Verwenden Sie „detour“ in einem Satz
detour Beispielsätze
1. The man drove his van back to The Stables while we took a slight detour via Liz’s landlord in order to hand back the keys
2. I was sad about that detour with Yarin also
3. From the road, the houses look quite small, even though they are three storeys in height … okay, so I deliberately took a detour on my way back from Ann Connaught’s place just so I could drive past and have a look … you are a complete idiot at times, Sarah Grey! What sort of decor would he choose
4. Billy gets the cab driver to make a detour to the supermarket where there is a twenty-four-hour cash machine
5. constant warning of how hot it would be in the Tavern did not detour the janitor
6. Heather’s scream did not detour our gray-haired host
7. detour into Salzburg, where we’d enjoy the luxury of a
8. took the short detour to Saint Gilgen on the shores of
9. detour and every hill, and it was with some relief when
10. Fizzicist decided on a quick detour and took the northern path
11. This had been an unfortunate detour
12. Passing by the market, he could not ignore the alluring aroma of freshly baked bread for sale and made a short detour to purchase a few loaves
13. “Fallingwater! A man is leaving his land and Security is apparently looking for him, yet he has to take a detour to see a house in the mountains
14. She tried to detour her thoughts to the party Rex was
15. I took a detour and went
16. She wouldn’t mind taking a detour for him, though
17. Next was a quick detour to Craters of the Moon National Monument
18. Had the hill that they were on become an island for a short while, surrounded by the rebuffed surge that took their youngest upon its cruel detour? Could it happen again? It was a question that he dared not even contemplate
19. There would be no detour for her, and because of her formerly high station the agony would seem far worse
20. One may argue that we as a species have not waited for biology, or genetics to rescue us, that Cesarean section has engineered a detour around the present pelvic stricture
21. We have once more strayed from the target which was a comparison of Genesis with science, but the detour is worth it, as it is good to see it in the context of the book to which it belongs and in which it plays a part
22. Now I had to detour to find a way across flooded rivers
23. The small rivers flowing into the main one were not as dangerous to cross, but all required a bit of a detour upstream to find a still-frozen patch and, yes, I misjudged the strength of the ice more than once
24. By the end of that first day, I had crossed five of the tributaries on the east side of the main river and the last of them was quite the largest and required a long detour to cross
25. They would run a detour to Becky’s before heading off to the airport
26. The detour only added about ten minutes
27. Despite having lived on Chicago’s Southside for three and one-half years, I had no clue where the detour took me
28. When we were already on the way, he told us that he needed to make a little detour to pick up one of his friends
29. Barriers, detour signs and one-way systems jostled with notices directing potential and previous clients to the temporary offices of such and such establishment
30. “Tar, I need you to come here as soon as possible, we have a problem, and on your way detour to Heng Ty’s jewellers and shoot the bastard
31. Immediately they made a wide detour across some open ground, along a narrow land and past some charred remains of the laundry house
32. By using back alleys and quiet streets Suzy would have to detour about a mile making her end up at the back of Lewis's flat
33. It would have meant a bit of a detour that would have put an extra half hour on their journey
34. Should detour back
35. He made a quick detour to the alley where he had hid his things
36. Be careful to recognize demobilizing structures that are founded on ambitions to govern churches at home, which may detour you from fulfilling Christ’s Commission
37. Taking off in their freshly refueled helicopter, they headed towards the North-West and Qom, but Mousavi had the pilot do a short detour first, making them pass over the site of an airplane crash
38. “By the way, thank you for making that detour the other
39. As the excitement was still on, a big, beefy man with a crooked nose and a shaved head purposely made a detour to pass near the group, stopping behind Laplante and speaking loudly enough for everyone nearby to hear him
40. “Right, forget the priest for now, he is taking up precious time that we can ill afford, back to the planning, the plan to travel through enemy country at night and rest during the day is a sound tactic, but I must insist that you also leave Toltec land by night in case the Mixtec are patrolling the border country, once on enemy land you will be descending from the plateau to the coastal plain with its tropical forests, you must avoid the farms and any signs of habitation, if you come across any sign of the Mixtec you must take a wide detour, rejoining the route we have agreed will afford you the best chance of evading the Mixtec, at all costs you must avoid any confrontation whatever
41. Quite a detour
42. When they entered the downtown sector of Saigon, Jacques had the taxi driver make a detour so that they could pass in front of a large French colonial style building with armed soldiers posted at its entrances
43. And many times he was lied too, before the requirements were met, and still these obstruction did not detour Jacob in any way; not for the love-ofhis-life
44. Still, it seemed that he had the world by the tail, that is, until history took another detour and the Greeks on the Ionian coast of Asia Minor rose in revolt in 499 BC
45. a bit of a detour that we sometimes take on our path toward Home, but
46. Though there had been an unexpected detour in the
47. ‘’In that case, we better make a large detour inside the forest, to avoid those things that cut trees
48. Having to pass near that vent, he made a small detour to examine it and soon stood beside a long, narrow crack in the methane ice
49. The alternatives to going through Iran didn’t look that promising either: tango through Georgia and the Caucuses where there was some heavy political shit going down and then rumba on through Russia and Kazakhstan to North China – one hell of a detour! Routesville Number Two would have led us to samba through Syria or Iraq (neither really very cycle-friendly) and then salsa on to Saudi Arabia and Oman
