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    civil servant Beispielsätze

    civil servant

    1. He’s late thirties and a civil servant working for the Inland Revenue

    2. ‘The news that Joanna Sadler was having an affair with a local civil servant has hit Dan Sadler hard

    3. What would I have done in this or that situation? How would I react if I found myself facing similar choices? Would I have been as bold as Menachem and entered into a passionate affair with an English woman, a civil servant, just as he had done? Would I have dared to chase a French politician through the streets of Paris to ask that one final question, a question that resulted in Aban spending three days in a French gaol?

    4. Yes, of course it’s normal for Alex to handle the Scrolls and everything else, he looks a bit of a scruff but he could be a wonderful Rabbi if he chose to, as it is he wants to be a civil servant

    5. “No, curse your ancestors, I was never—damn it, you can’t try to save the emperor on one hand and kill his civil servants on the other

    6. This conferred tremendous power on the three elected commissioners, none of whom was a lawyer during my tenure, making the assigned assistant AG’s duties doubly onerous as both the legal advisor to the Commission on disputed points of law as well as an active participant in essentially tripartite hearings where the staff, usually the Tariff & Rates division, who were civil servants, put in an alternative case to that advanced by the carriers and shippers, respectively

    7. In addition to the Hearings on Orders to Show Cause against both the Southern Pacific and Santa Fe Railroads, which were televised on all three local network outlets, a novelty in 1973, I received not so anonymous typed notes on my desk from colleagues, most likely Dick Sallquist, telling me in great detail the defalcations of the Democrat “civil servant” who supervised the Ambulance Division, one Frank Bowman

    8. While serving as a civil servant tax lawyer, Mr

    9. It doesn’t take long for the reciprocal relationship: civil servants need the state

    10. This made the citizens nothing but civil servants who had no say in their economy

    11. Without realising it I'd joined Quentin Crisp’s ranks of “Naked Civil Servants”

    12. If the unbeliever can qualify as a superior civil servant, you should seriously question whether the roots of truth in your heart have not died from the lack of the living waters of combined spiritual communion and social service

    13. Even though he was a civil servant and would always be at the beck and call of his political masters, he was also one of the most powerful men in the country

    14. He had everything a civil servant needed to succeed, a classical education, powerful connections, a razor sharp mind, an aptitude for political manoeuvring and, best of all, the killer instinct

    15. Although he sat on the Parliamentary Select Committee for Defence, as a civil servant Sir Peter Stevenson was not permitted to be an official member of the committee

    16. He’s one of our top civil servants

    17. Top civil servants were implicated in the conspiracy

    18. But the functioning process will be known by a lot of trustworthy civil servants within the departments at lower levels

    19. Included in this action is the readjustment of pensions to be capped at $40K with longer service requirements for the civil servants

    20. This can be aided with reporting from within by loyal American civil servants and the uniformed services

    21. Home to civil servants on leave aboard the Windsor, Llangiby, Dunnoter, and other British castles, home on the sea to the expats and their families on a triennial tour of duty

    22. Evidently, they were discussing “damage control” following the death of one of their prominent civil servants

    23. Wickland already knew that and agreed with the need to keep any unnecessary negative publicity from tarnishing the reputation of one of their civil servants

    24. There was also a personal message from Le Manoir Richelieu in Quebec to present special vacation packages for the fall booking season; the rates were still fairly high even with the special packages, making Wickland wonder a how civil servant of modest means could afford such luxuries

    25. However, I do know that he seemed to live beyond his means or at least the means of a civil servant in this town

    26. Nonetheless, Wickland was confident that Spalding was involved in more than just civil servant employment with income from other sources financing his more expensive habits

    27. For the past many years, all he had led until now was desk officers and civil servants, and though many of his contemporaries would probably have delighted in the long, unbroken period of peace, he had missed some good old-fashioned action

    28. 'I'm sorry,' the civil servant behind the counter said, 'But the Minister cannot see you now

    29. The civil servant looked at him,

    30. The civil servant was halted momentarily when Grobut reached across the counter, grabbed him by the front of his shirt, and dragged him up from his chair

    31. The civil servant tried to nod, but couldn't, so instead, he croaked,

    32. Gavin Williams was very glad he was not a civil servant or directly involved in the world of politics

    33. He had even managed to persuade one of the Cabinet Office civil servants to draft the committee’s report, so when he adjourned the meeting, he had nothing further to do, for the time being at least

    34. As a general rule, Ambassadors were dealt with by civil servants, on a day-to-day basis

    35. As one would expect from a top civil servant, some of the events you had planned were masterful

    36. The taxi from their chosen restaurant took little time to get to the EU Headquarters building, which was, by then, almost deserted of the usual hoards of European civil servants

    37. Stevens somehow looked like a scientist, rather than a civil servant, although he was that, too, of course

    38. But I am less sure when the real negotiating begins in a few weeks’ time that the civil servants and political negotiators will have the skills necessary to push the process forward creatively

    39. The Village was home to diplomats, senior civil servants, high-tech

    40. A few tables were occupied by tourists and one or two European women whom Teller mentally classified as wives of civil servants or lawyers or bank employees

    41. Where did old colonial civil servants of his ilk go? Wherever it was they often went there to die

    42. “Some old beaurocrat who thinks anyone who is not a civil servant is stupid

    43. The vision of the dead civil servant again appeared before his mind’s eye and he clamped his eyes shut to block it out

    44. “Retired civil servant is my guess

    45. The last time he had been here he had been inside the other part of the building chatting with the retired civil servant Barry Flanagan, the man who had reported hearing a scream from somewhere nearby

    46. He never intended to become a civil servant, but when the appointment came up, he saw it as an opportunity to get one over Michael

    47. of new bureaucracies and employed over two hundred fifty civil servants

    48. Only they had organized an entire class of civil servants to run the entire empire regardless of which bunch of murdering savages came in to rule them

    49. A FORMER North Korea civil servant related the brutal mistreatment of Christians and their babies being killed

    50. The civil servant could not understand such faith and later became a Christian

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