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    decisive factor Beispielsätze

    decisive factor

    1. However, the decisive factor was when she told them “I'll start a college fund for each of you

    2. nestness that is the decisive factor

    3. love, selflessness are the decisive factors in self-realization

    4. We plan our lives with our soulmates, but it is our individuality that is the decisive factor

    5. At the rhythm of their present losses, the American fighter planes will not be a decisive factor anymore in two weeks

    6. Watts nodded in understanding at that: the battle station MJOLNIR, in effect a converted asteroid, had been a decisive factor in the past war, destroying the orbital defense stations of the ISF around Earth

    7. led to the recognition that material wealth is not the decisive factor in their liberation, there

    8. Perhaps, moreover, the fact that Telly, at that particular time, had probably run out of paramours, returned from college early, and did not go out at night was a decisive factor

    9. Another decisive factor for entering this profession was that I enjoyed working with my hands

    10. It should be pointed out that ALCOA’s earnings on capital funds* had been only average or less, and this may be the decisive factor here

    11. Flavor is the decisive factor

    12. OFTEN IT IS THE PURELY AESTHETIC values that become the decisive factor when one chooses a vegetable

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