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dismiss Beispielsätze
1. storm-grey, with a manic intensity hard to dismiss
2. Counseled by a memory he could not dismiss, “I don't have much use for kicking and boxing, I'm afraid
3. ‘Or would you prefer that I also dismiss the witness?
4. Well, this was France and you should never dismiss a
5. mind to dismiss the delusion that I could detect a faint
6. reappear, he tried to dismiss it from his mind and went
7. So you can dismiss
8. The same cause gradually led them to dismiss the unnecessary part of their tenants
9. For the sake of an inferior pageantry of the same kind, his nobles dismiss their retainers, make their tenants independent, and become gradually themselves as insignificant as the greater part of the wealthy burghers in his dominions
10. “I sometimes think there is a parallel world but then I dismiss
11. Elekka at first tried to dismiss her feeling
12. But, like anyone, he’d only dismiss them as fantasy
13. was simply being overly cautious, he couldn’t bring himself to dismiss her admonitions
14. Yes, and she could not dismiss the possibility that her research was making her a target
15. They wanted to dismiss it as a police problem and expected the SAP to deal with it which it did, mostly
16. something which happens when surrounded by "yes men" and the natural arrogance to dismiss all critics as "from the opposition
17. while draft dodgers are elevated to higher office…where death is an option…where narrow-minded assumptions routinely dismiss Truth‘s proper standing…where prescriptive authority seeks its (own) rewards rather than the public good…
18. The morally and intellectually constant are oftentimes prepared to assume the mantle of leadership in sharp contrast with other individuals who, lacking courage or insight, are likely to dismiss such opportunities that Chance has otherwise occasioned
19. Plainly it is very irresponsible to believe differently or dismiss it as a President Bush (43) invention
20. There are Corporates which dismiss their employees in such cases but that will bring very bad PR afterwards
21. His caustic remarks provoked a number of (unformed) thoughts in my mind including but not limited to 1) the boundaries separating treasonous statements from free speech 2) plausible grounds calling for his immediate dismissal 3) the appalling lack of character and common sense conspicuously absent among (so-called) Intellectuals and (dis-engaging) parents (refer to John Walker Lindh) who casually dismiss the questionable attitudes and positions adopted by their children while routinely footing the bill for their college tuitions and 4) more recently, a former relief pitcher for the Atlanta Braves (John Rocker) who was sentenced by the court of public opinion to perform community service after making unsavory remarks to a newspaper reporter about Gays and African Americans inconsistent with the (civic) requirements of social and politically correct conventions
22. The courts always dismiss these faux-legal arguments as frivolous
23. Obama, along with most other western leaders, realized these were widely popular and largely nonviolent uprisings too big to dismiss, cheered these revolutions, and recognized them
24. " The Baron turned to dismiss Joseph, staring into the dancing flames
25. “You know, when he’s not here, it would be easy to hate him, or even lightly dismiss him,” Trent said
26. She flaps her hand to dismiss me
27. Yamada would dismiss it as scientific hype—the same as he had done with a new report
28. “What about Martin procuring drugs for Davis? What about his groupie girlfriend? What about the fight? And how can you dismiss the fact that he engineered the death of a former boss?” I said, getting loud again
29. Rutherford added, “I move to dismiss the charges
30. Should be so stupid as to dismiss them again? When we did not listen to them, we were the one who got hurt
31. dismiss some of His commands along with a few
32. “The defendant, it is noted, has pleaded guilty to all charges, I move to dismiss the Jury and call a recess to consider the sentence
33. The idea that humankind is of a higher order of being, and so, for example, ought not to carry on sexual correspondence with farm animals Singer would dismiss as an example of the speciesism that he deplores
34. “It’s a long story,” she said trying to dismiss it, I wasn’t having that
35. Political religions, including Sci–Coll, dismiss spiritual religions and their heavens as fairy tales; however, these same political religions peddle an earthly utopia, an Earth-based heaven, which is just another fairy tale
36. Do you always instantly dismiss suggestions that there might be ways through your difficulties that you
37. agreed with Bombardier that both parties would dismiss their respective
38. He failed to file his pre-trial Motions to Suppress and To Dismiss until after the jury was empaneled
39. can, but don’t dismiss the guns
40. before the lawyer was allowing me to write his motions to dismiss
41. recovery has been to write off and dismiss as much as I possibly
42. old school Spaniards who are keen to dismiss it as no more than a bid by the
43. dismiss the idea of marriage, either
44. I dismiss the Illusion, thus, and you see that the front wall of the cottage has been extended over a meter, and within that wall is a door
