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    condensing Beispielsätze


    1. There's some parts they can't fabricate yet, they're condensing metals from the plasma stream but it's slow

    2. Cold wind chills the atmosphere, condensing

    3. How the CO2 was released in areas where housing growth was to be speeded up, how the condensing and drawing off of byproducts at their temperatures was used to keep the draft going

    4. How much was gained from condensing the water out of the smoke at the highest possible levels in the chimneys

    5. "Oh, right," I answered, my breath punctuated by bursts of grey mist condensing on the cold winter air

    6. and condensing the energy of the whole universe within itself

    7. condensing into a figure which is the counterpart of the expiring person,

    8. It created a shimmering halo in the condensing fog

    9. Condensing the job names to the core 11 allowed them to be seen more clearly by incumbents and others

    10. The water-dust flew and trickled, condensing on our faces

    11. Inside were more Bibles, with white frost on the edges from moisture in the air condensing on the material, then turning to ice

    12. Drops of liquid were already condensing and collecting in the still’s smaller pot, set off the fire

    13. and condensing it into the universes that occupy and make up space

    14. This feature is self contained on the condensing unit

    15. The condensing liquid returns back to a tank under the vessel 4

    16. What does matter is that we cultivate the myth of Cosmo-Art by condensing all the energy we have in it, even though we are not yet fully aware of exactly what it is that we are dealing with

    17. But with the expansion of space and time in an outward motion, super massive black holes began to form, absorbing this life force and condensing it into the universes that occupy and make up space and time itself

    18. increase the space surrounding the moving aircraft condenses and this condensing forms the

    19. Π By going into space reduction as the fuselage occupies more space through extensive movement increase the space surrounding the moving aircraft condenses and this condensing forms the concentrated vapour

    20. Condensing, the wind started encircling him

    21. Condensing so much raw energy into a Wall of Power, was it possible? Could the

    22. But what we do know, is that, amidst the seeming chaos, the Spirit of Order ruled; and, through incalculable ages, that Spirit moved upon the surface and through the mass, condensing, combining, solidifying, separating land and water and air; till at length the natural forces, acting out the volitions of orderly Eternal Thought, created an earth on which organic life was possible; and the long battle of fire and water, the strife and attraction of contending elements, ended in a habitable world

    23. By focusing on the major areas of the exam and condensing your notes you can earn a lot of points for a short amount of studying

    24. They make ocean water less open to evaporation and prevent winds from carrying off excessive amounts of steam, which, when condensing, would submerge the temperate zones

    25. He switches off the dying flashlight and mashes the headset against his good ear and shuts his eyes against the darkness and turns on the repaired transceiver and runs the needle up and down the tuning coil, condensing all his senses into one

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    Synonyme für "condensing"

    condensation condensing