Deacon Jones: My sin was stealing from the church because I had a gambling habit
Deacon Jones: I didn’t see it that way
Deacon Jones: I could not stop my gambling
Deacon Jones: When you are doing wrong, you really do not care until you have to pay the price
Deacon Jones: It’s true what Satan told you
Deacon Jones: (Trying to reassure the Millionaire that hell is where he belongs and there is no mistake)
Deacon Jones: Oh yes, I forgot to mention, I was drinking, partying with some of the ladies at the casino, and I was married
I knew, Deacon Jones, you were holding out on me
Deacon Jones: I thought stealing from the church was all you needed to know as to why I was in hell
Are you the one who was a deacon in the church and you were stealing
Deacon Jones: Yes, but that doesn’t stop me from believing in God
The deacon made a good point because we are in hell with him
I was speaking about the Deacon, not me
Deacon Jones: He is the only God
Deacon Jones: (Shocked at what he just heard)
Deacon Jones, you have no credibility with me
Deacon Jones: It was my greed and foolishness
Deacon Jones: You do not read the Bible, you said
Deacon Jones: Job’s situation changed and his circumstance, but he never lost his purpose to honor God
Deacon Jones: (Puts his head down in shame)
He is a Deacon at his church and the father of four, including two grown sons
Blythe, and another at Deacon Warren of the Methodist Church, Miss Cornelia resigned herself to another scandal
"Deacon Hazard drove past when YOU were praying," said Mary, "and he saw and heard you, with your hands folded over your stomach, and groaning after every sentence
Deacon Hazard's eyes would drop out of her head
Deacon Hazard, Mrs
But I'm told they finished up with _Polly Wolly Doodle_ at full length--and that just when Deacon Baxter was praying
Deacon Baxter said, as we came out, 'What a disgraceful exhibition!' _I_ said, looking her fairly in the eye, 'They are all beautiful singers, and none of YOUR choir, Mrs
Nothing to be proud of, but after my next boss, the inimitable dope running Baptist Deacon, Bob Jenkins, was arrested
I learned that he was a Baptist deacon, did not drink, smoke, or curse
And Misdeus and Charisius when they could not persuade them not to be of this opinion granted them their own will; And all the brothers assembled together for the blessed one had made Syphorus a presbyter in the mountain and Juzanius a deacon when he was led away to die; And the Lord helped them and they increased the faith by means of them
deacon Philip to the Ethiopian riding in his
Kat stood over the dazed Deacon and slowly flexed her fist to ease the sharp pain shooting across her bare knuckles
"My hero," said Rosa as she led Kat away from the fallen Deacon and over to a beaming Abby, who stood hat-in-hand in front of the saloon
Under the ill-fitted title of a deacon, he would
Israel’s final opportunity to accept Him as Messiah would be through the deacon Stephen, who
during the death of Deacon Stephen, I heard you
On either side were carvings of a deacon
Deacon and the fellows see Diane D and the Dianettes turn and disappear around the corner
Deacon turns to the fellows and says, “You know guys? Maybe I should go with Diane
” Deacon grabs his belongs
Deacon turns and hurries away as the rest of the guys look on
“I can see why they’re separated Deacon! Diane D‘s a man chaser! She likes to chase men! It’s all over town that she swapped mates with her cousin Dana and slept with her cousin Dana’s boyfriend! Where is Diane D at anyway?!”
Nadine angrily turns around towards Deacon and shouts, “Oh her family’s in there?! Do they know that she was going all over the place hunting men down trying to find a date for that High School dance? Do they know that she finally found a date with a guy who’s married?!”
Deacon grabs her by the arm and shouts, “Nadine no!”
Several yards away, Deacon sits on the ground holding Nadine as Nadine’s body trembles! Nadine painfully and tearfully holds and clutches her head and chest as she lays on the ground! She and Deacon watch Diane D as Diane D continues to try to break away from the men!
The rest of the crowd is surrounding Nadine and Deacon as Nadine continues to lay injured on the church lawn
Deacon and two women wipe the blood off Nadine’s head and face with some tissues as Nadine cries and trembles, clutching her bloody head and chest! Nadine holds a bloody cloth to her face
“Yes she is,” says Deacon
The paramedics have Nadine laid in a stretcher as Deacon, Margarita and Tomas surround them
The paramedics rush Nadine to one of the waiting ambulances as Deacon, Margarita and Tomas hurry behind them
“Yes she’s the one, why?” Deacon says
Deacon is in the car driving as Nadine sits in the passenger seat still holding and clutching her head, side area and chest
Deacon turns to Nadine and asks, “Are you okay babe?”
