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    crumbling Beispielsätze


    1. He gunned the V8 and spat stones against the crumbling dry stone wall that

    2. buried deep beneath the crumbling vaults of stone that formed the roof of the world

    3. Ridges of crumbling stone and cement bit into the thin skin covering my knees and I waited, letting the reality of this simple and basic reaction to the physical world wash through me

    4. the earth dry, above the crumbling concrete

    5. Above the crumbling banks of rivers,

    6. the sound of crumbling mortar falls

    7. Safe behind their crumbling castle walls, the family’s ancient lust for life dissipated, and the vitality of these new lives completely passed them by

    8. I tried staring into my surroundings without focusing on anything in particular and that helped a distant crumbling ruin to emerge from its orange terraced soil but the stillness made me feel I was being monitored or that something nasty was about to happen

    9. Armed with her father’s old address book, and after many disappointing telephone calls to old friends and distant relations, Annie eventually tracked down an ancient great-aunt who owned a crumbling Victorian villa that had been converted into bedsits

    10. This dungeon was rough stone rather than crumbling concrete, no plaster

    11. crumbling Victorian villa that had been converted into bedsits

    12. the crumbling roof and gaping holes in the walls

    13. into a sort of chasm between the crumbling walls

    14. I leant on the crumbling,

    15. Creatures scurried into the shadows as she entered, hiding within the crumbling walls and pieces of decaying furniture

    16. crumbling masonry and gaps in places where the mortar

    17. They were all cracked, crumbling, and for the most part, toppled

    18. Fortunately, a different vineyard spread along the slope uphill from the crumbling

    19. All she could see were the familiar blackened beams and crumbling interior of the former home

    20. I broke a piece of bread from the loaf, crumbling it into the stew

    21. We haven’t managed to do a single thing for him except offer Lead Arrows protection now, after their Temples are crumbling, which is partially our fault

    22. “Is there no way we can keep Mars’s Temples from crumbling?”

    23. Only, now, the walls were crumbling

    24. Edna reached out a trembling hand, her crumbling old joints making her cry out in agony at every movement

    25. Edgar had felt so close to a major success in his career that he could have almost touched it, but just then, at the point when the man’s resolve began crumbling, he’d been stabbed inside San Sebastian prison

    26. A natural deep-water harbour showed why the city was here, a small metropolis plopped right down into the midst of huge ruins, crumbling walls, and pagan temples brooding in the rarified air

    27. The structures showed signs of wear, corners were crumbling, in some instances footholds were chipped or missing

    28. The city was all of polished white stone, mostly crumbling, ancient and decayed

    29. more crumbling city, more factions, more of everything?”

    30. Nothing was left of the tree but its crumbling trunk out of which the ferns grew thickly, making a green roof and a lacy screen for the water

    31. Orphenn rushed with Cinder down the corridors of the crumbling palace,

    32. “Cinder, come on! The palace is crumbling all around us!” He urged her,

    33. vanity, and they have caused them to stumble in their ways from the ancient paths, to walk in paths, in a way not crumbling up; 16 To

    34. sky, the red flames of the crumbling Reactor lighting up the city

    35. emerged from beneath the base of the Plate, the crumbling

    36. began to climb the rim, wary as they scaled the crumbling path,

    37. shops on the square’s circumference, and the crumbling and

    38. Company could be on the brink of crumbling into chaos, and it

    39. The path was littered with crumbling statues, and there was even a large worn out shrine gate

    40. At 9:00 AM I arrived at the office of Axel Vandevere Investigations in a crumbling strip mall on the outskirts of an industrial park in National City

    41. We spent the afternoon clambering over crumbling rocks, and I accidentally tripped several times until the palms of my hands were scratched up and bleeding

    42. The walls were black and crumbling, and silence shrouded the yard

    43. As she was crumbling, Hades grabbed Elena’s falling body and she was still holding her heart in her hand

    44. Already crumbling buildings are pelted with projectiles and then torched, hastening their inevitable collapse

    45. We trudge through a crumbling city and a perishing planet

    46. At times, after work, he would drive around, miles away from Brea, to avoid facing the reality of his crumbling marriage and shattered dreams and hopes

    47. The very infrastructure is crumbling for want of

    48. He pushed the speed limit hoping to get over the crumbling

    49. Tired and hungry, she heated up a tin of soup in the kitchen, crumbling into it the stale bread which was the only other thing she could find

    50. crumbling of David’s natural reserve as they got to know each other better, he had also told her of his long expired besottedness with Stella, of the price she had

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