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    days of yore

    1. He was wearing this white ruffled collared shirt, you’ve seen the kind, it was the kind that you’d picture Beethoven wearing when he was putting on his piano concerts in the days of yore

    2. days of yore in Ireland

    3. In days of yore there was no difference, both of these perspectives were identical

    4. Open here I flung the shutter, when, with many a flirt and flutter, In there stepped a stately Raven of the saintly days of yore;

    5. The reason firehouses have circular stairways is from the days of yore when the engines were pulled by horses

    6. those glory days of yore

    7. courted in those vintage and festive days of yore

    8. would spend many an enjoyable hour reminiscing about those hectic days of yore

    9. Those days of yore were dark

    10. You have wiped the floor with me in days of yore, but it shall not happen again, General

    11. This reflection kept me perplexed and longing to know really and truly the whole life and wondrous deeds of our famous Spaniard, Don Quixote of La Mancha, light and mirror of Manchegan chivalry, and the first that in our age and in these so evil days devoted himself to the labour and exercise of the arms of knight-errantry, righting wrongs, succouring widows, and protecting damsels of that sort that used to ride about, whip in hand, on their palfreys, with all their virginity about them, from mountain to mountain and valley to valley--for, if it were not for some ruffian, or boor with a hood and hatchet, or monstrous giant, that forced them, there were in days of yore damsels that at the end of eighty years, in all which time they had never slept a day under a roof, went to their graves as much maids as the mothers that bore them

    12. As ever wrote on brass in days of yore;

    13. All I shall do is to pray to heaven to deliver you from it, and show you how beneficial and necessary knights-errant were in days of yore, and how useful they would be in these days were they but in vogue; but now, for the sins of the people, sloth and indolence, gluttony and luxury are triumphant

    14. women-servants of the household, crying, "Welcome, flower and cream of knight-errantry!" while all or most of them flung pellets filled with scented water over Don Quixote and the duke and duchess; at all which Don Quixote was greatly astonished, and this was the first time that he thoroughly felt and believed himself to be a knight-errant in reality and not merely in fancy, now that he saw himself treated in the same way as he had read of such knights being treated in days of yore

    15. Open here I flung the shutter when, with many a flirt and flutter, in there stepped a Stately Raven of the saintly days of yore


    17. My friends, in bygone days, in those amiable days of yore, people married wisely; they had a good contract, and then they had a good carouse

    18. In the days of yore, there were only two companies that took spread bets – IG and City Index – but now there are tons of spread bet companies with various offerings

    19. "But which, my dear?—In days of yore

    20. Was most facetious in the days of yore,

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