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    1. Our morning visit to the Diros Caves proved to be very interesting: It consisted of a 30-minute boat ride and a 15-minute walk to the exit

    2. The remainder of the evening consisted of going over to Jaseem's and installing the HouseWife9

    3. A Gujarati feast consisted of every

    4. It consisted of one part crumble, one part rhubarb and five thousand

    5. Their lives consisted of a daily battle with the

    6. The evening meal consisted of bread and cheese and a warm oatmeal-like dish

    7. The bridge consisted of three

    8. His meal consisted

    9. belongings consisted of some clothes, my ball glove, and of course, several boxes

    10. – consisted of gruel the colour and consistency of mud

    11. I had my 5 foot circle that consisted of two separate pieces of the plywood, part of the 4 x 8 and part of the 2 X 8

    12. The sound they were making consisted mainly of waves much like the equipment was stuck in a long slow loop

    13. The bluebook consisted of who knows 20-30 pages of written answers to essay questions

    14. when you arrive! If I said that it consisted of half a dozen

    15. Supper consisted of stew and potatoes

    16. It consisted in such treasure as was found concealed in the earth, and to which no particular person could prove any right

    17. consisted of a line of kajal and a touch of gloss on her lips

    18. All taxes having been usually paid in paper money, the prince would not have wherewithal either to pay his troops, or to furnish his magazines; and the state of the country would be much more irretrievable than if the greater part of its circulation had consisted in gold and silver

    19. The paper currencies of North America consisted, not in bank notes payable to the bearer on demand, but in a government paper, of which the payment was not exigible till several years after it was issued ; and though the colony governments paid no interest to the holders of this paper, they declared it to be, and in fact rendered it, a legal tender of payment for the full value for which it was issued

    20. It consisted commonly in a few wretched cattle, maintained altogether by the spontaneous produce of uncultivated land, and which might, therefore, be considered as a part of that spontaneous produce

    21. consisted of my peers, had increased to a bursting point and there

    22. Hers consisted of finding poking and mocking everything the priest said

    23. consisted of Father, Mother, and Denny Day

    24. They consisted, indeed, of a very different order of people from the first inhabitants of the ancient republics of Greece and Italy

    25. Their advice consisted of two different proposals

    26. His dessert most often consisted of big servings of cherry pie or chocolate cake, those being favorites of mine too, I’ll have you know

    27. Wealth, therefore, according to them, consisted in cattle, as, according to the Spaniards, it consisted in gold and silver

    28. The two principles being established, however, that wealth consisted in gold and silver, and that those metals could be brought into a country which had no mines, only by the balance of trade, or by exporting to a greater value than it imported ; it necessarily became the great object of political economy to diminish as much as possible the importation of foreign goods for home consumption, and to increase as much as possible the exportation of the produce of domestic industry

    29. In this consisted a great part of the policy of Mr Colbert, who, notwithstanding his great abilities, seems in this case to have been imposed upon by the sophistry of merchants and manufacturers, who are always demanding a monopoly against their countrymen

    30. It consisted of thin, soft leather pieces held together by leather straps

    31. If their trade should be of such a nature, that one of them exported to the other nothing but native commodities, while the returns of that other consisted altogether in foreign goods; the balance, in this case, would still be supposed even, commodities being paid for with commodities

    32. By such maxims as these, however, nations have been taught that their interest consisted in beggaring all their neighbours

    33. It consisted of a lounge at one end separated from the bedroom with a solid wooden partition

    34. The loss of the Portugal trade would, no doubt, have occasioned a considerable embarrassment to the merchants at that time engaged in it, who might not, perhaps, have found out, for a year or two, any other equally advantageous method of employing their capitals; and in this would probably have consisted all the inconveniency which England could have suffered from this notable piece of commercial policy

    35. The only valuable part of them consisted in some little fillets, bracelets, and other ornaments of gold, and in some bales of cotton

    36. It consisted of a luxurious leather material

    37. universes, they - the royal family - consisted

    38. This land tax, or land rent, like the tithe in Europe, consisted in a certain proportion, a fifth, it is said, of the produce of the land, which was either delivered in kind, or paid in money, according to a certain valuation, and which, therefore, varied from year to year, according to all the variations of the produce

    39. In this very simple institution consisted the whole expense which any Grecian state seems ever to have been at, in preparing its citizens for war

    40. In courts which consisted of a considerable number of judges, by proportioning the share of each judge to the number of hours and days which he had employed in examining the process, either in the court, or in a committee, by order of the court, those fees might give some encouragement to the diligence of each particular judge

    41. When the breach of contract consisted in the non-payment of money, the damage sustained could be compensated in no other way than by ordering payment, which was equivalent to a specific performance of the agreement

    42. These consisted of Huntley and Palmer biscuits which everyone called dog biscuits because they looked just like them

    43. This news had boosted our moral no end and we were in a good mood as we sat down to eat breakfast which consisted of that old time favourite bully and biscuits but before we took a bite all hell broke loose

    44. Wherein consisted the happiness and perfection of a man, considered not only as an individual, but as the member of a family, of a state, and of the great society of mankind, was the object which the ancient moral philosophy proposed to investigate

    45. In the early ages, both of the Greek and Roman republics, the other parts of education seem to have consisted in learning to read, write, and account, according to the arithmetic of the times

    46. In the republics of ancient Greece, particularly in Athens, the ordinary courts of justice consisted of numerous, and therefore disorderly, bodies of people, who frequently decided almost at random, or as clamour, faction, and party-spirit, happened to determine

    47. At Rome, on the contrary, the principal courts of justice consisted either of a single judge, or of a small number of judges, whose characters, especially as they deliberated always in public, could not fail to be very much affected by any rash or unjust decision

    48. After it finished the whistles started and blasted out warning us and we set off on our way the first part of the assault was across open farm land which much of Cape Helles consisted of

    49. Their reward consisted altogether in what they got from their scholars ; and a citizen, who had learnt his exercises in the public gymnasia, had no sort of legal advantage over one who had learnt them privately, provided the latter had learned them equally well

    50. Not only did Panin have to focus on the words of the original Greek texts, but also on their arrangements, positions, numeric values, the syllables they contained and the letters that they consisted of

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