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    Verwenden Sie „colon“ in einem Satz

    colon Beispielsätze


    1. Lung cancers cause the greatest number of cancer-related deaths in women, followed by breast cancer, then colon cancer

    2. If you do not use a comma or colon in your salutation, leave out the comma after the closing phrase:

    3. One study found that rats fed an extract from apple skins had a 43 percent lower risk of colon cancer

    4. Other research shows that the pectin in apples reduces the risk of colon cancer and helps maintain a healthy digestive tract

    5. Widely considered to be healthful foods, collards are rich in invaluable sources of phyto-nutrients with potent anti-cancer properties, such as di-indolyl-methane (DIM) and sulforaphane that have proven benefits against prostate, breast, cervical, colon, ovarian cancers by virtue of their cancer cell growth inhibition and cytotoxic effects on cancer cells

    6. Kale is a rich source of organosulfur compounds, which is great at fighting many cancers, especially colon cancer

    7. In other research, sulforaphane from Kale has been shown to have a more direct effect on cancer prevention, especially in colon cancer, inducing cancer cells to destroy themselves

    8. Beets have been shown to help cleanse the blood, cleanse the colon and strengthen the gall bladder and liver

    9. James Waddell was assigned duty on the store ship Release, and the ship was dispatched to Colon, Panama, in support of the U

    10. Colon is the

    11. After arriving in Colon, Waddell became acquainted with

    12. Before leaving Colon, Waddell was stricken with fever and the

    13. She assured me that as soon as I was okay with the idea, she would schedule a time to reattach what was left of my colon

    14. Another side effect of having only eight inches of colon is that, no matter what I eat, I visit the restroom more than I ever did before and some days there are never enough bathrooms around

    15. It was recommended that I take fiber each day to help with my regularity (or lack thereof) because of the colon issue and it makes a difference

    16. The man gave over his passport then dug in his pocket and, attempting discretion, passed over a five thousand Colon banknote, whereupon, from his breast pocket, the official produced a small pad of papers, copied data onto it, signed it and, tearing it free, handed it to him

    17. ments such as perforated gastric ulcers or colon cancers through major surgery, the advent of endoscopies and

    18. I told Colon that we had no need of wool, salt, soap or hides, but the Khakhan wanted to know what vino and oliva oil were

    19. During the course of the meal, Colon peppered me with questions for the Khakhan

    20. He told Colon that we were not near the Middle Kingdom; there was a whole continent and another wide sea between our present position and them

    21. Finally Colon asked if he could leave more than one person and the Khakhan agreed that he could leave three

    22. Then Colon wanted to know if the Khakhan wished to appoint an ambassador to return with him

    23. Finally Colon had the temerity to ask if the Khakhan would consider sending a present to his sovereigns

    24. Colon turned a deeper shade of red at this response and I advised him not to push his luck

    25. After dinner I sought out Juan and asked him if what Colon said about his needing gold was true

    26. Colon returned to the question of my ancestry and I told him that my grandfather had been born in the Middle Kingdom, while it was still under Mongol rule

    27. The latter caused more than a little consternation in the town, but Colon kept things under control

    28. I debarked and with my Kashik escort followed Colon through the city streets to the palace

    29. As we rode along, Colon told me that while we were on our way here from Palos, a maniac had attempted to assassinate Ferdinando (he pronounced it Fernando)

    30. The palace, a large stone building more like a fortress, was to the right of a large square, but Colon led me to a reception hall at the far end of the square

    31. As we dismounted, I told Colon that he was right about their horses being larger than ours, but I suspected it also meant they needed much more forage

    32. Colon led my escort and me to within a few feet of his sovereigns and bowed low before them

    33. I made a shallow bow of courtesy and looked them over while Colon prattled on in the local language

    34. She looked a bit haggard perhaps betraying her upset over the recent attack on her husband as Colon had suggested

    35. Finally Colon addressed me

    36. Be sure you make that very clear, Colon

    37. One of them, a man of medium height with a nose that unflatteringly dominated his face and oddly dressed in a rough brown robe tied with a rope and wearing his hair in an odd style, shaved on the top leaving a fringe of hair in a sort of circle, whispered something to Ferdinando after Colon had finished

    38. Ferdinando said something sharply to Colon and the latter bowed again and moved to one side

    39. “I already explained to Colon that the Khakhan is not the successor of Kubilai, and he has no interest in any religion

    40. At the table, besides Fernando and Isabella, were many of the same people who stood behind them in reception hall as well as Colon

    41. I noticed he pronounced it “Espanya” just like Colon, rather than the way Luis pronounced it

    42. By the end of these meetings, Fernando had decided on a large number of presents for the Khakhan and decided to send them with Colon as his representative, until a proper ambassador was ready

    43. I immediately sat down with Colon to give him a short course in essential Mongol while he gave me a rudimentary course in Casteyano

    44. Once Colon had gone, Cisneros took over my instruction in Castellano (it seems it is spelled this way, even though it is pronounced Casteyano)

    45. He had heard from Juan de la Cosa who had been on the ship with Colon

    46. He was a great supporter of Colon and appreciated my helping him

    47. He had received a note from Colon

    48. The Khakhan wrote that he was still in Aiti, but was planning to return to Khanbalikh soon and take Colon with him

    49. I wondered what Colon would think of the long trip when they went

    50. He told me that Colon was now in Khanbalikh and had written that the Khakhan lived in a magnificent tent, not a palace

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