Verwenden Sie „creditable“ in einem Satz
creditable Beispielsätze
1. The young magician gave a creditable encore, performing most of Fearson's Hookup without mishap, although he did miss his mouth with the cigarette at the end
2. creditable a profession, in which education is so easily procured, the hopes of much more
3. When, partly by the conveniency of discounting bills, and partly by that of cash accounts, the creditable traders of any country can be dispensed from the necessity of keeping any part of their stock by them unemployed, and in ready money, for answering occasional demands, they can reasonably expect no farther assistance from hanks and bankers, who, when they have gone thus far, cannot, consistently with their own interest and safety, go farther
4. By necessaries I understand, not only the commodities which are indispensibly necessary for the support of life, but whatever the custom of the country renders it indecent for creditable people, even of the lowest order, to be without
5. But in the present times, through the greater part of Europe, a creditable day-labourer would be ashamed to appear in public without a linen shirt, the want of which would be supposed to denote that disgraceful degree of poverty, which, it is presumed, nobody can well fall into without extreme bad conduct
6. The poorest creditable person, of either sex, would be ashamed to appear in public without them
7. But, and this is a very big but, when the presidency descended upon, him, he did more than a creditable job
8. (The) news, apart from informing the Public, is a medium (oftentimes) lacking underlying or supporting proofs or creditable evidence
9. A creditable opinion is conditioned by an underlying awareness of the (essential) properties inherent in its (tested) propositions
10. They had told us all that our bosses had been given some creditable story about why we had to quickly leave our jobs
11. Such impressions, (oftentimes) guided by (opportunistic) political and social ―leaders‖ harboring a vested interest in maintaining the status quo in order to consolidate their political power base by forging racial alliances designed to sever popular accord, are unlikely to change anytime soon in the absence of alternative, more creditable viewpoints
12. Out of eighty missiles fired at the main cruiser force, 64 were either destroyed by laser fire or missed, a very creditable performance by the Terran defenders of the cruisers
13. The man was a good _parti_ for Vicki; little money, but much promise for the future, a good deal older than herself and already brilliant as an officer; and during the engagement the satisfied mother overflowed, as mothers will, with love for the creditable daughter
14. Nothing could be more blameless, more creditable, than both his conduct and his feelings; and if he did, on their walk, take Fanny's hand and draw it through his arm out of pure pity and old friendship, hadn't he dropped it at once, on getting within eye-shot of the house?
15. The professor appeared to listen with attention, and looked pleased and approving; but when the head ceased, instead of commenting on her talents or the creditable manner in which she had developed them, what he said was, 'A nice, round little girl
16. This, Herr Dremmel told himself when he, too, felt bored by the length of the months, is a most honourable, creditable, and respectable condition; but no man can feel warm towards a condition
17. But Wemyss's business record, the solicitor they employed informed them, was quite creditable
18. McAllister, the younger, had taken an interest in IBM Assembly Language from quite early in his education, and done a lot of creditable work at Uni in the Operating System field; theory and practice, mostly with large machines
19. Only the one small mishap marred a very creditable recovery project at Mulgrave
20. The best minds will thus have reached a stage in the development of the race in which it is clearly seen that there is no mode of disposing of surplus wealth creditable to thoughtful and earnest men into whose hands it cows, save by using it year by year for the general good
21. My second brother is in Peru, so wealthy that with what he has sent to my father and to me he has fully repaid the portion he took with him, and has even furnished my father's hands with the means of gratifying his natural generosity, while I too have been enabled to pursue my studies in a more becoming and creditable fashion, and so to attain my present standing
22. adventures after her contemptible surrender (which probably were not over and above creditable), dropped her where he says:
23. He had left the girl whose youth and innocence he had seduced, in a situation of the utmost distress, with no creditable home, no help, no friends, ignorant of his address! He had left her, promising to return; he neither returned, nor wrote, nor relieved her
24. That would not be creditable
25. But this event, creditable to Nostromo, was to lead immediately to another, which could not be classed either as "history" or as "a mistake" in Captain Mitchell's phraseology
26. He leaned down across the counter until his mouth was near her ear and hissed, in a Athenaeum Hall: “Fear not, fair lady! Your guilty secret is safe with me!” very creditable imitation of the stage villains who appeared infrequently at the “Oh,” she whispered, feverishly, “how can you say such things!”
27. He is a scholarly clergyman, and creditable to the cloth
28. From the prewar standpoint, although one of these reasons may have been more intelligent or creditable than another, each of them constituted a speculative motive for the purchase
29. In such matters the most impressive and creditable moves are those made by a group of substantial stockholders, having an important stake of their own to protect and impelled thereby to act in the interests of the shareholders generally
30. A number of the more important Wall Street houses have participated to some degree in these less than creditable activities, which demonstrates that the familiar combination of greed, folly, and irresponsibility has not been exorcized from the financial scene
31. Simple concepts are usually more reliable and certainly more creditable
32. The final result was quite a creditable shoe with rather an ugly coloured lining, but a shoe that she could have worn anywhere
33. I dare say she would not; but she would be introduced into the society of this country under such very favourable circumstances as, in all human probability, would get her a creditable establishment
34. But Sunday made her a very creditable and tolerably cheerful-looking Mrs
35. For though Lady Bertram rather shone in the epistolary line, having early in her marriage, from the want of other employment, and the circumstance of Sir Thomas's being in Parliament, got into the way of making and keeping correspondents, and formed for herself a very creditable, common-place, amplifying style, so that a very little matter was enough for her: she could not do entirely without any; she must have something to write about, even to her niece; and being so soon to lose all the benefit of Dr
36. In anticipation of the enormous number that would, for a variety of reasons, creditable or otherwise, surge about the Cunard pier at the coming of the Carpathia, Mayor Gaynor and the police commissioner had seen to it that the streets should be rigidly sentineled by continuous lines of policemen Under Inspector George McClusky, the man of most experience, perhaps, in handling large crowds, there were 200 men, including twelve mounted men and a number in citizens' clothes
37. What does her clever stepfather do then? He conceives an idea more creditable to his head than to his heart
38. I must admit that he was a magnificent swordsman, and had it not been for my greater endurance and the remarkable agility the lesser gravitation of Mars lent me I might not have been able to put up the creditable fight I did against him
39. It cannot be denied that the selection of the plain of Borodino for the great defensive battle was creditable both to Kutuzof and to Colonel Tol, the head of his staff
40. I could boat them all ! Will none of the filthy, conventional herd understand that it would be ten times as creditable to hold their tongues, not to whine and not to deign to complain ! And if he does deign he deserves his fate, the bastard
41. But in some cases it is really more creditable to be carried away by an emotion, however unreasonable, which springs from a great love, than to be unmoved
42. “And even if nothing had been omitted, if this were the whole story,” the most highly respected of our ladies maintained, “even then it's very doubtful whether it was creditable for a young girl to behave in that way, even for the sake of saving her father
43. All that is now requisite is to annihilate the delusion which justifies the power of money over men, and public opinion will undergo a change as to what is creditable and what is disgraceful, and life will be changed also; and the annihilation of the delusion, of the justification of the moneyed power, and the change in public opinion in this respect, will be promptly accomplished
44. But he had thought out some lies he regarded as particularly creditable to his ingenuity; he was not to be deprived of the pleasure of telling them
45. The extensive collection of facts in this little book of fifty-four pages, is creditable to the author's industry and discernment: he informs us that he has travelled 1000 miles on foot, while investigating the geology of the district concerning which he has written
46. They were held in the pretty Congregational Church, and were highly creditable