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disintegrating Beispielsätze
1. Her arms, her nose and her hair were covered in glue and disintegrating paper leaves
2. and disintegrating paper leaves
3. Ted zips and washes his hands, drying them on rapidly disintegrating toilet paper rather than using the roll of pull down towelling on the wall
4. Even more miraculous than the appearance of the boulder dwarf, all around her the Reapers were suddenly disintegrating
5. From his father’s laugh to a PBS special when he was a kid that showed the sun finally blowing itself up, disintegrating all the planets
6. From Zardino’s ship they observed the disintegrating Moon base
7. It fired the device at Roidon, but instead of disintegrating, he simply froze
8. The water of the fall has a magical effect over my body and mind, disintegrating each of them into small particles, which then melt like a candle
9. Is this action integrating with reality, or disintegrating with reality? How will this action move me towards my goals
10. I found some extra clothes I had and gave them to him since his were disintegrating in the water
11. There is a word that insinuates itself into an environment in which liberty is disintegrating
12. A moment or two later, and the images faded, the white room disintegrating
13. experiences the etheric double would be in the process of disintegrating If
14. I slashed up with my sword, heard a sickening shlock!, then a hiss like wind rushing out of a cavern-the sound of a monster disintegrating
15. He slung the young man over his shoulder and carried him to a hideout beside a billabong, plonked him up to his nose in the muddy water, stripped, peeled off Antony’s already disintegrating clothes and massaged calming mud into angry flesh
16. Then her skin cracked, peeling back and disintegrating as did her clothes, revealing red, scaly skin and a thrashing tail
17. Conan blinked and shook the blood from his own eyes; it seemed to him that the thing was melting and disintegrating into a slimy unstable mass
18. windshield and disintegrating on impact
19. The voice is fading out, disappearing, disintegrating
20. With his secret occupation as an arms dealer and with the actual, chaotic situation around the rapidly disintegrating U
21. disintegrating of course, answered John, “That’s where you
22. Both the fighter and the scoutship collided head on, the fighter disintegrating on impact with the scoutship’s shields
23. Her body was disintegrating
24. Then, more howitzer shells started falling around the surviving trucks, with one vehicle disintegrating under the direct impact of a 100 kilo shell
25. Sounds of a Cowhide Drum, wrapped in a disintegrating scrap of newspaper
26. disintegrating the comet,” the Ensign said
27. The enemy woke up to reality when the Mig targeted by Ingrid exploded in mid-air, disintegrating into pieces
28. Higher volatility of returns while saving for retirement results in greater chances of the investment’s final value disintegrating
29. Loose change, disintegrating hankies, a bottle-opener, an used coach-ticket to the Wizard’s Convention, another bottle-opener and some rolled up sheets of paper
30. process of disintegrating it takes and into our reserve
31. She shuddered at the thought of some volkaane killing him, his body disintegrating into a pile of ash, but then realized death would be a far better fate than an eternity as a vampire
32. The apparent decay of the universe is only perceptible from within and gravity, it would seem, is the universe disintegrating as it reverts to a state it never really left
33. Each ship would die, its hull cracking and disintegrating within a matter of days if it was not constantly supplied with another tank of some other strange substance
34. without a sound, it burst into bits of black paint, disintegrating into nothing
35. “An autistic society, one that is socially disintegrating, i
36. He replayed the scene in his mind repeatedly of the image of Pedro disintegrating right before his eyes
37. “Our common unity?” amongst the scattered fires, scales began disintegrating as the cataract blindness was burned away
38. Nigella, made of sterner stuff, regarded Fanny's remark as yet another proof of the rate at which she was disintegrating
39. Unfortunately we were all still a little shell-shocked; shocked that the world appeared to be disintegrating behind us
40. Five hours later and the road was quickly disintegrating beneath their wheels
41. The brothers glanced at her nervously, having seen what had become of the witches, their bodies disintegrating before their eyes
42. We are convInced that their planet is in a disintegrating orbit and we are going to help save as many of them as we can
43. We have read about the discovery in science, where the Sun will ‘blow up’, disintegrating by its own volition, on its ‘use by date,’ after burning all its fuel, without further heat and energy, in about 5,000 million years time
