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    cranked Beispielsätze


    1. She cranked it up and suddenly the house was filled with Latin music

    2. After listening to Shooter's screams for a few moments, it then decided enough was enough and cranked up its speed

    3. She cranked in rolling thrust and around and around they went

    4. Casella cranked it

    5. Frankie cranked the Caddy

    6. Rocky cranked shots of express-o

    7. He cranked up the radio almost all the way up, and

    8. card before the sensor and the gate slowly cranked open

    9. Standing beside me, she watched as I cranked at the

    10. 3” manually cranked vent valve which restored an atmosphere to the

    11. Ken carried the field phone around the corner of the pump house to a position where he could watch the expansion joint and cranked the field phone

    12. Unless attended to hourly, the scroll of paper cranked out would flood the entire hallway off the elevator to his fourth floor office

    13. Reaching over he cranked up the AC, his thoughts elsewhere

    14. Travers pulled two cans of beer from the reefer, handed one to Parker, unzipped his front zipper to his crotch, stood in front of the air conditioner, and cranked up the field phone to ask for Weather

    15. to a shelf in the bathroom he turned the radio on and cranked up

    16. Again, the old car had to be hand cranked

    17. The car stopped, its driver cranked down the window

    18. Grover was eating potato chips to his heart’s content, while Annabeth cranked up the National Geographic Channel

    19. cranked the shiny black vehicle and steered it down the drive that

    20. Zia cranked the fire on her staff to white-hot

    21. The production line was ready to be cranked up as soon as Eddie had given the all clear

    22. ―Yea, do that and I‘ll get cranked up here in a minute and we‘ll get this show on the road

    23. As soon as he had received it he cranked up the engines and took the machine to the top of the promontory and set it down gently on the grass

    24. He cranked the engine and backed out of the stall

    25. When the doorknob quickly cranked open, a timid silhouette filled the doorway and stood sulkily like a scolded child

    26. In the past, I’ve had days where my fax machine has cranked

    27. Then again, my heat wasn’t cranked up high and my air conditioner was used sparingly

    28. A young American lieutenant cranked the handle of his field telephone to contact the command post of Clark Field and spoke in the receiver

    29. I have the volume cranked up considerably

    30. A moment later she stopped, tilting her head down, and then cranked the window open for some fresh air

    31. Adam and Doyle positioned themselves next to the power points while Zeke pressed the play button on the cassette player, cranked the volume full up, pulled a pair of heat resistant welding gloves over his hands and sat in the swing seat

    32. � Grabbing his field telephone, he frantically cranked it and shouted in it as soon as his Scharfuhrer[16] answered

    33. Braun cranked up Nancy�s bed, raising her torso to a near sitting position, then presented her a glass of apple juice that she quickly drank while he held up the glass, since her hands were useless

    34. She then pressed the ‘play’ button and cranked the volume to the maximum while reporters pointed their microphones at the recorder

    35. He cranked 122

    36. Ferdy Chicken crowed out a short prayer to the Chicken in Charge, then cranked on the starter of the van

    37. Using a wheel mechanism to put tension in her body, they cranked the mechanism until her back was off the rack, with her body painfully stretched as straight as a plank

    38. As Em, Ben and the others hurried onward, Brale cranked his head sideways and looked down the corridor

    39. Blake cranked up the hate music playing on the CD player and lit up a

    40. When Tina entered the cemetery she cranked the music up

    41. cranked the stereo up feeling elated that he had finally fixed

    42. ” She cranked the dome’s cover closed

    43. I held the brake with one hand and cranked the machine to full throttle with the other

    44. I took the hand cranked light, wound the little handle, and saw how the damp sand was sticking to my skin

    45. He cranked the ignition key again and the engine

    46. What the spirits want to do is to show us how to do it all the time – consistently give our clients specific, exact information rather than vague generalities such as those which are cranked out by computers

    47. He was still quite cranked; the adrenaline had stopped being secreted, but it was still making its rounds in his system, along with the caffeine

    48. They cranked out forty-four more one-ounce ingots and thirty-two two-ounce coins by noon

    49. With the heat cranked up, and our wet clothes, it began to feel like a soothing sauna in the car

    50. When both women were seated and a few moments of small talk about the children outside had evaporated into silence, Hester cranked up her courage and took charge of the conversation

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