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    comet Beispielsätze


    1. The soul that had lived half a century on a verandah on a beach, inside Yingolian crystal in a comet that was a starhip

    2. Jake flew like a comet towards the hatching grounds, flaming all the way

    3. There's a four mile comet headed straight for New Jerusalem

    4. At the time, he wanted very much to believe the scientists who said the ‘ghost ship’ was nothing more than some outgassing comet fragments

    5. Ken McCoist and Jock Cascarino, late of Barnstaple parish, formerly and briefly infamous for being run out of Glasgow city's nether regions by the Licensee, gaze out dumbly at a world fundamentally changed, and like dinosaurs grazing in the shadow of the comet, like the Romanov family in a cold country house parlour, they have no understanding of the revolution

    6. It was a single comet streaking across the sky, fading as quickly as it

    7. For two days he traveled the cosmic infinite, encompassing his spirit in a protective ball of Life-Light, speeding through time and space like a comet

    8. Getting hit by that comet was pretty bad luck

    9. Didn’t you say that the Elysian got hit by a comet that our sensors have failed to pick up?”

    10. “Yes, the computer was still tracking the comet when we came around

    11. It would be too much of a coincidence for something to explode in the rear of the ship at about the same time a comet passed close by

    12. The face of the asteroid began to resemble a comet head, shrouded in a cloud of dust and

    13. I had to explain that if you took a half of a tenth of one percent of velocity off of that comet, there’s no way it could hit the Earth

    14. I tried to explain how a simple bomb-blast behind the comet, up nice and close, in the cone of shadow where the sun’s light pressure was shielded by the body of the comet itself, would inevitably guarantee that the comet would pass behind and outside the orbit of the Earth harmlessly, but I don’t think he was actually capable of understanding that part

    15. The Mass extinction was caused by a comet striking The Yucatan peninsula of what we call Mexico

    16. Some say the effects of the Comet earth cover was added to by considerable volcanic activities on what we call the Indian Plate

    17. 12,900 Comet exploded over North America

    18. asteroid and a comet?

    19. It looks like a very fast moving comet,” Oscar Strongwater says

    20. The black comet fades far behind

    21. The object that chased behind the EISs was a dark comet moving at the speed of light

    22. Mars so when that comet or meteor does

    23. when that comet or meteor does hit, they can

    24. Comet impacts deposited water on the Moon

    25. I kissed him on the comet on his head

    26. observe that whenever a comet comes close to the sun, the comets

    27. Rosa's face is calm, but her brain is soaring through outer space, racing to catch hold of Haley's Comet, and says, "Well, that's true

    28. A miniature comet shot toward the Apis Bul

    29. "What is the Comet Bowl?" asked Peter

    30. Jamyra went on to tell Peter that the Comet Bowl was only for the experienced comet riders

    31. Besides, she was the captain of the comet team

    32. The thunder cloud was a big burst of sparkling dust that grew into a huge comet ball and burst every now and then, causing a new thunder cloud to form

    33. Clara grabbed Peter by the hand and they ran into the comet ride, leaving the visitors behind stirring

    34. Their long-awaited night was pronounced by the light of a comet in the sky where the mountains met the sea

    35. Jai smiled, locked her mischievous eyes with his own, then laid back with his hands behind his head, staring at the sparkles and pops of light that danced in the wake of the pink comet cutting its trail across the sky

    36. Instead of directing its wrath at the armies that attacked from the east, Ghazahg looked back west, not into the sky at the comet, but into the sea

    37. “For a second I was sure it wanted to eat the comet,” said Jai

    38. The wyrm passed directly under the sun and the sea was cast in shadow, a darkness broken only by the blush of the comet and the unhealthy glow of the green blood that gushed down in sheets from the holes in the serpent’s hide

    39. Astray stared at the comet, trailing slightly behind them in the sky, and let out a heartbreaking roar

    40. “By the Holy Sight of Silver, the comet, she prevails! She prevails! And blow my bubbles—two kids in a boat, sitting in the fishbath like they’ve been there all along

    41. This sounded all too familiar to Jai and Ceder—Sorid had done much the same in his compulsion to locate the comet that would betoken the return of Syn

    42. “He must have been in his tower all last night watching the sky, looking for the comet,” said Jai, looking up at the selfsame sight

    43. Astray sat between the children giving the occasional growl of encouragement whenever it seemed that the comet above was getting too far ahead of the boat

    44. The stone wall defined the edge of the forest—they could not see the sky to the west over the top of the stones; the comet, more gloriously colored than ever in the fading twilight, passed over the wall out of view

    45. Above, Syn stared at the open sea and the green lands beyond as if deciding which one to eat first, then it lifted its soulless, white-hot eyes to the sky, perhaps wondering whether it could reach up and eat the moon, when it saw the comet

    46. The Dangler saw the threat to the comet

    47. He cast no shadow on the gray stones as he sat down in the moss on the turtle’s back and stared up at the sky, waiting for the comet to fall

    48. As for the comet itself, again it was their distance that provided a degree of beauty that

    49. ―Gentlemen, I advise you to direct your eyes to the nearest comet, whichever one you can

    50. could have sworn he heard a low rumble and felt some vibrations as the comet nearest them

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