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    descended from

    1. If she was ever at all curious to find out if she really descended from Oliar, any downtown lab could tell her for an iron

    2. ‘No … that is because she is descended from the last line of kings

    3. She has descended from heaven into an alien mortal realm

    4. I was descended from Nephilim? Why would a Nephilim allow their blood to mix with a demon?

    5. The symbols on my skin would represent the many cultures witches descended from

    6. Asmodeus knew I was descended from the Cross lineage, but he smelled something more in my blood

    7. I was descended from the Nephilim, who had fed on the blood of a demon and I was also the child of an angel

    8. I sighed and continued, “Having the Cross blood was a bigger plus because it meant I was descended from the founders of two covens: Sacred Moon and Meadow Falls

    9. But as the soldiers in the cart got out and unbound her wrists after she descended from it, it became increasingly clearer to the hosts just who had arrived and for what purpose

    10. In this colony there are said to be more than six hundred thousand people, either Portuguese or descended from Portuguese, creoles, mulattoes, and a mixed race between Portuguese and Brazilians

    11. “When the Fuhrer learned of the man, for that was what he was, and what he was descended from,

    12. ” The Whitten Hold farmers were descended from the people of Aldereithellen, a kingdom that was once known as the strongest defence against the Shadow

    13. Descended from both blond-haired Swedes and not so blond Mongols, is it any wonder that they have had such a turbulent history?

    14. I would like to propose a hypothetical question to the progressive reader: If given a choice, which of the following options would you choose: having been created in God‘s (own) Image or having descended from the apes? Should you choose the former, how come so many of you are willing to embrace evolutionary arguments that have been widely discredited rather than entertain the Divine Wisdom of scriptural teachings that offer a more plausible explanation for our existence? Why restrict your beliefs to worldly perceptions or ideas encumbered by the limits of your (finite) senses rather than explore the wondrous miracle of the human imagination, both moral and intellectual, or ―a capacity for self-transcendence‖ (Reinhold Niebuhr) uncommon among the Beast?

    15. ―Populations split into different species which are related because they are descended from a common ancestor‖ (Darwinism)

    16. So Beth had descended from the main building on foot, picking her way along the rutted switchback drive avoiding most of the puddles, except for one slip that left a shoe and blue jeans cuff caked with mud

    17. We descended from the crater and arrived at my sister's house in the woods near Medford, Oregon, where we slept in one of those "real-bed" contraptions again

    18. Guiding loops of cable that slowly descended from the crane, she had a perky manner he warmed to, and a likeable smile when she jauntily waved ‘all clear’

    19. The Wood Sprites descended from the trees; they all kneeled, facing Ruby

    20. I asked if he was descended from the founders of the town

    21. The Khakhan is simply using you as an excuse because you are a famous warrior descended from the great Raven

    22. The largest was at a sort of oasis in the desert after I had descended from the pass

    23. He did warn us that the land was harsh and recommended that we give the men the coca leaves to chew until they descended from the high plain around the lake

    24. 14 But the Israelites descended from their city, and came to him,

    25. 27 And at that time the sons of men were with Enoch, and Enoch was speaking to them, and they lifted up their eyes and the likeness of a great horse descended from Heaven, and the horse paced in the air;

    26. 38 And as to the tower which the sons of men built, the Earth opened its mouth and swallowed up one third part of it, and a fire also descended from Heaven and burned another third, and the other third is left to this day, and it is of that part which was aloft, and its circumference is three days' walk

    27. 14 And the sons of Jacob came to the city and saw, and note there was another wall to the city, and they sought for the gate of the wall and could not find it, and Judah sprang on the top of the wall, and Simeon and Levi followed him, and they all three descended from the wall into the city

    28. 49 And Judah and Dan and Naphtali descended from the wall into the city and pursued the inhabitants of the city, and Simeon and Levi were from without the city and knew not that the gate was opened, and they went up from there to the wall and came down to their brothers into the city

    29. 17 And Moses besought the countenance of the Lord, and he prayed to the Lord for the people on account of the calf which they had made, and he afterward descended from the mount and in his hands were the two tablets of stone, which God had given him to command the Israelites

    30. All men have descended from Adam through Noah

    31. The Messiah is an earthly king, descended from the house of David

    32. 27 And at that time the sons of men were with Enoch and Enoch was speaking to them and they lifted up their eyes and the likeness of a great horse descended from Heaven and the horse paced in the air;

    33. 38 And as to the tower which the sons of men built the Earth opened its mouth and swallowed up one third part of it and a fire also descended from Heaven and burned another third and the other third is left to this day and it is of that part which was aloft and its circumference is three days' walk

    34. The villagers rejoiced, as did the crews of the ships of Love, and the latter descended from their flying machines, joining the others in cele-brating the victory

    35. We are all called ‘humanoids’ by the dragons and other more distantly related races, meaning ‘those who are shaped like humans’, because humans were the first of us, and we and the dwarves and so on are descended from them

    36. She descended from the ship with courage, 95

    37. 14 And the sons of Jacob came to the city and saw and note there was another wall to the city and they sought for the gate of the wall and could not find it and Judah sprang on the top of the wall and Simeon and Levi followed him and they all three descended from the wall into the city

    38. 49 And Judah and Dan and Naphtali descended from the wall into the city and pursued the inhabitants of the city and Simeon and Levi were from without the city and knew not that the gate was opened and they went up from there to the wall and came down to their brothers into the city

    39. 17 And Moses besought the countenance of the Lord and he prayed to the Lord for the people on account of the calf which they had made and he afterward descended from the mount and in his hands were the two tablets of stone which God had given him to command the Israelites

    40. 4 And I saw that there was not one and the same likeness in the waters which descended from it

    41. Right after Jesus said that, a luminous mist slowly descended from the sky

    42. 14 But the Israelites descended from their city and came to him and loosed him and brought him to Bethulia and presented him to the governors of the city: 15 Which were in those days Ozias the son of Micha of the tribe of Simeon and Chabris the son of Gothoniel and Charmis the son of Melchiel

    43. A beam of red light descended from it toward the ground

    44. 2 Behold there was a great earthquake for an angel of the Lord descended from the sky and came and rolled away the stone from the door and sat on it

    45. 3 And when he descended from the mountain great multitudes followed him

    46. If I said to you what is on Earth and you believed not how then if I say to you what is in heaven will you believe? And no man has ascended up into heaven except him that descended from heaven the Son of man which is in heaven; And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness so is the Son of man to be lifted up; so that every man who may believe in him may not perish but have eternal life

    47. descended from the podium and took a stance next to

    48. But I would not read too much into these ancient legends and inscriptions – I once read another that told that we were all descended from frogs

    49. of Man, arguing that man descended from the

    50. said, but was descended from monkeys

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