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    compensated Beispielsätze


    1. but, I am happy to say, this was more than compensated

    2. ~ Studies have also shown that the nutrients missed by skipping breakfast cannot be compensated for in other meals, as the body is unable to process the vital nutrients optimally if consumed all at once

    3. It sort of compensated for the lack of intellectual stimulus of the café … but the only men I met through that were either married or middle aged optimistic nerds

    4. They stopped in at the tailor's, he compensated Mr

    5. His wife was with their second child and he made sure that Melvin's time at the livery was well compensated

    6. His new position, he had been informed, was to be compensated by a salary over which he simply gaped when told

    7. ” He had not yet planned a heist, but knew that he would be well compensated for returning the 777 to service

    8. fore, that the increase of its price is more than compensated by the diminution of its quantity

    9. the whole gain compensated the whole loss; because the undertaker could make nothing by it

    10. As an acre of land, therefore, will produce a much smaller quantity of the one species of food than of the other, the inferiority of the quantity must be compensated by the superiority of the price

    11. If it was more than compensated, more corn-land would be turned into pasture ; and if it was not compensated, part of what was in pasture would be brought back into corn

    12. compensated for it by being generously proportioned in

    13. But the increase of the value of silver had, it seems, so far compensated the diminution of the quantity of it contained in the same nominal sum, that the legislature did not think it worth while to attend to this circumstance

    14. The value of the greater part of the lands in the southern counties of Scotland, which are chiefly a sheep country, would have been very deeply affected by this event, had not the rise in the price of butcher's meat fully compensated the fall in the price of wool

    15. If, in the progress of improvement, therefore, the real price of one species of food necessarily rises, that of another as necessarily falls ; and it becomes a matter of more nicety to judge how far the rise in the one may be compensated by the fall in the other

    16. If the prodigality of some were not compensated by the frugality of others, the conduct of every prodigal, by feeding the idle with the bread of the industrious, would tend not only to beggar himself, but to impoverish his country

    17. It can seldom happen, indeed, that the circumstances of a great nation can be much affected either by the prodigality or misconduct of individuals; the profusion or imprudence of some being always more than compensated by the frugality and good conduct of others

    18. And I’ve never been compensated with the gift of prophesy

    19. When the exchange between two places, such as London and Paris, is at par, it is said to be a sign that the debts due from London to Paris are compensated by those due from Paris to London

    20. On the contrary, when a premium is paid at London for a bill upon Paris, it is said to be a sign that the debts due from London to Paris are not compensated by those due from Paris to London, but that a balance in money must be sent out from the latter place; for the risk, trouble, and expense, of exporting which, the premium is both demanded and given

    21. But as corn grows equally upon high and low lands, upon grounds that are disposed to be too wet, and upon those that are disposed to be too dry, either the drought or the rain, which is hurtful to one part of the country, is favourable to another ; and though, both in the wet and in the dry season, the crop is a good deal less than in one more properly tempered ; yet, in both, what is lost in one part of the country is in some measure compensated by what is gained in the other

    22. I compensated for my lack of focus on selling by pursuing my love of knowledge

    23. In both ancient Egypt and Indostan, indeed, the confinement of the foreign market was in some measure compensated by the conveniency of many inland navigations, which opened, in the most advantageous manner, the whole extent of the home market to every part of the produce of every different district of those countries

    24. Fixed salaries were appointed to the judges, which were supposed to compensate to them the loss of whatever might have been their share of the ancient emoluments of justice; as the taxes more than compensated to the sovereign the loss of his

    25. When the breach of contract consisted in the non-payment of money, the damage sustained could be compensated in no other way than by ordering payment, which was equivalent to a specific performance of the agreement

    26. The extreme inequality and uncertainty of a tax assessed in this manner, can be compensated only by its extreme moderation; in consequence of which, every man finds himself rated so very much below his real revenue, that he gives himself little disturbance though his neighbour should be rated somewhat lower

    27. The intendant, in order to be sure of finding the sum assessed upon his generality, was empowered to assess it in a larger sum, that the failure or inability of some of the contributors might be compensated by the overcharge of the rest ; and till 1765, the fixation of this surplus assessment was left altogether to his discretion

    28. Any rise in the average price of necessaries, unless it be compensated by a proportionable rise in the wages of labour, must necessarily diminish, more or less, the ability of the poor to bring up numerous families, and, consequently, to supply the demand for useful labour; whatever may be the state of that demand, whether increasing, stationary, or declining; or such as requires an increasing, stationary, or declining population

    29. The advanced price of such manufactures as are real necessaries of life, and are destined for the consumption of the poor, of coarse woollens, for example, must be compensated to the poor by a farther advancement of their wages

    30. If you except, however, this very peculiar situation, any inequality in the contribution of individuals which can arise from such taxes, is much more than compensated by the very circumstance which occasions that inequality; the circumstance that every man's contribution is altogether voluntary ; it being altogether in his power, either to consume, or not to consume, the commodity taxed

    31. Anyone who is directly compensated to write about a product by an

    32. The weight disparity had been compensated for and to be found, the correct container from among hundreds of thousands of others would have to be selected for inspection and its entire cargo removed

    33. He compensated by throwing himself into the work piled high on his desk

    34. What should this attitude be? Should I be impatient with the troubles that I see in the world, or should I patiently let everything unfold in its own time? Can I improve myself or the world with prayer, or is every apparent good compensated for by a lessening of good somewhere else? How can I know what is best?

    35. However - any limitations in language can always be compensated

    36. The escapement was mounted on gimbals to maintain a level position and the pendulum automatically compensated for changes in temperature

    37. He is smart, so he compensated for the restriction of the codependency as much as he could, but it was a constant battle that convinced him that something was seriously wrong in his brain

    38. When the unfortunate Chabi was sent there, all were removed back to Higuey and well compensated for their discomfiture, but warned of dire consequences should they ever return

    39. Some melting at the North Pole was more than compensated for by additions to the South polar icecap

    40. My adult strength was compensated by the kid’s agility

    41. not being properly compensated for what you do a conversation may

    42. add value and that you are not being properly compensated for what you do a

    43. “But every thinking being needs to earn some resources at times, and I’m being more than fairly compensated, I assure you!”

    44. Where he fights, I fight, for as long as our love lasts, which I hope will be forever! Though I do admit that I feel better about agreeing now that you have compensated me fairly for my service

    45. Your efforts were bold, basic, and without subtlety, but that is more than compensated for by the magnitude of your powers, the effectiveness of your weapons, and the perfection of your Link

    46. My sight, smell, taste, and voice pitch also need to be compensated for, and without a compensating spell, my lungs would be far too tiny to supply sufficient breath to my body, since my air requirements remain undiminished

    47. It compensated by charging

    48. resources so that primary care can be adequately compensated

    49. Global symmetry demands that where there is a local violation of symmetry in one universe, this is compensated in some other mirror universe

    50. than the pain of my first two labours, because this time the pain wouldn’t be compensated by

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    Synonyme für "compensated"

    compensated remunerated salaried stipendiary