence

    14. The police would have so much circumstantial evidence on him, they would probably shoot him on sight

    15. If that was the case, he would need to seriously weigh everything she said before making any rash or unwise decisions that he could not substantiate in court with irrefutable, unprejudiced facts; otherwise, any such controversial case would be immediately dismissed on circumstantial evidence and would leave a scar on his reputation

    16. “Yes, but it’s all such flimsy evidence,” Lord Ashburn protested with a hint of disgust at the circumstantial evidence

    17. As he made his journey to the third floor via the elevator rather than the main staircase in order to conserve his energy, he studied the reactions that the Ashburns had had to the latest developments and found it rather curious that, while Lady Jane seemed to expect this, her husband was completely astounded that such action would be taken on what he believed to be circumstantial evidence

    18. Hopefully, he could extract a confession from the real killer before it was too late or before the suspects all left the resort, for he knew he could not hold them here against their will on merely circumstantial evidence

    19. Those are circumstantial evidence only and this man could pretend that he only finds the girls and that someone else produces the pornographic films

    20. Banks had a pile of circumstantial evidence, yes, but

    21. Logic told them it was Clegg with nothing factual to support either theory other than a stream of circumstantial evidence

    22. “Ah, but I have more circumstantial evidence,” Garcia said, pointing to the screens, where once again

    23. “There is enough circumstantial evidence that I could start a war with the

    24. With the knowledge that the AG was the only one to leave Camp David that morning, he would normally have gone on the air and started questioning circumstantial evidence

    25. Circumstantial evidence points to him, but there isn’t a shred of real evidence to link any of this business to him

    26. Although, for once, he was innocent, the circumstantial evidence that he had double-crossed them all was overwhelming

    27. I was very upset at first, of course, to think the girl might have been two-timing me in some way, but all the circumstantial evidence seems to be pointing her way

    28. He had circumstantial evidence; he even had a bit of a motive

    29. And if the ear-rings being found in Nikolay's hands at the very day and hour of the murder constitutes an important piece of circumstantial evidence against him--although the explanation given by him accounts for it, and therefore it does not tell seriously against him--one must take into consideration the facts which prove him innocent, especially as they are facts that _cannot be denied_

    30. And do you suppose, from the character of our legal system, that they will accept, or that they are in a position to accept, this fact--resting simply on a psychological impossibility--as irrefutable and conclusively breaking down the circumstantial evidence for the prosecution? No, they won't accept it, they certainly won't, because they found the jewel-case and the man tried to hang himself, 'which he could not have done if he hadn't felt guilty

    31. "In this simple way, madame," replied Monte Cristo; "the waistcoat and the letter were both what is termed circumstantial evidence; I therefore sent them to the king's attorney

    32. It didn’t really prove anything, but it would be at least circumstantial evidence that Tymahk and his guards had refused direct, written orders to execute the camp’s inmates rather than allow them to be rescued

    33. And do you suppose, from the character of our legal system, that they will accept, or that they are in a position to accept, this fact—resting simply on a psychological impossibility—as irrefutable and conclusively breaking down the circumstantial evidence for the prosecution? No, they won't accept it, they certainly won't, because they found the jewel‐case and the man tried to hang himself, 'which he could not have done

    34. “We have circumstantial evidence, and lots of it

    35. Simon Conklin knew the rifle was circumstantial evidence, that it proved nothing about his guilt or innocence

    36. This isn’t even circumstantial evidence, you know

    37. “Circumstantial evidence is a very tricky thing,” answered Holmes thoughtfully

    38. It is strong circumstantial evidence, I will admit, but it is not positive proof

    39. of our legal system, that they will accept, or that they are in a position to accept, this fact— resting simply on a psychological impossibility—as irrefutable and conclusively breaking down the circumstantial evidence for the prosecution? No, they won’t accept it, they certainly won’t, because they found the jewel-case and the man tried to hang himself, ‘which he could not have done if he hadn’t felt guilty

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