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    1. He had been with Venna however and Jorma called them comparable, so that worried her a bit

    2. He had seen worse cases where traders had very specific orders to fulfill and would come back for more, either from a surviving victim, which was rare, or from their genetically comparable family, much more common, if they still needed more parts

    3. comparable to him" (Gen

    4. a distance that was comparable to the home run at school

    5. (Proverbs 20:27 KJV) If you were to receive a dream from your own spirit it would be comparable to what psychologists call a dream from the subconscious

    6. Most of the students present were young, children of comparable age to Emily and Tetloan, but far inferior to the pair in their ability to control the Singularity

    7. comparable with that of soviet communism, in which

    8. The elasticity of time is comparable to the plasticity of reality

    9. I pull in record crowds and viewing figures, only comparable to your delightful bloodbaths

    10. As a painkiller and an anti-inflammatory it has proven to be comparable to cortisone and phenybutazone

    11. In reality, a SAP COIN platoon is not in the least comparable with an Army (conscript) one

    12. These inalienable rights offer expression to multi-lateral decisions conforming to the right of every citizen to make comparable decisions

    13. An individual who behaves or reacts in a manner consistent with his or her nature should not be equally commended with another individual who behaves in a similar manner under comparable conditions otherwise contrary to that individual‘s (own) nature (I am speaking here of heroic deeds)

    14. The sheer scale of the conflict in the Eastern Front was so far beyond anything we experienced that it is not comparable in any way shape or form

    15. Where has it been written that a Great Nation must commend itself to the parochial interests or jealousies of ancient traditions that have lost their comparable standing or concede its leadership position among the Community of Nations, rather than conforming to its (own) enlightened self-interests? Such designs must inevitably tarnish that nation‘s highest historical achievements that it should (otherwise) enjoy and (rightly) pass along to posterity

    16. The effects of such a weapon are in some ways comparable to the Chernobyl disaster though in general the experts are dismissive of its effectiveness which they say is not deadly

    17. standardized working environments? When measured in constant dollars, is he or she properly convinced that the average worker employed in comparable positions is relatively worse off today? It seems that the (fictitious) contempt for Wal-Mart and to a lesser extent, their competitors who are being given a free pass for not performing quite as well, perhaps, has less to do with the negative impact on traditional (small) businesses and changing landscapes than their (Democrats‘) obligatory pandering to their union base whose conflicting interests, properly understood, need not be elaborated here

    18. It is doubtful there are more than fifty other individuals in all of human history who saved a comparable number of lives as Carter

    19. Probably no other non-scientist or non-doctor has a comparable record

    20. He looked at Adele’s body with a degree of disdain that could only be comparable to that shown towards a pile of dog poo, and said with a gloating roar:

    21. Then the most amazing thing he had seen, only comparable with the fireball from before, unraveled before his eyes with astonishing speed and breathtaking complexity

    22. revival of Vedic religion is comparable to that of

    23. Street talk though was comparable to that shit you read in The Daily Globe newspapers about some woman in West Bumblefuck, Virginia finding Bigfoot sleeping in her basement; you couldn’t believe any of it

    24. As I stated elsewhere, I have known several and too many of them would score low on a comparable Common Sense test

    25. The best evidence is that its brain size was comparable to Humans, but its body was not built for speed

    26. 2 The precious sons of Zion, comparable to fine gold, how are they esteemed as earthen pitchers, the work of the hands of the

    27. comparable to the Cetra

    28. Nigel leases the property to a private drug and alcohol rehab group that is comparable to the Betty Ford Clinic in the US

    29. 10 Forsake not an old friend; for the new is not comparable to him, a new friend is as new wine; when it is old, you shall drink it with

    30. Whether or not the Republicans score a win in 2010 comparable to that of 1994, the Tea Parties will remain a strong antidote for any Republican who might be catching Washington fever

    31. words and have longer periods of latency than comparable subjects in the normal waking state,

    32. Roger thought that after Acapulco he was not going to find anything comparable

    33. comparable in appearance to the more expensive seats, but also had some

    34. rearing earns 98 percent of what a man earns in a comparable posi-

    35. My title was essentially equal to hers, and I am guessing that my pay was comparable

    36. want to have a good idea of the true value or comparable

    37. comparable sales in the chosen neighborhood where you will be

    38. Suffice it here to call attention to its ultimate failure, comparable to all other attempts to install Socialism as the system of an “ideal” society

    39. the root chakra in three and a half turns (comparable to

    40. There was no comparable Krupp Foundation in Germany to match it

    41. comparable to Earth's outer shell (called the mantle) is only 500 to

    42. The most beautiful place of the distant Arabian lands, where the gold sandy dusts of the very desert are comparable only with the beauty of the young women from the vizier harem and the evening sunsets of Anuac's dunes

    43. The situation was extremely delicate; the expressions of the concourse, as I have already indicated, were fierce only comparable with the canine aggressions of a bulldog to who someone were snatching its food

    44. The indelible mitigation sensation that flooded me the moment in which I supported the valuable book between my hands, was only comparable to that of the reprobate, which is condoned of the death penalty in the last moment

    45. Comparable, Maybe? But, never the same

    46. Grand theft or comparable violations, such as grand larceny, are classified as felonies in all states

    47. The dog may have a will derived from nature and augmented by training, but such a power of mind is not a spiritual force, neither is it comparable to the human will, inasmuch as it is not reflective -- it is not the result of discriminating higher and moral meanings or choosing spiritual and eternal values

    48. 6 As Jesus arose with his friends to leave, he turned to Simon and said: "I know your heart, Simon, how you are torn betwixt faith and doubts, how you are distraught by fear and troubled by pride; but I pray for you that you may yield to the light and may experience in your station in life just such mighty transformations of mind and spirit as may be comparable to the tremendous changes which the gospel of the kingdom has already wrought in the heart of your unbidden and unwelcome guest

    49. Remember it is written: `Forsake not an old friend, for the new is not comparable to him

    50. series, “and more directly this novel, is comparable with, and at times, surpasses the ‘Vampire Chronicles’ by Anne Rice

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    comparable corresponding like equivalent homogeneous alike allied associated