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    coexistence Beispielsätze


    1. Nevertheless, common interests should be brought together whenever possible, for such endeavors provide the necessary ingredients for peaceful coexistence

    2. Would Wallace be reelected? That is very difficult to predict and depends on how successful coexistence with the Soviets was, as well as the success of civil rights and government healthcare

    3. Generation of Income for Totality of the People, Organizations and Countries The basic idea of the presentation of this Project appeared of the need of putting end to the practice of the coexistence with social problems that turn the human being in eternal dependent of aid of the State, of the nonprofit organizations and of the social investors

    4. the man to the cosmos and the coexistence with

    5. coexistence was the only pathway to heaven

    6. ‘The passenger, if he could never leave the train nor alter its pace, would probably consider the passing landscapes as necessarily successive and would be unable to conceive their coexistence

    7. Our group intended to sway the maverick humanoids and their chaotic cohorts to accept the proposal of a peaceful coexistence one way or another

    8. We believe that many of these apparent miracles of healing, as they occurred in the course of Jesus' earth ministry, were the result of the coexistence of the following three powerful, potent, and associated influences:

    9. He works at a private institute in California, and is deeply involved in debates about the mysterious ancient people known as the Olmec, questions that challenge the conventional evolutionists’ assumptions about the coexistence of non-homeo sapiens with other hominids and dinosaurs in prehistoric times (that simultaneously challenge the pace of geological activity over the ages along with freezing and flooding, migration and population, and many other subjects), and alternative ideas about the construction of ancient monuments and ancient scientific knowledge

    10. While JFK was trying to work for peaceful coexistence, the CIA was acting like the dirty tricks faction of fascist thinkers and counteracting presidential control of foreign policy

    11. But, in spite of the creed of intolerance and the streak of aggressiveness that their faith unmistakably inculcates amongst them, there is this hurt in the Musalmans that the rest of the world considers Islam as anathema to the peaceful coexistence of mankind!

    12. Whatever it may be, the undercurrents of the centuries-old coexistence of the Hindus and the Musalmans in India are their bi-polar interests that even Akbar’s Din-i-Illahi failed to reconcile

    13. Wish in the coming years, India would be blessed with an Anwar Sadat to dare defy the bigotry of the Mullahs, and/or a Kemal Ataturk to cross swords with the Islamic fundamentalists to make a lasting difference to the Hindu - Muslim coexistence

    14. Also , this verse indicates to the animals regarding their gathering and their coexistence with each other in spite of their different families, and to people concerning all of their social relations such as the mother with her children, the wife with her husband and the craftsmen in their need to each other

    15. This verse also indicates the animals, regarding their gathering and their coexistence with one other in every species of their different species; and indicates people and all of their social relations, such as the mother with her children, the wife with her husband and the craftspeople in their need for one another

    16. When a nation disbelieves and disobeys Al'lah's order, it will be certainly destroyed where neither peace conferences, nor meeting held for disarmament, and not even ideas of peaceful coexistence or balance of powers, or anything else in the world can divert the expected scourge from people if its time has come unless by only one condition, which is to give up this luxury, and to change this course of disbelieving and going astray into that of believing, then to return to Al'lah's religion and follow its precepts by word and deed, besides to receive the Book and put it to practice earnestly

    17. Knowledge is the key to understanding, which in turn is key to a peaceful coexistence

    18. Shamir opined, “Perhaps they would wander to the concept of peaceful coexistence

    19. This degree of the most profound Understanding of the main Cosmic Principles of Coexistence of all living creatures, regardless of their “place of habitation” in the Cosmos, cannot be even approximately compared with those states of highly-spiritual awareness, which are “now” for very short periods accessible only to very few of you

    20. (That proposal for peaceful coexistence later gave him the Nobel

    21. In any case, it was a harmonious coexistence between the two girls and I had the opportunity to get to know Minouche better and to appreciate her many qualities

    22. The beggar, sitting cross-legged on the pavement, leaning on the wall of a luxury hotel or an exclusive restaurant was symbolic of this coexistence of opulence and abject poverty but gave hardly an idea of the scale or of the extremity

    23. What was the reaction of the Realm of the undead to this religious sea change in the Mideast? They pitted all the people who believed in only one god against each other! You would think that if there are sects of religious orders which all had the common belief in a single all-powerful god, that these people would have the least reason to fight each other… After all, since they all believe in the same God… their sects just come from different prophets, espousing the same basic religious dogma of only one God, but noooo! Instead of this becoming a humane/moral/ethical/religious/spiritual force for the peaceful coexistence of all monotheists getting along with each other and becoming friends with each other; instead this created the worst, the most insane religious hatreds ever conjured up by the fiends of heaven and hell

    24. Franz Ferdinand had been a champion of peaceful coexistence with Serbia

    25. The two lived on in grim coexistence, each one out of answers

    26. A frequent event is the coexistence of candlestick reversals with traditional Western signals

    27. Griffin–Tversky (1992) propose a theory that explains the coexistence of conservatism and representativeness effects

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