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    1. Professional services of trained counselors may also be made available free of cost to senior citizens who are in the grip of anxiety, depression, grief arising out of bereavement and conflicts due to problematic relationships with family members

    2. Recognising the void that suddenly lands on the senior citizen in terms of emotional support hitherto provided by joint families, Government, NGOs and Associations of senior citizens can institute this highly effective “treatment” programme

    3. Then in the last ten years or so, one started hearing and reading about Senior Citizens

    4. Whenever we asked some senior citizens about the meaning of this term, they felt it was just a new term and nothing more

    5. For me, it is important to regard them as Citizens, who have full rights to participate in the affairs of the society and the community

    6. Senior Citizens who meet a wider cross-section of people are more likely to have healthy relationships than those who move in a closed circle

    7. Senior Citizens forming their own support groups are more likely to talk as senior persons than as senior citizens

    8. An activity that brings the young, the middle-aged and the seniors together is much better than a group dedicated only to the interests of the senior citizens, from the point of view of building relationships

    9. In the Indian context senior citizens are still very much respected

    10. As senior citizens this is an area that can be tackled by reporting all cases of injustice, corruption (both giving and taking), flouting of rules and so on

    11. The aim here is not to censor but create a lobby of senior respected citizens who can prevail upon those in control to act when the boundary of decency is crossed

    12. As senior citizens we can do a lot in educating the society in preservation of our environment

    13. The senior citizens can extend a hand of support, words of solace and the healing touch to the restless souls around them

    14. If the senior citizens can resist the temptation to give out advice, they would find many willing ears

    15. A detailed understanding of this hard fact is essential for all men but all the more for senior citizens as they spend time in each other’s company most of the time

    16. This site is maintained by the Senior Citizens Forum, Bhopal

    17. It gives useful information on healthcare, financial concessions and latest top news and announcements useful for senior citizens

    18. Articles useful to senior citizens on various topics are available as linkages

    19. This site gives useful information for senior citizens on a large number of topics

    20. Modern cults appear to be different in many ways, but actually they are all the same: they all trumpet forth the “breaking of the Ego” with a view to creating obedient, passive citizens who are always ready to carry out any order without thinking or asking questions

    21. We existed in a world of words and imagined intellectual propositions, spending hours talking through the possibilities for the citizens of this benighted planet

    22. We are going to put an end to suppression of free the African is given a chance he can show the world that he thought and see to it that all our citizens enjoy to the full is somebody! We have awakened

    23. Through every single bloody day of your exploitation, we Barcs worked quietly, asking for recognition as citizens, struggling on in hope

    24. 19 Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God

    25. ‘Bringing new citizens too

    26. We filed up the steps, surrounded a large ceremonial table and sat down like citizens of the Senate in early Athens

    27. Her head was awash with the thrill of shocking the good citizens of

    28. 14But his citizens hated him, and sent a message after him, saying, we will not have this

    29. Had it been any worse than what Ava had given him? Only in that it was given by one of the leading citizens of Sinbara in a very public place

    30. You might find that the majority of Jade City citizens wishes are contrary to yours

    31. A scrimmage of sorts was being played out on the sports field and the permanent citizens of the Park---the squirrels, birds, and bugs---added their own ambiance to Harry's afternoon walk

    32. accountable by the citizens of the world

    33. The citizens of

    34. Briefly it appears that the United States gives preference to relatives of citizens of the United States, to wives and husbands, sons and daughters of people who are permanent resident aliens living in the United States

    35. Though murderers, drunkards, whores and vagrants, the citizens of Shattered Rock shared one thing in common, they were all casualties of the war to save Lock Core

    36. We arrived in Minotia too late, its citizens had been all but overwhelmed

    37. The citizens of Shattered Rock

    38. The citizens of Shattered Rock had cleaned house in order to blockade the roads, creating solid walls of tables, chairs and other miscellaneous house furniture

    39. Fortunately, the citizens of important staging

    40. The defenders of Shattered Rock were the citizens of but one outland city, while the horde represented hundreds of such cities, not to mention what appeared to be the entire dwarven nation

    41. Burned houses and dead citizens didn’t help anything

    42. Not all nations offer their citizens that choice

    43. or two citizens he passed along the way, he eventually

    44. Citizens were forbidden to enter the

    45. the passing citizens a look of disdain, until he realised that

    46. government of the majority of citizens would be

    47. narthex, rubbing shoulders with citizens both great and

    48. From what she gathered, Theoton thought it time that Ithaca move beyond a council of leading citizens

    49. It meant he recognized his citizens as having the final say

    50. But if we can’t convince a majority of citizens that our preference is the right choice, then maybe we haven’t thought out the best course

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