45. " Trying to dismiss Lochert, she tilted her head back to look at Parker
46. ” She flicked her hand to dismiss me
47. How could she possibly feel like this at her age? She tried her best to dismiss her feelings but to no avail
48. And examine their branches carefully and so dismiss them; but examine them with care
49. " I said to him "Sir why did he dismiss some into the tower and leave others to you?" "All" he answered "who transgressed the law which they received from him he left under my power for repentance; but all who have satisfied the law and kept it he retains under his own authority
50. dismiss them as lunatics and live the rest of my life with them,
1. Then, with a hand wave, Raj was dismissed
2. ” Aldous still marvelled at the price Kira had got for artwork he and his brother had dismissed as nonsense for years
3. “Maaah!” He dismissed it with a hand
4. "Too much intrigue," doostEr dismissed, "Estwig would have given that away
5. Initially she dismissed it, there were so many people around that it would be virtually impossible to detect someone following her … all the same, the prickly feeling in the back of her neck persisted and she started taking it seriously
6. " She dismissed them with her tone of voice and her wave, knowing she was capable of breaking the backbone of any nyobba before it could worry any appendage off her
7. She was expecting to be dismissed from
8. family friend of some twenty years standing were dismissed
9. He dismissed it quickly
10. Briefly he considered passing something on to Chas’s family, and dismissed it as an absurd idea
11. 'They’ve dismissed all but four of the household and
12. 'Why was the Bishop's staff dismissed without my
13. 'Why was the Bishop’s staff dismissed without my
14. rest dismissed without consultation?' It was obvious that
15. 'Most of the Bishop’s staff have been dismissed
16. 'Most of the household were dismissed a couple of
17. 'But we’ve already considered and dismissed suicide,
18. be dismissed by the Bailli – and that’s the least that could
19. his visitor and dismissed the lieutenant’s apology with a
20. Before too long all the submissions were gathered up and she dismissed the meeting with the promise to provide the results of the polling two days hence when they met again
21. all this?’ Laurent dismissed them with a wave as they
22. This had been dismissed as a ruin earlier, in the midst of thick jungle earlier but now that they knew what to look for they saw a densely populated lacework of canals
23. across at Grossin who dismissed the news with a wave of
24. But the glow vanished, and he dismissed it as a trick of his mind; the hammer most likely catching the light of mage-fire or a distant lighting strike
25. dismissed the thought from his mind
26. With a wave of his hand, the man-child dismissed Bri Lynn from speaking further
27. then…’ And, with that, he dismissed their protests and
28. ‘You are dismissed
29. But he quickly dismissed it in his mind, citing weariness and a resulting susceptibility to worry
30. dismissed the class to go to the buses
31. One thing that Rikke did offer to the young woman after Tullius dismissed her post-oath was a name that she had heard whispered in passing comments
32. ” With a final wave of his hand he dismissed them
33. After Rikke dismissed her with a promise of a new assignment within a few days, she first stopped to pick up her new Legionnaire-issue armor and then made her way back to the Winking Skeever for a good night’s rest
34. The personal expense of the great proprietors having in this manner gradually increased, it was impossible that the number of their retainers should not as gradually diminish, till they were at last dismissed altogether
35. The tenants having in this manner become independent, and the retainers being dismissed, the great proprietors were no longer capable of interrupting the regular execution of justice, or of disturbing the peace of the country
36. It all was so coincidental, far too much so for it to be dismissed
37. Delvin and the two terrified Argonian proprietors would be the only ones to remain inside with the Imperial and his Spriggan, which was thankfully dismissed soon after Vulwulf’s departure
38. While some dismissed it as a trifling detail, of no real concern to their desired status quo, it was a striking development to this agent
39. But Mr Snickerty dismissed his comments
40. He recalled that his idea for staircase bowling to break in the new Temple had been hastily dismissed, though he still mused that the old oak craftsmanship would stand up to a few bowling balls just fine
41. He was so engrossed in trying to cut through the hatch, he mentally dismissed a warning appearing in his HUD
42. Firstly it angered him, the way they simply dismissed his supplied information as false, but it also puzzled him
43. ” We had just been dismissed when the rest of the Engineers turned up and with them the Indian Army mule skinners with their mules as well as the rearguard of the Fusilier Company
44. We were thanked for our efforts and told we had put up a magnificent show and the what we had been waiting for happened and we were dismissed night was falling as we got back to our trench we slumped to the floor in a state of collapse were the cold bit into us and then the rain teemed down