“Who the hell was that?!” Deacon shouts
Nadine and Deacon puzzled look at the car as it speeds off
Around an hour later, Nadine and Deacon are sitting on the couch inside their living room as Deacon sits besides Nadine massaging Nadine’s shoulders with Nadine facing away from him, still wearing the bandage around her head and wearing the neck brace and dark shades as she holds and clutches her head and chest
Deacon then says, “You can take the shades off now Nadine
“Let me see your face again,” Deacon says
Deacon gets up off the couch
“My god,” Deacon says
Deacon turns to the side and says, “Damn that Timothy Hutton, opening his big ass mouth!” Deacon angrily stares to the side
An hour and a half later, Deacon is angrily walking down the street
Deacon walks towards Timothy
“But I can still bust your ass!” Deacon tries to go after Timothy again as security hold him back
A week later, Nadine is sitting inside the front of the courtroom still wearing her dark shades, a bandage on her forehead, a neck brace and a hat as she and Deacon sit with her lawyer, a white male with light brown hair around his mid 30‘s
Nadine tearfully turns her head away from Diane D’s direction as Deacon worriedly looks at her
But just before he reached the door to his apartment building, a man stepped out of the shadows nearly causing Deacon to have a heart attack
After they had entered and the door slid shut, Deacon asked him for the password, and then being satisfied that the man was on the level, he asked, "What do you want?"
In the heart of the Liturgy, after the opening hymn, scripture readings, and a stirring homily preached by a married deacon and neighbor to the monastery about the similarity of the deep commitment necessary in marriage, family, and in monastic life, Abbot Francis celebrated the actual ceremony of monastic profession
“I am a deacon of the Lord
“Thank you,” the deacon said, his voice whimpering
They hate me! When they arrived, Silya secured the horses to a nearby tree, and helped the deacon off the horseback
“The new bishop or deacon from the church
258) was a Roman martyr and deacon of Rome
At the time, I was performing a duty as a Deacon (12 to 14 years old
deacon who was as dumbfounded as he
The deacon ran to him and
"Mike, what’s happening?" he asked the deacon
"I'm a deacon here
Then the deacon advised, “He is in your heart
Contemporaneously, a heated argument having arisen between Mr Delegate Madden and Mr Candidate Lynch regarding the juridical and theological dilemma created in the event of one Siamese twin predeceasing the other, the difficulty by mutual consent was referred to Mr Canvasser Bloom for instant submittal to Mr Coadjutor Deacon Dedalus
There's Hobson, the Babtis' preacher; and Deacon Lot Hovey, and Ben Rucker, and Abner Shackleford, and Levi Bell, the lawyer; and Dr
Boston, so far as medicine had aught to do with it, had hitherto lain in the guardianship of an aged deacon and apothecary, whose piety and godly deportment were stronger testimonials in his favor than any that he could have produced in the shape of a diploma
Dimmesdale and this excellent and hoary-bearded deacon, it was only by the most careful self-control that the former could refrain from uttering certain blasphemous suggestions that rose into his mind, respecting the communion supper
And, even with this terror in his heart, he could hardly avoid laughing, to imagine how the sanctified old patriarchal deacon would have been petrified by his minister's impiety!
My friend and neighbour, Mr Kilsyth, an ettling man, who had been wonderful prosperous in the spirit line, having been taken on for a bailie, by virtue of some able handling on the part of Deacon Kenitweel, proposed and propounded, that there should be a ball and supper for the trades; and to testify his sense of the honour that he owed to all the crafts, especially the wrights, whereof Mr Kenitweel was then deacon, he promised to send in both wine, rum, and brandy, from his cellar, for the company
The deacon stopped and said, “Is’t out? is’t out?”
Mrs Girdwood and her daughters having returned home, in a most uneasy state of mind on the lassie’s account, the deacon himself came over to me, to consult what he ought to do as the head of a family
Where she had been, and who she was with, could never be delved out of her; but the deacon brought her to the
For the latheron’s friend in the court having discovered that I had not decerned she was to do any work to Mrs Girdwood, but only to stay out her term, advised her to do nothing when she went back but go to her bed, which she was bardy enough to do, until my poor friend, the deacon, in order to get a quiet riddance of her, was glad to pay her full fee, and board wages for the remainder of her time
After a full consideration of the business, Mr Scudmyloof declared that he would retire from the field, and stand aloof; and he rehearsed a fine passage in the Greek language on that head, pat to the occasion, but which I did not very thoroughly understand, being no deacon in the dead languages, as I told him at the time
standing behind the deacon he went on thinking of his own affairs, neither listening nor examining what was said
’ And he looked at his own hand and the short hand of the deacon
The deacon’s hand in a plush cuff accepted a three-rouble note unobtrusively, and the deacon said he would
The head deacon, as though to remind them of the value of his time, coughed impatiently, making the window-panes quiver in their frames
The priest was continually sending first the beadle and then the deacon to find out whether
Meanwhile the officiating clergy had got into their vestments, and the priest and deacon came out to the lectern, which stood in the forepart of the church
breathe with the voice of the head deacon
When the deacon had finished the prayer for the Imperial family, the priest turned to the bridal pair with a