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    Verwenden Sie „crookedly“ in einem Satz

    crookedly Beispielsätze


    1. show in the movies – shabby-clothed ones, who peer crookedly

    2. Mud was slapped on the rocks, then other rocks were placed rather crookedly atop the first ones

    3. The vet explained that the cat had broken front paws, which had been healing incorrectly for at least two weeks, one so crookedly it looked as if it would require amputation

    4. He smiled crookedly

    5. She smiled crookedly and he kissed the fine spot beneath her ear

    6. Up ahead there was a van parked a little crookedly which he could use as cover so he shifted the limousine into gear and quietly moved forward swerving around the van to pull in front of it

    7. ” She grinned crookedly at me

    8. Reinhardt smiled crookedly on the screen

    9. With a sigh he shook his head and smiled crookedly at her

    10. It truly was remarkable how such scenery could inspire the mind to overcome the most dreadful and dire of circumstances, and by the time she reached a clearing in the forest from which a long wide pier protruded crookedly into the ocean for at least a hundred yards, her problems had been solved in her own subconsciousness

    11. Biledumper gritted his teeth crookedly and glared at

    12. On one wall was a crookedly pinned newspaper reflecting some of Ace Rango’s former glories

    13. helplessly, standing crookedly before him

    14. He smiled crookedly, a malicious glint in

    15. A weather-beaten sign-post with one bent arm pointed crookedly down a field-track at right angles to the road, and with a lurch and a heave they tilted round the corner

    16. He anticipated and smiled crookedly

    17. ” he smiled crookedly “I am in a way

    18. The motor scooter leaned crookedly on the curb

    19. Larry smiled crookedly like he had gas

    20. (She glides away crookedly

    21. He looked up the slope for a second, then smiled crookedly at her

    22. ” He smiled crookedly as Nimue and Merlin both sat up straight, eyebrows rising in unison

    23. Hahlynd looked up from the note, then smiled crookedly and patted his lips with a napkin

    24. He looked down at the report on his desk, then smiled crookedly and tossed it over his shoulder

    25. Now she smiled crookedly as the others looked at her com image

    26. I doled out the other two, flicked a lighter, the girl leaning in crookedly, then finally hitting the flame, Sorry I can’t see a thing without my glasses

    27. there was a door hanging crookedly ajar upon one great hinge

    28. She was attempting to fix the crookedly knotted tie, but Devon suspected she was also resisting the urge to strangle him with it

    29. Her mouth opened crookedly as she saw Harry

    30. Meantime, Queequeg's impulsive, indifferent sword, sometimes hitting the woof slantingly, or crookedly, or strongly, or weakly, as the case might be; and by this difference in the concluding blow producing a corresponding contrast in the final aspect of the completed fabric; this savage's sword, thought I, which thus finally shapes and fashions both warp and woof; this easy, indifferent sword must be chance—aye, chance, free will, and necessity—nowise incompatible—all interweavingly working together

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    crookedly lopsidedly