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    co-dependent Beispielsätze


    1. For the co-dependent, there is seen an inability to know what is "normal"

    2. We were definitely in a co-dependent relationship

    3. Adults Molested as Children, or Co-Dependents

    4. 1a What is a co-dependent or co- dependency? A co-dependent has developed patterns in their lives, probably from living in a dysfuntional household while growing up

    5. If two or more of the above rules apply to you then you have probably worked hard to become a co-dependent

    6. Because minor children are not co-dependents, they have no choice who their family is, if trapped in a troubled environment

    7. When one leaves home, he then chooses to become a co-dependent, or chooses to walk away from that lifestyle, either way he then becomes a volunteer

    8. Understanding this set of rules that one has to follow in order to become dysfunctional, and I say this with tongue-in-cheek, we can see that only adults, or I might say adult children, can truly become co-dependent, therefore dysfunctional

    9. We are all connected and co-dependent

    10. One Player's holograms are not co-dependent on any other Player's holograms

    11. happens in one Player's hologram is not co-dependent on what happens in any other

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