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    destroying Beispielsätze


    1. We were not told that destroying our environment in the quest for our worldly comforts is immoral

    2. Soldiers were destroying everything in sight to find the Super Chip

    3. He seems intent on destroying the fireplace

    4. “And if I could get more people to do what l am doing instead of consistently destroying the environment she would have a much easier job

    5. home under His cover and blocked the way of the destroying angel

    6. She certainly felt like destroying something that morning

    7. In response, Brazilian space-based weapons bombed the Basran and Chirpol refineries on the gulf, destroying the last rusting remnants of the oil-based jihad

    8. " As soon as he said that much Blaise and Carlton babbled at once on the impossibility of doing so, meaning the political impossibility within the Nationalist ranks of destroying the Lula on such a mission

    9. With such technology it might be possible to raise an Angel from a mortal without destroying the flesh

    10. As I turned my head, I was surprised to see that Arion's laser had struck the crystalline sphere above the altar, actually destroying the mystical seal inside

    11. Iain is a good man and, once he realised that JJ would be able to have a life unaffected by the curse of the migraine that is destroying him, he argued for JJ to go across

    12. The last days will be ruthless in their pursuit of destroying God’s people

    13. Then more came bursting thru the brush, destroying everything in their path

    14. They came at him from both sides, and he was dodging flames and destroying dragons with nonstop speed

    15. “As I said, there are a few of them still out there, but we are hunting them down and destroying them as soon as we find them

    16. “In destroying this work of art, this marriage of the Muses with technology, this stranger has, indeed, shown himself to be the most astounding of all things

    17. "Make sure he knows that there is good reason to believe that the cause of the signals you are detecting is the cause of the impactors that are destroying our civilization," Warren said

    18. An alien power driving a cherub from Alan's universe and guiding the impactors that were destroying Angel and secular simulate civilization

    19. might erase the encoded information, destroying the

    20. “In destroying this

    21. Thought again about destroying them

    22. She sometimes daydreams that he has a disease that is gradually destroying his motor neurone system

    23. destroying their nests in the straw

    24. Now they can destroy the village without actually destroying the village!” Monica said, relieved

    25. “The imps are currently destroying your precious village right now

    26. “Now that we’ve warmed up with a little city-burning, let’s move onto destroying some planets!” Justice said

    27. anger constructively in communicating our needs without belittling or destroying

    28. Marriage is encouraged in China, not by the profitableness of children, but by the liberty of destroying them

    29. Whatever the case, in the end the Magi were the only ones capable of destroying the Order

    30. A discussion which ended only after convincing the elf that all he would be destroying while defecating was the elf's sense of smell

    31. These, though they do not increase in the same proportion as corn, which is altogether the acquisition of human industry, yet multiply under the care and protection of men, who store up in the season of plenty what may maintain them in that of scarcity ; who, through the whole year, furnish them with a greater quantity of food than uncultivated nature provides for them; and who, by destroying and extirpating their enemies, secure them in the free enjoyment of all that she provides

    32. Naybor had stopped the men rampaging through the village, pillaging and destroying

    33. Destroying all electronic and electrical equipment in an orgy of solar destruction

    34. He dropped the flash drive on the ground and smashed it with his leg, destroying the only thing that could have indicted Charles Blackburn

    35. Demilan was too high on the drug, wasting away in a mental state that probably brought him as much joy and pleasure as it was destroying his body and brain

    36. The animals had become completely fix-ated on destroying one another, when they had just been keen to seize upon what had appeared an easy meal

    37. They rampaged all over, destroying and slaughtering all in their path

    38. The resulting dissatisfaction can overwhelm all other feelings, destroying any chance of happiness

    39. I did my best to join in with her, hoping I wasn't destroying the beautiful sound of her voice

    40. they plunged to Earth destroying planes

    41. My Dad said that I was destroying the foundations of the American way, which I couldn’t understand, since I thought the American way was to foster democracy, for all

    42. But I don’t know how you will be able to enter the portal zone without flooding the entire lab with magnetic energy, and thus destroying every device in this compound

    43. “The two frigates have gone to Europa and they’re destroying the mines there

    44. The Elusivers had not succeeded in destroying the temporal field device despite how close their adapting salvo had got, close enough to destroy everything but the very foundations on which they were fixed

    45. Frank to carry on like this, destroying lives and property, threatening his partnership with Sharon

    46. Can one then adopt an interpretation that God actually meant only the people and animals in the region where Noah lived? Would this be a true reflection of the meaning that is clearly emphasised through various passages? If God repented that he had made man, beast and birds, would he then only destroy 10% of them and leave the other 90% alive, when he said that he would “destroy all flesh” and destroy “everything that is in the earth”? Would he accomplish anything by destroying only a certain percentage as would be the case with a localised flood? Genesis 9 specifically refers to this Flood as a “flood to destroy the earth”

    47. Alit’aren have been turning mad and destroying farms and villages across the Free Lands

    48. Waddell, captain of the Confederate cruiser, CSS Shenandoah, who was at the time destroying American property in the Pacific

    49. „Richard Thompson, President and Chief Counsel of the Thomas More Law Center, commented, “Political correctness is destroying our military

    50. He lifted his fist and brought it down on the man again and again, the blows destroying him as he cowered, weak and gutless

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