50. hands, weary travelers who decided to take a detour into a real-
1. We went as far south as Exmoor and detoured along the coast
2. Aspen detoured into the trees off the side of the main gate, vaulting the fence
3. On my way back to the rooming house, I detoured into the parking area at the Hilton Hotel to find a car with out of state license plates
4. The ensuing inquiry by a sleepy eyed officer, a captain of tens, determined that a third canal guard had been slain by an official-sounding group, probably small, who had supposedly moved in the direction of the encampment, but probably detoured past their position to avoid detection
5. Sam was on a role, doing what he did best and was not detoured by her tone
6. Pratt was not detoured
7. “Not all?” she was the one speaking, but she did not know if she was in the same her that had been detoured here
8. of study to find out at what point in history, the nation detoured in the wrong
9. On his way out, he detoured down the street with the vacant house
10. Occasionally a car sputtered up the hill from downtown and detoured around the sleeping dogs before parking in front of Peerless Painless Dentist, its driver getting out and walking nervously into the office
11. Cars were backed up on Vallejo and were being detoured around Divisadero
12. 'I got out of the hospital this morning and first thing on the way home, we detoured around a wreck
13. ‘I got out of the hospital this morning and first thing on the way home, we detoured around a wreck
14. He detoured around that place where the lives of his children and his wife grew up in the sun, and used his scythe on the far end of the field where he knew he would make no mistakes
15. "I got out of the hospital this morning and first thing on the way home, we detoured around a wreck
1. determine its own foolishness instead of there being a detouring without
2. of hedges and passed through the gate before detouring to her
3. Though dark, the quiet man had little trouble staying parallel to the ruts, occasionally detouring around a ditch or pond
4. I decided to avoid this encounter by detouring to the left where there was another path
5. One day after sea search, as Phil was detouring around a squall, Cuppernell asked him if he’d dare fly into it
1. several detours to the west
2. It was an extremely frustrating and exasperating experience, as you can imagine, but she could find no way to avoid these habitual detours that left her totally exhausted by the time she finally slipped the key into the front door of her estranged house
3. There are no detours on the Road to Success
4. While many roads (arguably) lead to heaven, I believe that we would all be better served remaining on the ―trusted path‖ rather than experimenting with detours which may lead us to ―Heaven‖ knows where
5. About a half mile into the hike, we started encountering more and more fallen trees so there was a lot of climbing, crawling, and detours
6. He said, “When I was a pilot, I would sometimes fly outside the designated flight plan, but I was never required to take an oath that I would travel directly from point A to point B, or to go as quickly as possible and come directly back without detours
7. you up to their speed, take you on their favourite detours, etc
8. of nowhere there is road construction, speed traps, detours, and specialist owned
9. Travis constantly watched the highway behind for trailing cars and twice left the Autoroute to make detours through dark, sleepy Quebec hamlets, just in case
10. Stef increases speed with a clear road ahead and realising that if those two fellas have been sent to cut him off at the junction he detours and runs into the petrol station
11. If the Vietminh can take Muang Phin, they will have a much improved freedom of movement inside Southern Laos and will cut off many other outposts, forcing them to use long detours to get supplies
12. I was curious to see if there had been anyone there, but I was too concerned with saving my own skin to take any detours, so I traveled on
13. eral detours in order to find his way over to the riverboat area
14. Fallen trees made the driver take detours
15. I don’t suppose “digress” fully covers the magnitude of my detours to this point, does it? That frequently happens when I get kind of lost in my own thoughts, as I share them with the hapless reader
16. There she stood and waited for the villagers to question them about this unheard of thing; and it was bad to see how they melted away in other directions,--out at unused gates, making detours over the grass, visiting the long-neglected graves of relatives, anywhere rather than along the ordinary way, which was the path where the vicar's wife stood
17. Sea of Galilee, but I believe he deliberately detours to visit
18. wisdom can be obtained during those detours, yet nevertheless, in the context of seeking to
19. We have to make several detours as what was more or less a safe path on the way up, is not, on the way down
20. and sometimes that takes the form of some very inviting detours from the path with some
21. "detours" around the road blocks that have clogged the coronary artery
22. The site allowed him to track the phone’s previous movements as well, and a couple of clicks later, he learned that the phone had been carried from the Sanchez home to the house on Robins Lane without any detours
23. All the other detours and departures were meaningless now
24. From there, the path, as Goldstein describes it, involves moments of terror, periods of sublime bliss, pitfalls, trapdoors, and detours
25. This building communicated in the rear by a masked door which opened by a secret spring, with a long, narrow, paved winding corridor, open to the sky, hemmed in with two lofty walls, which, hidden with wonderful art, and lost as it were between garden enclosures and cultivated land, all of whose angles and detours it followed, ended in another door, also with a secret lock which opened a quarter of a league away, almost in another quarter, at the solitary extremity of the Rue du Babylone
26. She heard the accordions in her detours around disenchantment, she heard the shouts from the cockfighting pits, the bursts of gunfire that could just as well signal war as revelry, and when she had no other recourse and had to pass through a village, she covered her face with her mantilla so that she could remember it as it once had been