Verwenden Sie „crucible“ in einem Satz
crucible Beispielsätze
1. He paused long enough for everyone to remember the crucible of the all the heroic martyr attacks that were projected on the sky behind him
2. Perhaps we all desired a crucible in which to speed a growth process made more urgent by a rapidly changing world
3. god had us in a crucible, but it was shaped like
4. doubt that satan wanted to sift me through a horrible crucible, “but
5. god had another couple He desired to put in His crucible!
6. I will form a crucible and smelt the steel within
7. summed up in this golden crucible
8. ” He poured the crucible into a cast and the silver flowed white hot and glowing
9. Not for vengeance did the lord put them in the crucible to try their hearts, nor has he done with us
10. For seventy years that great defining crucible hath been allowed to reign righteously
11. that crucible of technological innovation which separates those in minority
12. Illusions of a new-found family burn away in a crucible of trust betrayed
13. I don’t have a problem, on the other hand, of making his research agenda public and allowing the crucible of public opinion to neutralize him
14. He picked up the small piece and put it in a crucible
15. He grasped the crucible with the steel tongs and poured the molten gold into a one-ounce ingot mold
16. She watched as one, hairy with the thick black fur of his people, poured old armor into a crucible
17. The hearth glowed in the smithy, and the silver swirled in the crucible
18. ” Trid’s ears glowed like the tongs around the crucible
19. The crucible that I
20. in town because his father recently overcame a year long medical crucible and the family
21. There is no rational evidence that can be establish or even speculated behind the crystal crucible of healings
22. Death is but the natural process whereby all material forms are thrown into the crucible for reproduction in fresh diversity
23. As the time of residence of slag in the crucible was so short, we had no
24. Was it really necessary for love to be refined in the crucible of tragedy?
25. The peasant, watching this pink chalice of his future joys, this mysterious moving crucible into which whatever dreary dregs and leavings he threw, uttermost dregs of uttermost dregs that even his lean dog would not touch, they still by Christmas emerged as sausages, could not but feel at least some affection, at least some little touch of awe
26. His anger was a turbulent living atrocity, swirling in the crucible of his soul, powered by rage and wrath on an
27. metal, and is thereby symbolizing a crucible that purifies character, temperament, and integrity
28. Millstone–Another symbol for a cleansing, purging, and refining crucible that causes a certain
29. Since it is a stone, it refers to foundational knowledge (wisdom) as the crucible
30. enough connective rationale in that statement to break the crucible that contained his
31. process,' he answered as he ignited a gas burning torch and started to heat a steel crucible
32. So many people thinking the state’s influx, especially blue Californians, has morphed the state into a crucible generating transformative ideas at the country’s vanguard, must mean that Colorado must be the state issuing the proclamation saying you must eat your junk in moderation
33. Only a twisted, evil government could conjure up the crucible of legally smoking dope then having to ward off the munchies to keep the weight off so one could drive legally; all staunchly averring their product’s nutritional value when eaten in moderation
34. Training was a crucible, and it transformed Phil’s crew
35. ’Tis said that Adversity is a sort of Crucible wherein all our petty Fears are melted down; if we become more open to Life’s Joys after Misfortunes, ’tis because we know how scarce they are and consequently we appreciate ’em
36. And he followed Graham's practice of comparing two companies in the same industry, like Bethlehem and Crucible Steel, to see which was cheaper on an intrinsic value basis
37. 8 March 1995) was 17 years 38 days old when he qualified for the 2012 World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association (WPBSA) World Championship at the Crucible Theatre in Sheffield, UK
38. Brecel broke the record held by Stephen Hendry, who was almost two months older when he qualified for his Crucible debut in 1986
39. A crucible into which destiny casts a man, whenever it desires a scoundrel or a demi-god
40. Restore this to the great crucible; your abundance will flow forth from it
41. Love is the sublime crucible wherein the fusion of the man and the woman
42. Edgar Hoover had it in for Arthur Miller, that much was certain, and he turned the heat up after Miller’s play The Crucible
43. The Crucible had been inspired by the experience of Miller’s friend Elia Kazan, who had appeared before HUAC in 1952
44. In discussing the extent and effects of HUAC’s activities, Miller developed the idea for The Crucible, an allegorical play in which he compared HUAC’s activities to the witch hunts in Salem
45. After The Crucible opened, Miller was denied a passport to go to its opening in London, and that was just the beginning of his trouble
46. He had recently made a big success in a French-language film version of Arthur Miller’s play The Crucible
47. Though Miller always denied the genesis of the play, if he thought of it at all, he must have acknowledged to his private self the parallels with events in his own life, not only concerning his women but also his personal experiences in the mid-1950s with HUAC’s spurious search for alleged Communists in the government, which he used as the inspiration for The Crucible
48. I also turned to the Arthur Miller Collection at the University of Texas, which I found very enlightening—mostly, though, in regard to his plays, including The Crucible and After the Fall
49. The sea was as a crucible of molten gold, that bubblingly leaps with light and heat
50. ’ But nothing but hosannah is not enough for life, the hosannah must be tried in the crucible of doubt and so on, in the same style