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    dead-end Beispielsätze


    1. At last! One of the uncountable (and usually dead-end) ideas I come up with in order to improve my life has just brought a result! Having found out recently that the monthly magazine “Greek Fantasy” publishes short fantasy stories of new writers, I thought of sending them one

    2. They each dead-ended a few chambers in, they were used as squatter goth gallery space now

    3. To dream that you have reached the zenith of your profession indicates you are in a dead-end job

    4. "I think evolution's been deselected," he said, "fizzled out, reached a dead-end

    5. She came to two more dead-ends before a faint breeze brushed her cheek

    6. She had never been there because, from what she had heard, it was a dead-end joint and essentially nothing but a whorehouse

    7. “I can accept that in good grace, Procrastinator Militant,” said Tyrpledge and left the dead-end exchange of words at that

    8. Jason called his dead-end street “the Hood

    9. Skyles gawked as Bruce slowly tooled up the dead-end street

    10. Always ready to chase after whatever dead-end Raidan threw out to distract them

    11. It was a stubby dead-end of a hallway, complete with a ventilation grate, some crates, and a computer terminal

    12. That was just as well, because the road dead-ended

    13. motional woman who may be locked in a dead-end career, an

    14. Jason Sample was reaching a dead-end in his investigation

    15. The car turned into a dead-end street and stopped

    16. Since this second door was dead bolted, the thieves were dead-ended at this point so they used the window to get in

    17. which dead-ended on their home

    18. another moment of my time with this dead-end case

    19. That advanced knowledge has allowed us to jump over many decades in terms of aeronautical research and development and prevented us from exploring quite a few technological dead-ends, saving us more time and money

    20. Senior Sergeant Fedukin was the one who killed the last remaining ISIS fighter on the ship, cornering him in a dead-end passageway and then throwing a grenade in

    21. some dead-end job all his life, he convinced his doctors—by tell-

    22. The computer experts and security staff all had very little to go on, since every transaction appeared to be perfectly legal, originating or terminating within the banks’ clearing system via the internet, but then coming to a dead-end

    23. He was another good detective, and Stan Wilberforce was sure that, between them, they could find a way through the apparent dead-end his team appeared to have reached

    24. Unfortunately he is still struggling with the same old dead-end job,

    25. And then the road dead-ended abruptly at the foot of

    26. Once again, she was able to see her situation as an opportunity to develop into the person she wanted to be instead of a dead-end spot

    27. I know a young man who has not ventured forth from his hometown, who works in a dead-end job, and who doesn’t make any attempts to make new friends all because he is afraid

    28. The words of the now familiar sounding phrase ‘Looks like corridor blank is another perilous dead-end’ passed into the nearby ears of the languid Dr

    29. In a moment of poor life decisions, the task of writing down the names of the perilous dead-end corridors was specifically delegated to Rip

    30. Writing down the names of the perilous dead-ends may have been the easiest task on the ship, but it was also the most important

    31. He’d searched high and low, deep and wide, and several other clichéd phrases about distances, when, after several hours of lurching, he came across a pair of teenage boys hiding at the end of a dead-end alley (how apropos!) with a single rifle between them

    32. At the same moment Angelo removed a metal filing box from its conceal-ment, Stephanie rounded the corner to her dead-end street

    33. She turned down Fir’s dark, dead-end lane

    34. Before my heart could hammer another beat, he'd pulled me into a dead-end alley

    35. For others the motivation to visit might derive from years of frustrated dead-end genealogical searching leading to a

    36. Instead of being employed at some dead-end job all his life, he convinced his doctors—by telling them the absolute truth about who and what he was in life—to deem him eligible to collect social security disability

    37. Who knows what that runs along? Houses, factories, dead-end alleys—what are you going to do with that? Do a major exploration only to discover no matter what’s back there you still have to deal with an eight-foot fence topped with barbed wire? The only side left is the one behind where the house is located

    38. I half expected it and yet hoped we would not go through this dead-end bargaining

    39. I kept on thinking that this was another routine dead-end predicament

    40. I had to think of terminating my dead-end job at the institute and think twice as hard how to achieve my objective to get out of Egypt

    41. I was now very happy in my stagnation, in my dead-end

    42. It was just a matter of turning up each path till it proved to be a dead-end, eliminating it from the route plan and trying the next

    43. ‘This is a dead-end,’ complained Bo

    44. “I was not that good, and I had problems doing the codes and what not, so that is why they stuck me into doing dead-end work for them,” said Spike, really sounding despondent now

    45. They sold their city condo and bought a small house in a seaside town north of Boston, tucked at the end of a dead-end street, their backyard abutting a salt marsh divided by a tidal creek winding out to a beach and the sea

    46. Soon Bryce had disappeared down the steps, and a minute later Konky saw him through the window, standing in the sunlight of the dead-end street they lived on, looking up at the sky with a bag of papers slung over his shoulder

    47. It dead-ended at a blank wall, from the left of which water could still be heard running into a basin

    48. He drove down his dead-end street without noticing the dark Ford Crown Victoria parked under a tree, which blocked the nearest street lamp

    49. They managed to locate a butcher who was doing an early trade from a kiosk set up in front of his once proud establishment, and an hour after that arrived at an abandoned house near the end of a dead-end street

    50. Scott peered around a desk set on its side to see that the dead-end street looked as desolate now as it had upon their arrival

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