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    denomination Beispielsätze


    1. Somewhere he had read that the aluminum is the denomination most likely to be mistrusted

    2. to Trenton with every denomination

    3. To seem capable, he ought to at least know the name of the million denomination, tungsten he thought, but he didn't know how he would even recognize it, much less test for it

    4. He found some kind of a tool made of solid metal, he could not tell what denomination and he could not tell what the tool was for

    5. for their brothers and sisters in other cities, and not just their own congregation and denomination

    6. Spiritual amnesia happens when a denomination or the offspring

    7. Before that emission, the colony had raised the denomination of its coin, and had, by act of assembly, ordered 5s

    8. The pretence for raising the denomination of the coin was to prevent the exportation of gold and silver, by making equal quantities of those metals pass for greater sums in the colony than they did in the mother country

    9. It was found, however, that the price of all goods from the mother country rose exactly in proportion as they raised the denomination of their coin, so that their gold and silver were exported as fast as ever

    10. Under this denomination were comprehended timber fit for masts, yards, and bowsprits; hemp, tar, pitch, and turpentine

    11. But, upon this account alone, the denomination of barren or unproductive should seem to be very improperly applied to it

    12. Had any considerable alteration been made in the standard of the money, either by sinking the same quantity of silver to a lower denomination, or by raising it to a higher ; had an ounce of silver, for example, instead of being coined into five shillings and two pence, been coined either into pieces which bore so low a denomination as two shillings and seven pence, or into pieces which bore so high a one as ten shillings and four pence, it would, in the one case, have hurt the revenue of the proprietor, in the other that of the sovereign

    13. The produce of a tax levied in the latter way will vary, not only according to the variations in the produce of the land, but according both to those in the value of the precious metals, and those in the quantity of those metals which is at different times contained in coin of the same denomination

    14. The raising of the denomination of the coin has been the most usual expedient by which a real public bankruptcy has been disguised under the appearance of a pretended payment

    15. be raised to the denomination of a shilling, and twenty sixpences to that of a pound sterling ; the person who, under the old denomination, had borrowed twenty shillings, or near four ounces of silver, would, under the new, pay with twenty sixpences, or with something less than two ounces

    16. The Romans, at the end of the first Punic war, reduced the As, the coin or denomination by which they computed the value of all their other coins, from containing twelve ounces of copper, to contain only two ounces; that is, they raised two ounces of copper to a denomination which had always before expressed the value of twelve ounces

    17. The quantity of silver contained in six shillings and eightpence of our present money, would thus be raised very nearly to the denomination of a pound sterling

    18. The adulteration of the standard has exactly the same effect with what the French call an augmentation, or a direct raising of the denomination of the coin

    19. An augmentation, or a direct raising of the denomination of the coin, always is, and from its nature must be, an open and avowed operation

    20. By means of it, pieces are issued from the mint, of the same denomination, and, as nearly as could be contrived, of the same weight, bulk, and appearance, with pieces which had been current before of much greater value

    21. , the English coin was not only raised in its denomination, but adulterated in its standard

    22. Every cadet had to belong to some recognised church denomination, or he would be made to choose one on the spot

    23. Built in 1827 and dedicated to the goddess of health, Mariamman represents the oldest and most important sacred structure of that denomination in Singapore

    24. Tomek’s eyes widened at the denomination, but then he placed it with the other money and put it in his inside coat pocket

    25. [23] The problem of declining Christian influence in the western world is not something that is confined to any one tradition or denomination


    27. Meredith could find a good enough wife in his own denomination

    28. What if there is no one in the family to “conduct” the funeral at the grave? You can speak to the undertaker, they normally have someone who can fill in and usually they are not affiliated to any specific church or denomination – this is if all else fails, so to speak

    29. There was fear that some denomination, the Presbyterians in particular, would gain sufficient political support in the Congress provided for in the new Constitution to establish itself as the official religion of the new nation

    30. Furthermore, their ownership of Sweettower entitled them to it’s annual harvest of many tons of maple sap, prized the world over for making syrup and sugar, giving them an annual income equivalent to some seventeen hundred Finitran Gold Crowns, the highest denomination of coin of that realm

    31. Depending on his input he and his denomination stood a

    32. He viewed his denomination as coming under the same

    33. denomination and year, will usually exhibit macro homology between them, except in the rare

    34. be a string of religious murders across more than one denomination

    35. “You can be the Treasurer of a new denomination that is

    36. denomination in Naples, Florida

    37. to decide on how to proceed with this new denomination

    38. heard Al say about a new denomination was true, there was

    39. which he was elected by this denomination

    40. For example, Bowen’s minutes recorded the following encouragement given to the African-American leaders by the white bishop of the Episcopal Methodist denomination:

    41. One black pastor stated at the congress that African Americans in their denomination were not only Christian, but were committed evangelical Christians

    42. This vision died in this Episcopal Methodist denomination and in the rest, as well

    43. This is a known fact when studying any text; remember that the difference in denomination is in the interpretation of

    44. one specific denomination will be focused on here, instead simply the

    45. There were other telling clues for the conclusion reached on this colonial coupling, including the fact that these children all wanted to be on some denomination of U

    46. doubt, a jury and even the most skeptical judge would unquestioningly accept the word of a man of the cloth, regardless of their own religious denomination; here in the South, all holy men, whether liked or not by other congregations, were revered as pious, honest, and devout men whose sense of duty to the Master they served would never permit them to subvert the truth

    47. Buster was silent for a moment that seemed like an eternity then replied with a quiet tone laced with hesitation, “Well, he’s a preacher at another church in the area, not of our denomination though, but he has a strong following

    48. � Is it true that, after the arrival of a large group of French officers in February, some of them objected to the presence in their ranks of officers of Jewish denomination, then had them segregated?��

    49. Each little group or could say denomination had its own set of rules and regulations and wanted each of us to conform to their ways of life

    50. I’ve been taught by Gods’ Christ to Love the people, but never again will I embrace the religious crap that flows so freely from every denomination, sect, corner building with their steeple, or anyone else that tries to keep their people bound by some set of rules and regulations

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    Synonyme für "denomination"

    appellation appellative denomination designation name association title identification category class group church faith sect belief creed