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    cockroach Beispielsätze


    1. A cockroach is capable of traveling many miles in one day

    2. A cockroach can live without food for three months and without water for over thirty days

    3. Citronella is an incredible tool in cockroach control

    4. Acid is best used as a mixture that is eaten by the cockroaches (see Cockroach Inns)

    5. Throw away any food stuff with cockroach cases

    6. The type of house we live in determines conditions that can lead to cockroach

    7. cockroach, but boyfriend? One loves with all his heart to be called

    8. They were only words, and Tragus no more than a cockroach

    9. “Shut her the fuck up,” Mike shouted above the piercing noise to a wiry man at his side with a cockroach tattooed onto his cheek

    10. Yet, on this normal day, in a normal garage, a freak with a cockroach on his cheek traced the contours of her face with a switchblade knife then jammed it against her throat while the ugliest man she had ever smelled ground her insides to hamburger

    11. Or, was she remembering what Gene Frazer said about her fights with her son? She wasn’t sure but, in a confusing whirl of knife blades, ceiling beams, fat cheeks waggling with laughter, squinty-eyed grimaces while his cock befouled her, taut shoulder muscles, angry shrieking, a dagger penetrating the soft flesh below her chin as she contorted her neck to escape it, blood trickling along her neck, the color red, a wash of green, a snickering cockroach crawling over her, red again, the ceiling, black, all black, it ended

    12. A cockroach raced along the wall matching her speed

    13. Then this other one… a skinny little asshole, with a cockroach tattoo…” a tear traced a hot trail across her cheek, it fell to the tablecloth, “sliced her face apart with a stiletto

    14. It was him! The wormy little monster with the cockroach tattoo! A stiletto with a twisting blade glimmered in his hand

    15. She saw the knife, but her eyes were riveted to the cockroach tattoo

    16. “Shut the fuck up!” It was Mike the rapist and, at his side, the same cockroach tattooed slime that had slapped and leered at her

    17. With both Cockroach and Mike occupied appraising the man, she leaned towards Truman to the limit of her daring

    18. Cockroach, Truman and she slid in a tumble towards the stern

    19. Mike stood transfixed over the body of the policeman, watching it quiver in post-mortem convulsions while the cockroach tattooed murderer leaned over the rail, washing blood from his hands and knife

    20. A cockroach on his cheek, why?”

    21. “Something’s in my eye” I stated, scraping a cockroach off my foot frantically with the heel of my other shoe

    22. A cockroach can live for 10 days without a head

    23. cockroach would crawl, sometimes while you were still on it

    24. Seff reached onto the crudely cut windowsill and grabbed a brown crawling insect that may have been a cockroach

    25. A cockroach scuttled out with it but the rest of the biscuits looked clean enough so we shared them, returned to the relatively clean air on the verandah, thanked our hosts, avoided a handshake, promised to give the phone-boys a buzz, and followed vague waves in the direction of a distant gate

    26. There was no chance that even a cockroach could enter the facility without being detected and setting off an alarm

    27. or a butterfly, or a cockroach, that

    28. The men came in one of their many variety of machinery, and this one in particular could not be described any other way other than a giant black cockroach with six long legs like a spider, and a white head with six red eyes and sharp mouthparts

    29. The old bookseller, knowing about Aureliano’s love for books that had been read only by the Venerable Bede, urged him with a certain fatherly malice to get into the discussion, and without even taking a breath, he explained that the cockroach, the oldest winged insect on the face of the earth, had already been the victim of slippers in the Old Testa-ment, but that since the species was definitely resistant to any and all methods of extermination, from tomato dices with borax to flour and sugar, and with its one thousand six hundred three varieties had resisted the most ancient, tenacious, and pitiless persecution that mankind had unleashed against any living thing since the beginnings, including man himself, to such an ex-tent that just as an instinct for reproduction was at-tributed to humankind, so there must have been another one more definite and pressing, which was the in-stinct to kill cockroaches, and if the latter had succeeded in escaping human ferocity it was because they had taken refuge in the shadows, where they became invul-nerable because of man’s congenital fear of the dark, but on the other hand they became susceptible to the glow of noon, so that by the Middle Ages already, and in present times, and per omnia secula seculorum, the only effective method for killing cockroaches was the glare of the sun

    30. If you wonder how such a small creature could cause so much havoc, consider the cockroach

    31. The cockroach crawls about the insides of the unit and leaves a residue from his body that turns the equipment into junk

    32. ‘’By the Devil! That Marcelus cockroach, here! And with a girl from those newcomers, on top of that

    33. Phillip has not only wasted a lot of company money; he wasted something even far more important – company time, Ray thought as he turned and gave the cockroach a hard stare

    34. luck to be trapped in cockroach heaven

    35. STAN WAS lying in bed like a dead cockroach

    36. Who should fear whom? Should I fear the cockroach or should the cockroach fear me?

    37. Even if your fear is deep rooted to the extent that a cockroach

    38. This cockroach and I have a very loose, uneasy truce

    39. I’d never met her, but I knew at once she was the woman who now stared up at Damon Wilcox with the expression of someone who’d found a particularly disgusting species of cockroach infesting her pantry

    40. A cockroach scuttled across the kitchen counter

    41. But I couldn’t do that, because it just wasn’t me, because still some cynical part of me suspected he was nothing more than a big furry cockroach

    42. Only the odd ship coming and going, the smoke emerging from the smokestack of the electricity generating plant just outside the village and a tiny cockroach car snaking its way towards the nearby village of Kaspakas indicated that life was in full swing

    43. I am living in purgatory waiting to die and either go to hell or, perhaps, be reincarnated as a fly or a cockroach

    44. She would be holed up in her room pouring over her anatomy and histology textbooks or else dissecting a giant cockroach, a rat or a weasel supplied by the enterprising doorkeeper of their building for a very reasonable fee

    45. "So where are you actually from, though?" she asked me, Nikki the cockroach

    46. It was a cockroach infested studio apartment in the low rent area of the

    47. Annette chimed in, “Cockrell and Rhodes, better known as Cock and Roach, or Cockroach for short

    48. Get out of there you cockroach

    49. In a difficult business, no sooner is one problem solved than another surfaces-never is there just one cockroach in the kitchen

    50. Blayney was a cockroach, but frankly, he and I both had the same questions

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    cockroach roach