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    claque Beispielsätze


    1. Claqueurs, call-boys, property-men, dressers, coiffeurs, supernumeraries, and artists, follow

    2. Thanks to their ramifications, and to the network underlying their relations, Babet, Gueulemer, Claquesous, and Montparnasse were charged with the general enterprise of the ambushes of the department of the Seine

    3. And finally, on the way from the Gorbeau house to La Force, one of the principal prisoners, Claquesous, had been lost

    4. " He had converted himself into vapor, he had slipped through the handcuffs, he had trickled through the crevices of the carriage, the fiacre was cracked, and he had fled; all that they were able to say was, that on arriving at the prison, there was no Claquesous

    5. Had Claquesous melted into the shadows like a snow-flake in water? Had there been unavowed connivance of the police agents? Did this man belong to the double enigma of order and disorder? Was he concentric with infraction and repression? Had this sphinx his fore paws in crime and his hind paws in authority? Javert did not accept such comminations, and would have bristled up against such compromises; but his squad included other inspectors besides himself, who were more initiated than he, perhaps, although they were his subordinates in the secrets of the Prefecture, and Claquesous had been such

    6. However that may be, Claquesous had gone astray and was not found again

    7. At the apparition of Eponine, the other five, that is to say, Claquesous, Guelemer, Babet, Brujon, and Montparnasse had noiselessly drawn near, without precipitation, without uttering a word, with the sinister slowness peculiar to these men of the night

    8. We will add, that if we are to believe a tradition of the police, which is strange but probably well founded, Le Cabuc was Claquesous

    9. The fact is, that dating from the death of Le Cabuc, there was no longer any question of Claquesous

    10. Claquesous had nowhere left any trace of his disappearance; he would seem to have amalgamated himself with the invisible

    11. Madame Thenardier being dead, Boulatruelle being eliminated from the case, Claquesous having disappeared, the principal persons accused having escaped from prison, the trial connected with the ambush in the Gorbeau house had come to nothing

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