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    digs Beispielsätze


    1. ” Travis digs for his wallet to pay her

    2. Russ digs out a chaw of Redman, offers it to John, who shakes his head

    3. John looks over his shoulder in the direction of the firing, takes off his wedding ring slowly, studies it sadly for a moment, digs out a small hole in the ground with his hand, buries it, puts a rock on top

    4. astral guardian would bring the boy to her arms and to her digs soon enough

    5. The low greyness of the sky blotted out the stars, but as Lucy headed up the road towards Waitrose and the uphill walk towards Chesterton, past the old hospital and the mouldering bones of the old Roman amphitheatre, she felt sure that some astral guardian would bring the boy to her arms and to her digs soon enough

    6. Why? Her new friends, the girls sharing her digs had elected to go on to a small club a few yards down the street, but not she

    7. One digs in his pocket for a grubby cloth and wipes his forehead before exchanging greetings with the Gottesman

    8. "Does she know where home is? Does she know that mum, dad and the rest of the fucked-up Brady Bunch are waiting for her with open arms? Shame about the digs

    9. " Ken digs his fingers into Ted's bony shoulders

    10. She was starving and tired; the thought of beans on toast –the best her digs would offer – was not appealing

    11. After all, the most she had ever done in this line was cooking for herself and one of the other dancers in the troupe who had camped on her floor for a few days when between digs

    12. All that they need to do is fell a couple of trees in the right direction and they get a walkway over the wall and into the digs

    13. wonder if I could ask you, whether they have a place for digs in town, or a hotel?”

    14. Then he walked back to his digs, deep in thought

    15. Nate turned and started to walk back to his digs

    16. Except, the holder of the stylus digs into my hand

    17. He digs under his pillow and fishes out a dollar

    18. We made a deal with Bernie to use part of his Paris digs for an office when we needed it

    19. fast at the loose clay, as a terrier digs at a bone

    20. talks a lot that’s why girls digs him while Alex is usually on the other

    21. Then along comes Caroline, a broad he really digs, and what happens? No sooner does fancy-ass Brian Walston start strutting his stuff than she fucking takes off and goes with him! Bitch! Well, he’d given her a taste of something to think about

    22. Archaeological digs have unearthed many representations of the god Baal by way of small household idols of clay

    23. In the midst of my rappin’ I saw Gina giving him dirty looks as she tugged away at his grip, which gave me added inspiration to rap a few more digs,

    24. It digs in its talons and doesn’t move

    25. The edge of the armrest digs into my palm

    26. The fabric digs into my throat, choking me, and I stumble after him

    27. She never gave him digs about his children as other Glen women did; she never bored him with local gossip; she had no malice and no pettiness

    28. 21 Who longs for death, but it comes not; and digs for it more than for hidden treasures;

    29. man digs out evil, and in his lips there is something like the burning fire; the foul man sows strife, and a whisperer separates best

    30. Whoever digs the pit shall fall in there, and he who rolls the stone, it will return onto him

    31. Caution! If you have a dog that digs

    32. The investor conference had more humble digs at the Edinburgh ICC but it was still impressive and was a great venue for all involved

    33. We had only 1 BR, so I told him to take her to his North Side digs or be immodest and let me listen while I crashed on the couch

    34. He digs two fingers through the opening, lets out a low grunt as he brings out a small object

    35. In The Lovely Bones, that pervert digs his child trap using the headlights from his truck to see what he’s doing

    36. She digs deep into the pockets of her skirt and brings out the emerald

    37. Grit digs into his cheek and all he can see is the executioner’s feet and the wild swirls of the cloak he wears

    38. The man slams him back into the wall behind and the jagged stone digs into his body

    39. First Of Those Who Fight wished that One Who Digs Holes had been killed by the human along with He Who Fell In A Hole

    40. •Comfortable to wear - your child will need to wear this alarm nightly for a few months, anything that digs into your child, prevents sleep or has sharp edges could be detrimental

    41. He said we could be in Wales working on the Roman digs

    42. All the digs before were rehearsals

    43. He retired three years ago, but was still invited to most of the digs in Great Britain as a consultant

    44. Ras digs in vigorously

    45. The child looks down and digs his fingers into his pocket, pulls out a small yellow and orange stripped Super-ball and beams at his mother with delight, “Mommy, look!”

    46. ” She drops the remote on your head and digs herself out of your arms

    47. ” She digs into her bag

    48. Jeremy came to our digs with his parents who interviewed us over tea in the boarding house parlour, then watched as Jeremy was auditioned

    49. I had the responsibility to check him into his new digs, but more importantly, I had to secure an arrest warrant for Bob Nakamura from judge Manley

    50. Richard digs into his modern physics college textbook, boning up on statistical mechanics

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