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    cremation Beispielsätze


    1. Following a polite if sparse cremation service held in the clean but anonymous halls of blonde wood and magnolia paint at the local crematorium, and with the memory of the pastor’s mistaken belief that his wife’s name was Aileen twitching behind his eyes, Ken carried out Eileen’s last wish, which was to have her ashes scattered on the garlic beds

    2. their becoming ashes must be the same fate reserved for the lost - cremation

    3. the lake of fire (Revelation 20:15) which will be a terrible fate - cremation

    4. The team from Rosegard filed out of the car as if on their way to a cremation

    5. Cremation serves as an alternative to the traditional body in a coffin

    6. Cremation, in the true sense of the word is not an alternative for a traditional burial, but rather an alternative method of body disposal

    7. A Cremation is normally executed in a crematorium which is basically just a building, housing a large, modern oven

    8. The first cremation was executed in England at Woking on 26th of March 1886

    9. Legislation was only passed in 1902 in the form of the Cremation Act of 1902

    10. A certain Doctor William Price from England was the first person to perform a “legal” cremation according to his eccentric religious beliefs

    11. cremation) is the soul free for the sky to accept the soul, or so he believed

    12. Doctor Price was acquitted on account of there was no law at the time which prohibited the act of cremation; therefore the cremation was ruled as being legal

    13. The Times reported on the front page that approximately twenty thousand people attended the cremation

    14. Cremation and Church History

    15. When the cremation of Price was declared as being legal by the court, Wales followed suit

    16. The cremation act of 1902 was however not accepted in Ireland at the time because Ireland insisted on a few requirements before any cremation could be performed:

    17. Cremation venues had to be approved, prior to the cremation

    18. Some protestant churches accepted cremation without any reservations

    19. The Catholic Encyclopaedia of 1908 was critical toward people who accepted cremation

    20. It suggested that these people are evil and linked them with freemasonry, although they declared that there is nothing in their Catholic dogma which condemns cremation

    21. Pope Paul VI lifted the ban on cremation in 1963 and in 1966 he allowed catholic priests to perform cremation services

    22. Sources allege that some people specifically chose cremation because they believed that one would not be resurrected, once cremated to ashes

    23. Dynamics of the Cremation oven

    24. Let’s just quickly have a look at the dynamics of the device itself so that we can distinguish between the huge differences of cremation versus the traditional burial

    25. These chambers are lined with heat reflective ceramic bricks, specially designed to resist the high temperatures achieved during the cremation process

    26. It consists of oxygen and temperature sensors which monitors and regulates the cremation process

    27. The duration of a cremation can be anywhere between 70 and 200 minutes (One hour, ten minutes or three hours and twenty minutes)

    28. The operator ends the process when he observes the cremation to be complete

    29. This is enough basic information regarding the cremation oven

    30. Later on we will delve a little deeper into the practice of cremation

    31. They had abandoned the cremation

    32. Cremation – Early history

    33. Cremation or “body burning” has come a long way, in fact long before Price inhaled his first breath

    34. During the Bronze Age, 2500 to 1000 before Christ, it is believed that the act of cremation migrated to the British islands and -what we know today as Spain and Portugal

    35. Cemeteries for cremation developed in Hungary and North Italy and then migrated to North Europe and even Ireland

    36. When Constantine paganised the Christians and Christianised the pagans in his roman empire, the traditional ground burial replaced cremation and remained like this for approximately 1500 years

    37. In spite of the fact that cremation was not supported for over 1500 years, people like Price proverbially lit the cremation flame again

    38. By 1999, the cremation figure for the USA was at 25

    39. The Balinese Hindu buries its dead for a month or even a year before the act of cremation is performed and this is for the following two reasons:

    40. To perform the cremation ceremony on dates that coincides with their holy calendar

    41. On the other hand, Islam forbids cremation in the strongest possible form

    42. This supposedly suggests that Jesus compares a grave and dead man’s bones to something unclean, hence cremation is acceptable

    43. Cremation merely speeds up the process of “returning” to dust

    44. The last argument is that ChristenDUM accepts cremation more and more on a daily basis as an alternative to the traditional burial

    45. The Dust of Cremation

    46. We do have a few sources which indicate some people to have motivated their cremation with a belief that the cremated will not be resurrected

    47. What do we learn from this? After Jesus’s resurrection, from His tomb, He had flesh and very importantly, BONES! He even ate after he was resurrected from His tomb! The next logical question must be: What would have happened if Jesus was cremated and His bones were ground to fine powder? This dear reader, must be one of the most important thoughts in your decision making process if you are in fact considering cremation!

    48. “If the technology for cremation was available in biblical times, the Israelites would have surely used it

    49. Can we add to it what the church and preachers of today tells us and accept cremation as not condemned by the Bible, by God even?

    50. Can we diminish from it and state that we are not cremating to Molech, therefore cremation is not condemned by the Bible?

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