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    destroyer Beispielsätze


    1. Death, the destroyer of worlds, the bringer of the final pain and the ultimate darkness

    2. "Raleigh told me some kind of stealthed Squidy warship got the destroyer that came with us

    3. that stands the destroyer, Hurricane, in this heaving world

    4. He had only recently left the charred lands of the Destroyer behind him, and already, he had aged a millennium

    5. And this time they didn’t have the Destroyer to stop it

    6. From their distance, she could see little of the Wall’s defenses other than the northern tower, which was still under construction even twenty years after the Destroyer toppled it with his power

    7. "The man they call Destroyer

    8. Regardless of how he left us, the Destroyer saved us from the Plague

    9. "Thanks to the Destroyer, I'm not much of anything

    10. "Even if you find the Destroyer, you can't change that fact

    11. "I could give a rotting hell about your money, Destroyer," Nathalia spat while the coins began clinking on the wood floor

    12. "The power of the Destroyer

    13. "Hah, the Destroyer? Even if you had the man, nothing living has stepped through the Gate in five hundred years," Katrina said, trying to vanish beneath her veil

    14. After all, I am the Destroyer

    15. Only one thing seemed to cleanse the darkness – the power of the Destroyer

    16. "How did you do that, Emily? Not even the Destroyer could have matched that

    17. "The Destroyer?" Emily said, piping in from far below the conversation

    18. "Yes, Destroyer of all things fragrant," the creature said, landing on Solo Ki

    19. "Where will you go, Destroyer? The outlands are no more

    20. Along with this newborn doubt came tremendous sympathy for the Destroyer and for a moment, Brice could almost feel the weight of the burden that man must bear

    21. Until the Destroyer came, there had been no entrance through the Red Wall

    22. "It's you! The Destroyer," she said, her white hair flailing about

    23. She must have given you some destroyer RNAcid

    24. The Destroyer does not wish to be disturbed at this time

    25. "I know a lot about you too, Destroyer," the elf replied, his voice the sound of grinding bones

    26. The northern quarter, having been decimated by the Destroyer, continued to lie in ruins for the general population refused to near the blackened crater where the city's greatest monuments once stood

    27. "He has found the Destroyer?" she responded with amazement

    28. She had thought herself freed of the Destroyer, freed from his endless cycle of pain

    29. And to think, Destroyer, we've wasted all this time because you thought I would die by your hand

    30. "Hail to the Destroyer! Conqueror of life and death!"

    31. Smiling to one another they replied, "Hail Destroyer he who comes to deliver us from the dead

    32. Have no fear of death, for the Destroyer is with us

    33. The man turned to Alec, and said, "Hail to the Destroyer! Conqueror of life and deaaaaaaaa

    34. I have but to sneeze and the Destroyer is no more

    35. "How fare you Destroyer, are you yet with us or among the dead?" One of those very same men demanded

    36. "You mean the Destroyer?" the cross-eyed soldier questioned, grappling with his visor

    37. Screams began filling the night, coming from the wounded bleeding to death in front of him, and from the distant warehouse roof where Alec figured, judging by the shouts of "Long live the Destroyer!", the rest of their squad were fighting for their lives

    38. Even the five soldiers, self-proclaimed followers of the Destroyer, blanched at his words

    39. "Beggin your pardon, Master Destroyer, but what if that imp can't let us in? We'll be trapped in those streets

    40. "That's easy to say, Destroyer, when you haven't even the courage to join us in the streets

    41. What he needed was her, the pale Goddess who was able to overcome the Destroyer and every last defender of the Rift with ease

    42. If he found her, then he would find the Destroyer as well

    43. “Then why bother saving us at all? Why not let the Destroyer have his way with us and be done with it?”

    44. She couldn’t deny the possibility – the man’s power had been unlike anything she had ever seen – but could it possibly be true? Her attempt to match the white robed woman’s stern demeanor was shattered; the image of this Destroyer unleashing his power against the Plague brought a smile to her face

    45. You may have saved us from the Destroyer, but in doing so you have certainly sentenced us to death

    46. Yet it must know its purpose, not simply to be a destroyer of time

    47. “I am the creator Nim therefore I am the destroyer too

    48. The next day, at sea in the central Mediterranean, we encountered what in that time and place happened all too frequently, thus: A Russian destroyer was about to cross our bow, which would cause a lot of nasty avoidance maneuvers

    49. “Did that destroyer leave any marker buoys on the wreckage?” he asked the flight computer

    50. Then they went through the same rigmarole as the police destroyer

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