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    1. If we consider only a narrow vibration diapason of different-qualitative irkkulligren types of Realities, then it is possible to state with a high degree of accuracy that stable refocusings in the Direction of development and cultivation, in Self-Consciousness, of Conceptions (SFUURMM-Forms) characteristic of Aspects of such a recessive (to people) Quality as ALL-Primordiality-ALL-Initiality (when it is in dissonance with the existing Dominant ALL-Will-of-ALL-Intelligence in LLUU-VVU) will contribute to the manifestation of the state of “Creative Cosmic PRIORITY” or MMAINTANA’KNAMM-A’ALL in Self-Consciousness and to a frequency “displacement” of UFS from LLUU-VVU into LGUU-VVU-Forms of gre’ysc’es (maklaks, mafits, vergons, glumids)

    2. The Forms of Energies can visually manifest themselves in a definite point of Space formed by this diapason of Energy-Plasma exactly in this manner — in the form of “a personality” that we perceive (NUU-VVU, NUULL-VVU-Forms and others)

    3. When I want to talk only about processes common to irkkulligren types of subjective realities, I use, as in this case for example, the word-combination quantum-holographous, meaning by it a certain inertial process of “quantization of the physical diapason” of Space-Time (3-4 dimensional) by certain wave Configurations of SFUURMM-Forms that manifest by frequency in this diapason in the form of “material” objects

    4. For the next, 4-5-dimensional diapason, there is the term “iskon-holographous”, and for the 2-3-dimensional one — “uykkuy-holographous”9

    5. At each subsequent moment of our Existence, regardless of which part of “humankind” (type of its collective Consciousness) we inhabit, there is always a real individual possibility of refocusing into those “parts” of it which have both higher-quality and lower-quality parameters of VLOOOMOOT in relation to the current diapason

    6. Even this subjective “always” is fixed in the Collective Intelligences of all Energy-Plasma Forms as a simultaneous-single-moment (that is, “a matter-of-course”) possibility to be actively and creatively manifested through a definite Time Flow in one quality diapason or another (but in this case this will already be a subjective manifestation endowed with a certain degree of Self-Consciousness)

    7. The dynamics appear as a result of a narrow-quality interaction of Space and Time of the same diapason of dimension

    8. The slightest dissonance that emerges in the cause-and-effect relations appearing in this system results instantly in “exclusion” of this Form of Self-Consciousness from the system and in its refocusing into another wave diapason that forms a different rotation Cycle with completely different development scenarios of Forms that structure this Cycle

    9. However, Formo-systems of Worlds are not suited to describe some properties of focused-by-Us NUU-VVU-Forms because each of them objectively expresses a result of an instantaneous quality state of realization Forms of absolutely all living creatures whose wave Configurations are “encrusted” in this narrow diapason of dimension, starting with characteristic vibrations of atoms and molecules, wind and water, plants and minerals, animals and people, and ending with all Planetary, Star, and Galactic Entities Whose specific Forms are also dynamically manifested at this instant in this narrow-frequency range of Energy-Plasma

    10. For example, literally each type of NUU-VVU-Forms, whose Configurations of Self-Consciousness are organized by approximately the same type of different-quality Synthesis of the same Aspects of Qualities (that is, UU-VVU-copies can intensively exchange energy and information because the Creative Activity of Aspects that belong to the same pair of dominant Qualities differs from the Creative Activity of definite Aspects of recessive Qualities), stays inertially in a given dimensional diapason of Space-Time together with a frequency manifestation of all other Forms of Collective Intelligences within its Formo-system of Worlds, and forms only its own characteristic type of Realities with its subjective life creativity

    11. Moreover, all creative dynamics of Conversums that unite all Continuums in the 3-4-dimensional diapason, for example, are formed by hyper-transmission of Energy and Information into their structures through wave Configurations of Forms at lower vibration Levels of 4th-5th dimension Conversums

    12. The Collective Intelligence of each Proto-Form forms, in Space-Time of each diapason of Its manifestation, its own subjective space-time Continuums that differ very much from each other in quality, because each one is structured, first, by creative realization dynamics of its own quality Dominants, and, second, by Continuums created by the creativity of some Proto-Forms that not only have different degrees of interrelations of Dominants among themselves but also have different degrees of relations with Aspects of background Qualities

    13. The diapason is the same but the Continuums are different

    14. For example, the well-known “Earth”, which represents just a very narrow Creative Activity diapason (from “Formo-Plasma” to “Plasma-Form”) for the Collective Intelligence of the Cosmic Entity GRE’IYSLIISS, is a highly-organized Form of this Entity’s specific creative realization and is densely structured by information Flows of only those Aspects of the twelve Pure Qualities that correspond to the Creative Activity diapasons of Its Self-Consciousness

    15. So, with the help of all these Fields-Consciousnesses, all Information typical of this group of duvuyllerrt Worlds is transmitted and received, according to its frequency, through corresponding Levels of “the Diapason of Plasmic Forces” by the “Biopendulums” (ILLGRII-TO-O) of all NUU-VVU-Forms whose Focuses of Close Attention can be activated at least for some time in the diapasons of these frequencies, which are registered in their temporal ethereal constituent

