Verwenden Sie „commensurate“ in einem Satz
commensurate Beispielsätze
1. Jewelry is an appropriate gift for you to give to your girlfriend on Valentine’s Day as long as the cost and type of gift is commensurate with the stage of your current relationship
2. the country without commensurate benefits
3. He laughed, unimpressed by the title, merely hoping his salary would be commensurate
4. found positions and salaries commensurate with what they had previously held,
5. My assignment was that of a consultant without commensurate pay
6. Commensurate with the apparent low number of customers in the hotel, only two men were exercising in the gym when Nancy and Farah walked in
7. point commensurate with the average salary of Directors of Public Companies
8. It will be released to commensurate
9. ‘’So, you are telling me that an eighteen year-old captain, and a girl to boot, performed better than half a dozen older, more senior captains and majors, is that it? Should I promote that girl to the rank of major, then? It would be commensurate with her present command position as a squadron leader
10. The cost for such services was always high – commensurate with the degree of danger, and the
11. ratios are hovering around the industry standard, risk and return will be commensurate
12. Police officials beat the drug war drum, and social workers and rehab clinics work to convince the public of the powerful power of the evil, magical power of drugs; while of course holding their hands out for more money so that they may be paid a salary commensurate with the mighty battles they wage against cannibis leaves and poppy seeds
13. We had to establish that the paper trail was commensurate with the Building List,
14. years and be realistic about striving for levels of fitness that are commensurate with your age
15. The narcissist seeks to be admired for his ability to integrate and ingratiate himself without investing the efforts commensurate with such an undertaking
16. Well, the vaisyas, who always felt aggrieved at being deprived of their rightful exaltation, commensurate with their wealth, in the Aryan polity were ever prone to look for the greener social pastures; first in the Buddhism and thereafter under the Islamic banner
17. of superior merit is, on the other hand, improper and injurious if it is attempted without cultivating the ability that is commensurate with it
18. up commensurate signals which may not actually be there but their accentuated and conditioned
19. should be respectable, decent, lovable and commensurate to the status humans enjoy in the
20. Cost is usually but not always commensurate with the size and quality of the blog"s
21. With the onset of puberty that is commensurate with level 3 awareness the powerful drive for procreation comes into play
22. If there is an opportunity to increase wealth at the cost of damage to the environment level 4 awareness may favor pursuing the status perceived to be commensurate with an increase in wealth
23. It struck him, as he gazed at the admirable structures and the wonderful precautions of their sagacious inmates, that even the brutes of these vast wilds were possessed of an instinct nearly commensurate with his own reason; and he could not reflect, without anxiety, on the unequal contest that he had so rashly courted
24. "There was evidently a severe struggle in the mind of Caderousse; it was plain that the small shagreen case, which he turned over and over in his hand, did not seem to him commensurate in value to the enormous sum which fascinated his gaze
25. in it anything of gravity contains preparation should be with importance commensurate and therefore a plan was by them adopted (whether by having preconsidered or as the maturation of experience it is difficult in being said which the discrepant opinions of subsequent inquirers are not up to the present congrued to render manifest) whereby maternity was so far from all accident possibility removed that whatever care the patient in that all hardest of woman hour chiefly required and not solely for the copiously opulent but also for her who not being sufficiently moneyed scarcely and often not even scarcely could subsist valiantly and for an inconsiderable emolument was provided
26. But, Dour Dane or not, Ulbrickson also felt the need to say something commensurate with the occasion
27. this continent, compelled into an aesthetic contemplation he neither understood nor desired, face to face for the last time in history with something commensurate to his capacity for wonder
28. These seemed to be the facts: out there somewhere was however much stolen gunpowder, ready to blow a hole commensurate with this madness
29. In fact, the fixed fractional approach would have a lower Sharpe ratio for a commensurate return
30. If challenges increase without a commensurate increase in skills and abilities (moving along the vertical axis of the chart), the performers’ stress increases as they realize that they are facing a task for which they are ill-suited, and that, at some point, they will be unable to accomplish it
31. He was still overtrading commensurate with his P&L and skill level
32. The security buyer who can afford to take some risk should seek a commensurate opportunity of enhancement in price and pay only secondary attention to the income obtained
33. The creation of an earning power commensurate with the company’s assets
34. They have promoted good habits of savings and investment; they have protected countless individuals against costly mistakes in the stock market; they have brought their participants income and profits commensurate with the overall returns from common stocks
35. The results to be expected are in no wise exceptional, but they are commensurate with those of the average well-informed and cautious investor
36. The company's intrinsic business value, however, was considerably less because the textile assets were unable to earn returns commensurate with their accounting value
37. Later, while working at the family office of William Rosenwald, son of a founder of Sears Roebuck, he developed a risk aversion commensurate with the responsibility of managing another family’s legacy
38. Once this is done, the clearinghouse can require a margin deposit commensurate with the perceived risk of the position
39. And whatever the risk, it should never be greater than what is commensurate with the potential reward
40. In order to obtain a theoretical edge commensurate with Spreads 1 and 2, it was necessary to increase the size of the butterfly to 100 × 200 × 100
41. The cost of the insurance is commensurate with the amount of protection afforded by the option
42. commensurate with the movement observed
43. commensurate with the whole movement of the peoples
44. If the company was breaking into a new market, maybe you wrote that you need to see a certain sales level by a certain date or you would consider selling because the payoff would not be commensurate with the expense
45. "Christ, the Son of God, became man in two natures, which internally and inseparably united make One Person, and, according to the eternal purpose of God, has obtained for man reconciliation with God and eternal life, inasmuch as he, by his vicarious death has made satisfaction to God for the world's sins; and this satisfaction was PERFECTLY COMMENSURATE WITH THE SINS OF THE WORLD
46. The only conception that can explain the movement of the locomotive is that of a force commensurate with the movement observed
47. The only conception that can explain the movement of the peoples is that of some force commensurate with the whole movement of the peoples
48. After that year, should our foreign relations be undisturbed, the revenue will again be more than commensurate to all the expenditures
49. It is said that since France in 1762 ceded to Spain only Louisiana west of the Mississippi, and the island of New Orleans, the retrocession comprehended no more—that the retrocession ex vi termini was commensurate with and limited by the direct cession from France to Spain
50. I will venture to say, that our hatred of the British Government is not commensurate with her depredations and her outrages on our rights, or we should have waged a deadly war against her many years past