44. disappearing, disintegrating, being dissolved of "the elements" on the day of the Lord; not
45. away, disappearing, disintegrating, being dissolved of "the elements" on the day of the
46. I heard Anna screaming and saw her with her hands over her ears as the house all around us was disintegrating as it was torn apart by hot lead
47. However, Peter speaks of the utter destruction, passing away, disappearing, disintegrating, being dissolved of "the elements" on the day of the Lord; not just being darken, or not giving their light
48. Much less has there been failure, but victory, if we may take into account the indirect civilizing influences which have accompanied the gospel; the gradual but almost universal extension of the dry-rot of disbelief in their own systems among the heathen, which must be set down in part to the disintegrating action of Christian ideas in Asiatic society
49. After wasting hours poring over yet another tattered, disintegrating volume we brought out of the Silvers with a title that translates roughly as The Fae Obscene, I busy myself dusting and polishing shelves and counters, then check on the weapons I’ve hidden around the store
50. Those already in the water were struck by the falling bodies of those who came after, and by the disintegrating timbers, some small, some huge
51. Probably Marie-Laure should be more curious—about her great-uncle who sees things that are not there, about the fate of everyone and everything she has ever known—but her stomach is full, her blood has become a warm golden flow through her arteries, and out the open window, beyond the walls, the ocean crashes, only a bit of stacked stone left between her and it, the rim of Brittany, the farthest windowsill of France—and maybe the Germans are advancing as inexorably as lava, but Marie-Laure is slipping into something like a dream, or perhaps it’s the memory of one: she’s six or seven years old, newly blind, and her father is sitting in the chair beside her bed, whittling away at some tiny piece of wood, smoking a cigarette, and evening is settling over the hundred thousand rooftops and chimneys of Paris, and all the walls around her are dissolving, the ceilings too, the whole city is disintegrating into smoke, and at last sleep falls over her like a shadow
52. The disintegrating rose was still on the windshield and she reached for it, grouping it with the others in a gruesome bouquet
53. Finally, a shell blew out the wall of the top turret, disintegrating on impact and shooting metal into Pillsbury’s leg from foot to knee
54. It was possible that the raft had been thrown loose by the disintegrating plane, but it was much more likely that the engineer, in the last act of his life, had yanked the raft-release handle just before the crash
55. Rychtyr’s army had managed to retreat without disintegrating only because of the general’s forethought in blocking the navigable channel with successive chains of sunken canal barges
56. It is an old time-table now, disintegrating at its folds and headed ‘This schedule in effect July 5th, 1922
57. Rather it requires the contrarian trader to lean against the crowd, to invest opposite the preferences of well-established market crowds by identifying the point where these crowds are liable to begin disintegrating
58. Even though the bearish stock market crowd that existed at the start of the bull market is disintegrating rapidly, no bullish crowd is likely to be evident yet and no bullish information cascade is likely to be visible in your media diary
59. The Middle East is disintegrating
60. Her box-office pull had placed her on Quigley’s list of Top Ten stars for three years, and though she had been absent from the screen for the two previous years, attending drama classes at the Actors Studio and trying to shore up her disintegrating marriage, her popularity with the fans was at an all-time high
61. That is one of the main dangers of hanging on to a losing trade—it closes your eyes to all of the wonderful opportunities that are setting up around you, as all your concentration is diverted to watching the disintegrating P&L on your screen
62. Violence serves but to enervate this influence, disintegrating it, and substituting for it one not only useless, but pernicious to the welfare of humanity
63. But so soon as there were individuals who would not voluntarily sacrifice their own interests, and authority, that is, violence, was needed to restrain them, then the disintegrating principle of the coercion of one set of people by another set entered into the social conception of the organization based on it
64. The magnesite in which these crystals are found, appears to be composed of carbonate of magnesia, steatite, and talc, disintegrating readily upon exposure to air and moisture: it effervesces considerably in sulphuric acid, forming a very bitter fluid that soon exhibits crystals, indicating that magnesia enters in large proportion into its constitution