    16. It is important to remember here that an “individual” frequency of the rotation Cycle of a Formo-system of Worlds is directly interrelated, in terms of its Energy-Information, with a very narrow dimensional diapason

    17. Each individual Formo-system of Worlds has only one corresponding narrow dimensional diapason in connection with the general inertial dynamics of the space-time Continuum

    18. That is, you yourselves, as observers, and objects observed by you in the outward reality are entirely united by your Nature, because all of you are the manifestation of frequencies of all possible types of force interrelations of wave Fields-Consciousnesses in a narrow diapason

    19. They are considered the “smallest” only in relation to our Perception, though in fact these are just particular reflections of superlight dynamics of global Cosmic Processes in a very narrow diapason of Energy-Plasma

    20. There is nothing of the kind; there is only termination of individual possibilities of a given Stereo-Type group that inertially forms NUU-VVU-Forms for the implementation of the process of choice in this diapason of Energy-Plasma vibrations

    21. This diapason represents the focal point of Information that pertains to the collective Consciousness Levels of a Stereo-Form, which I subjectively designate as “a deeply unconscious” state of Energy-Plasma

    22. During the process of the inertial development of the Collective Intelligence of PROOFF-RRU in the diapason of irkkulligren types of Realities, SVUULLMII-SVUU was “introduced” into creative dynamics of “the combined Consciousness” of LLUU-VVU from other Proto-Forms

    23. This diapason represents the focal point of Information that belongs to the Type of Collective Intelligence which we define subjectively as the Supraconsciousness

    24. In this diapason, the entire quality directivity of human activity changes radically due to the absence of creative TEC dynamics of a form-differentiating NUU-VVU-Formo-Type whose diffusgent creativity is implemented only in the diapason from +6

    25. This diapason represents the focal point of Information that belongs to the Type of the Collective Intelligence which I define subjectively as THE PROTOCONSCIOUSNESS and which is jointly implemented by GOOLGAMAA-A, that is, by Star “STABILIZATION” Forms of AIY-YA’ (SSOOSSOOLMA-SUU- and SSOOSSOOLMA-NAA-Creators)

    26. 16) – The diapason of 15-16 dimensions: this diapason represents the focal point of Information that belongs to the Type of the Collective Intelligence which I define subjectively as THE HYPERCONSCIOUSNESS and which is jointly implemented by RAAKLIMA-Star “INTEGRATION” Forms of AIY-YA’ — LUULLSSMII-FFAY and LUULLSSMII-SSLAA-Creators;

    27. In the 3-4-dimensional diapason that we perceive, the biological analog of this Formo-Type (that which I mean by a manifested “personality”, a NUU-VVU-Form) allows Our UFS to experience and to realize the lowest subjective states of a “personalized” Self-Consciousness in the form of egoistic, “discretely-thinking biological systems”

    28. Furthermore, above the diapason of the 5th-6th dimension, it is only possible to fulfill this through special transitional states

    29. In this narrow diapason of 3

    30. This functional moment is so important for the whole process of Our refocusings in NUU-VVU-Configurations that it is even expressed by a minimum difference in the Cosmic Codes of the two kinds of Forms — the difference of biological NUU-VVU from energy-information UU-VVU used by them is, as you see, just in the presence of one specific property, which in this diapason of dimensions corresponds in frequency to the vibrations of the letter “N”

    31. For example, while the rotation Cycles of the present “humankind” that include the known (to us) period of “history” contain hundreds of thousands of years and occupy the diapason of dimensions from 3

    32. 1 850 236 179, the rotation Cycles of elementary particles last (according to our hypotheses) tens of billions of years and include the notional diapason of dimensions from 3

    33. Each of innumerable subjective Realities of all types that structures Space-Time of each Continuum by Configurations of Self-Consciousnesses of its Forms manifests in a much narrower diapason of dimensions, but each of them has common resopasons with Realities of almost all other types, which makes it possible for Forms of most Realities to actively interact with each other

    34. This refers to not only to “people”, but also to all other Forms of Self-Consciousness, which, due to the existing difference in synthetic processes and their extreme sublevels of the dimensional diapason of the general dynamics of manifestation of Forms of this Continuum, cannot adequately associate in their typical systems of Perception and individually discern Forms of Self-Consciousness from Realities of other types simultaneously manifested with them

    35. Why? Because we have a common (to all of us) diapason of dimensions, the reliability and constancy (presence) of which is provided by the more differentiated dynamics of individual holographous rotation-frequency Shifts of different-qualitative Formo-systems of individual Worlds that structure even narrower diapasons of dimensions but have (through resopasons) active interrelations with Forms of Self-Consciousnesses of other Formo-systems of Worlds

    36. You said that now our Continuum is in an extremely unstable state, when inertially, at every instant of our existence, there can be a qualitative differentiation of Forms that structure it into different (qualitatively more stabilized) duvuyllerrt “Continuums” that manifest in one and the same diapason of dimensions

