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    dismantling Beispielsätze


    1. It was like a U-shaped huge desk and no way to get it in and out of the door without dismantling it

    2. comfortably and watched the merchants dismantling their

    3. I've been in this form for nearly 500 years now and they have no intention of dismantling me

    4. Dismantling the stress matrix is not an easy task

    5. Having escaped the turmoil of family and French-Canadian nationalism, she was thrust into the bitter dismantling of South Africa’s apartheid — and with it her marriage

    6. Crippling, then dismantling, the industrial order is their program

    7. The President and Congress looked forward to a Happy New Year finishing off their work of dismantling the American Republic behind the barricade of their 60 Senator filibuster proof majority

    8. Stewart Underwood recalls the massive effort and complexity of dismantling the guidebook program by Procter & Gamble

    9. dismantling through the reactive rejections and clarifying actions

    10. After greasepaint and costumes were removed, friends milled backstage offering congratulations, getting in the way of stage crew who had already started dismantling the set

    11. Exhaustion is the constant companion of itinerant actors with afternoon and evening performances, travelling, setting up and dismantling the stage

    12. Your probes get to work dismantling and assimilating his every facet

    13. with dismantling an idea, especially an idea whose time has

    14. But one of the many people who regularly brought unpleasant news of the deluge had told her that the company was dismantling its dispensaries to move them to where it was not raining

    15. Dismantling the British Empire 635

    16. And better than playing with ammunition was the dismantling and cleaning of guns

    17. of the plane, apart from examining the said plane in al ways short of dismantling it in

    18. Looking at the various components of the now field stripped weapon, she remembered her very first time and how long it took to complete the dismantling process

    19. A year before, I had an even more bizarre experience when we chose Mamata as the CNN-IBN Politician of the Year for her stunning achievement in dismantling the left citadel in Bengal

    20. This was after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the People’s Republic of China’s arch communist enemy and after the dismantling of the previous Apartheid Regime in South Africa

    21. The Levites were responsible for dismantling and re-erecting it

    22. He saw that the bartenders were dismantling the bar, which was both surprising

    23. the technician who creates their own robotic replacement, or militaries designed to bring peace dismantling themselves when conflicts cease, is an act of suicidal idiocy in a smart culture of entrepeonageship

    24. instantly dismantling it, stripping it of all power, and restoring power to the

    25. Failure to sign the agreement would force me to begin dismantling the valve immediately by first shutting off all valves on the systemin essence, turning off the heat to four or five large office buildings in the neighborhood around our property

    26. Now that they had the wallboard removed from the wall, they began dismantling the vertical planks one by one

    27. It is truly ironic that the Nazis labelled much the art 'degenerate' - art by greats like Picasso, Chagall, Dix and Beckmann - seizing and hiding it so as to protect public morals while Hitler and his cronies set about dismantling the very concept of morals, classifying certain types of people as animals and foisting the ultimate horror on Europe

    28. for keeping the ships in moth balls or dismantling them

    29. It is only by the complete dismantling of any accumulated imbalance that you can ever achieve a higher dynamic balance

    30. Sparky began dismantling the binding of one of the scrolls and then unbelievably he pulled a white sheet out that had been sandwiched in between the two layers of parchment

    31. gently usher in the necessary dismantling process of orthodox religions in order to dissolve

    32. Yet even while dismantling the shroud of shame and secrecy surrounding intellectual disabilities, she kept a very important detail of Rosemary’s life—the lobotomy—a secret

    33. The traders were packing up their leftover goods and dismantling their stalls: the Fleece Fair was over for another year

    34. As March wore on, he gradually began to settle on two leading contenders for varsity status: one of the previous season’s JV boats—the one with Moch, McMillin, and Day in it—and the original sophomore boat, still intact despite his various attempts at dismantling and improving it

    35. He was the president of the corporation that I was in the process of dismantling, loafer by loafer

    36. They went on all day, and she finally figured out that they were dismantling the construction elevator

    37. A nice gesture, after dismantling my home

    38. Upstairs, the fire crew was doing mop-up and overhaul, dismantling the second-story ceiling, putting out hot spots under the eaves

    39. On the other hand, the Chinese had no intention of dismantling Hong Kong’s phenomenally successful capitalist system: China needed the money too much

    40. In 1989, as the Soviet bloc began dismantling and the Berlin Wall came down (see the next section ‘Meanwhile, Back in the USSR

    41. Dismantling the Soviet Union was supposed to help in setting up democratic governments, but all too often the presidents of these new states seemed to think that elections were more fun when you’d fixed the result in advance and that the busy modern head of state needs a busy modern secret police force

    42. It was like a fine dismantling of attention, a subtle rejection

    43. He’d spent years devising a plan that had a very real chance of dismantling America’s intelligence apparatus

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    Synonyme für "dismantling"

    disassembly dismantlement dismantling