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    cover completely Beispielsätze

    cover completely

    1. “Ma’s a hundred times better than what she was she gets up now for a spell every day and she is more her old self though I doubt if she will ever fully recover completely

    2. She just needs to sleep a while and she should recover completely,” said Major Jerran

    3. I’d drank enough blood to start the healing process but not enough to recover completely

    4. Angie then repositioned her surviving M20s in the best positions and covers possible, in order to cover completely the road to Chindong-ni and the western flank of the town

    5. Thus, the future high speed test flights of the XF-83 were going to be truly ground-breaking and would cover completely unexplored territory

    6. He had to recover completely in order to finish off Donald and the only way to do that was to linger in that place of total tranquillity

    7. But those scientists who will adopt this view and account for it in their research, will discover completely new directions of Science

    8. When the water is boiling, add the rice, stir, and partially cover (don’t cover completely or it will spill over) and cook on medium-high heat, like pasta, for 30 minutes

    9. She had successfully repaired a man’s heart that day and she was satisfied that her patient was going to recover completely

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