    37. ODS provides us with a continuous flow of SFUURMM-Forms about anything (they are Thoughts of a qualitative sublevel that are formalized in a certain manner), which can be both from the lowest (for “people”) sublevel (for example, within the diapason of dimensions from 2

    38. Now, getting back to my answer to the question, I would like to remind you that “Karmo-Plasma” of Realities of the three-four-dimensional diapason is structured by the unique force dynamics of different-qualitative types of elementary Formo-“particles” (Fields-Consciousnesses), the whole diversity of which is accumulated in the noo-time mode in the Collective Intelligence of a certain united ellitimoglofic UPDUYKK-Field that fills with specific VVU-Configurations of all its self-conscious Formo-“particles” absolutely all energy-information structures of Formo-systems of Worlds and Realities of all types simultaneously manifested in this range

    39. Causal Formo-Creators of the 3-4-dimensional diapason of Energy-Plasma (different-qualitative “duplexes” of karmo-klofts) use these wave SFUURMM-Forms to organize all Configurations of each of Forms of manifestation of Self-Consciousness — those of “people”, ants, bees, and all other animals, plants and minerals

    40. 0 dimension, is the universal ethereal component of Energy-Plasma — FLAAGG-TUU or the Universal Ethereal Diapason of Plasmic Forces which is represented in the Intergalactic Ethereal Complex-Plane by the energy-information IIYY-YY-SS-MM-Flow, and on Cosmic Plane-Levels — by OULLGNOO-SS-ST-Flow (from ±24

    41. However, many of these inexplicable “errors” and blatant “inaccuracies” are just natural results of narrowly-specific force interrelations of those Nonquantum or Nonwave dynamics, the existence of which you so obstinately don’t want to recognize, but which manifest in our diapason of dimensions in spite of any your strict negations

    42. Let me remind you one more time that they synthesize in the 2-3-dimensional diapason Aspects of one dominant Quality with very weak (fluctuation) interactions with Fields-Consciousnesses that represent Aspects of the other 11 Qualities

    43. Discrete forms of various communities and creative groups are created according to the same characteristics in the doollttrok diapason of dimensions, and they develop the low-frequency dynamics in all Aspects of one Quality typical only of their doolls Configuration of Self-Consciousness

    44. This is the beginning of the bilateral interqualitative Synthesis, which we continue in the Forms of the 3-4-dimensional diapason

    45. In other words, there is a natural refocusing of Self-Consciousnesses of the two 2-3-dimensional Forms from the doollttrok diapason into a corresponding 3-4-dimensional Proto-Form of the irkkulligren diapason of dimensions, which is manifested in the subjective Reality of that type that corresponds best to the degree of compatibility between the Aspects of Qualities synthesized by them

    46. thousand five hundred Aspects only of one Quality — ALL-Love-ALL-Wisdom which are typical of the manifestation in this 2-3-dimensional diapason of Energy-Plasma

    47. If these objects are under a stable influence of even lower-frequency “psychonations” and “emanations”, then, in the course of time, the speed of massless luxons (for example, photons) and “massive” elementary particles (tardyons, electrons, quarks, protons, neutrons) that form “quantum Fields” of all “material” objects will also begin to decrease under the strong influence of Inertia, and from a definite moment these waves will transform into doolls oscillations of uykkuy Fields-Consciousnesses with superlow frequency that form different-qualitative realities of the 2-3-dimensional diapason

    48. From the physical point of view, RRGLUU-VVU (the Primary Time Axis) represents a multidimensional dynamic-energy conglomerate structured by the individual energy-information dynamics of an innumerable set of different-qualitative Fields-Consciousnesses, the specific Creativity of which penetrates a huge diapason of dimensions of Realities and Continuums, in which Formo-Types of a LLUU-VVU-Form can manifest

    49. Such limitation in the possibilities of a detailed research of “Fields” of other types represented one way or another in force interactions of Energy-Plasma of this diapason of dimensions is first of all based on the fact that, in Formo-systems of Worlds formed by our — “human” — structures of Self-Consciousness, Aspects of just two Qualities dominate in all form-creating processes — ALL-Love-ALL-Wisdom (the magnetic “Flow”) and ALL-Will-of-ALL-Intelligence (the electric “Flow”), the synthetic dynamics of which form in the Tertiary Energy-Plasma such specific state as “Creative Cosmic POTENTIALITY”, the main manifestation of which is the degree of quality of Formo-Matter which is defined by scientists as the electromagnetic Field (or “the physical vacuum”)

    50. If to convey sufficient Energy to “the quantum Field” (which is in the state of “the physical vacuum” and consists of its own flaks particles) by introducing a definite wave into its dynamics (for example, due to a strong concentration in its typical frequency range of a particular psychomental information Impulse, for instance, “a karmonation” as a SFUURMM-Form of a highly-spiritual Aspiration), then it will be stimulated by this Information and the impulse wave — as a carrier of additional Energy-Information — will create necessary conditions for the transformation (slowing down) of corresponding flaks particles that have reacted to the energy-information interaction of this very type in this “material” diapason of dimensions

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