45. At first when we heard this we had dismissed it as bullshit but the rumours kept persisting and began to get more credible so that by today we knew they were true and even which beaches they would land on and that was V Beach and our very own W Beach
46. I am sorry that we haven’t had any more time but Brigade didn’t receive the orders until 4am this morning and we didn’t get them till 6am so there was little time to brief you before now”, and with this we were dismissed to get our kit and move up to the start line
47. “Right you little heroes get off for your well earned sleep but make sure you clean those rifles first and don’t you forget oh and by the way well done”, and he smiled at us as he dismissed our little band
48. ” He dismissed the boy
49. explain to him, he dismissed me with a wave of his hand
50. ” I thought I saw a bit of jealousy in her eyes but I dismissed the idea as unworthy and on this last note we fall fast asleep in each others arms
1. She dismisses this thought with ―
2. Professor Thomas Hibbs dismisses the neuroscientists’ dismissal of metaphysics with the observation that no life would be worth living “predicated on [these] assumptions of neuroscience
3. “Prayer silences the passions of the soul, assuages the rebel ion of anger, dismisses envy, dissipates evil desire, withers the love of worldly things, and brings great peace and serenity to the soul
4. The Somali dismisses the idea with a wave of his hand
5. In verse 8 God also dismisses the three Sheppard’s of the nation that abhorred him
6. The private self is what make us tick but soul dismisses the call
7. “I’m surprised to hear that from you---the one who dismisses the old tales as mythology
8. Cass dismisses his curiosity by honoring her outstretched hand
9. There seems to be an elusive point at which the mind dismisses the concept of “playing the role” and steps off the fence to the other side, albeit briefly
10. "� This dismisses with a phrase what, for the child, represents her/his version of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
11. "An unfeeling child," I thought to myself; "how lightly she dismisses her old playmate's troubles
12. R’jan laughs and dismisses his dark brothers with a regal, condescending wave as if shooing a bothersome fly from a banquet surely called in honor of him
13. She hears and dismisses snatches of conversation as she passes
14. In my experience there is nothing as bullish as a bearish view that explicitly dismisses the significance of widespread bearish sentiment
15. She dismisses the plan almost immediately
16. (Sound familiar?) The emperor is furious with Hai Rui and dismisses him from office, just as it says on the tin
17. Thus Sully, in his "Sensation and Intuition: Studies in Psychology and Æsthetics" (1874), dismisses the conception of beauty altogether, art, by his definition, being the production of some permanent object or passing action fitted to supply active enjoyment to the producer, and a pleasurable impression to a number of spectators or listeners, quite apart from any personal advantage derived from it
1. brushed the primordial broth with a thought, dismissing this disappointing, barren
2. He buried himself into the newspaper, dismissing me
3. Bloodshot eyes peered back at him as he surveyed the wreckage, reflecting that he really needed a shave but, in the same thought, dismissing it as superfluous the way things were
4. ‘I don’t think so,’ he said, dismissing the idea out of
5. mercenary, dismissing him with a curt wave of his hand
6. "Bah," Rollinthor replied, dismissing Nicola with a wave of his stubby hand
7. dismissing them with a contemptuous wave of his hand
8. nothing,’ he said, dismissing the sentiment with an
9. Dismissing us the Captain went off to report on the machine guns and we were left to stagger to our own trench weighted down with fatigue
10. In a country where the law favoured the teachers of no one religion more than those of another, it would not be necessary that any of them should have any particular or immediate dependency upon the sovereign or executive power ; or that he should have anything to do either in appointing or in dismissing them from their offices
11. “Could I have your papers please he then took a rubber stamp from a rack and stamped them ‘Fit for Duty’ he then returned them to me dismissing me with a quick
12. ” he replied, dismissing me with a wave of his hand as he turned around, facing into
13. I looked back at Harold, trying to let him know that I was dismissing her as irrelevant
14. if it means dismissing the creative contributions that arises from within
15. Quickly pushing the memories aside Soffen stood up, shaking her head as though dismissing the idea
16. Now what could I make of that? She was dismissing the whole thing, that whole scene on the tennis courts as if it had never happened, as if the status were quo
17. He took me aside after dismissing the others and praised me for all my progress
18. I am dismissing you early so that you can go visit with your families during the festival and report to the Ordu rested and ready for action
19. A strange sound broke into my awareness and instead of dismissing it unidentified, I got control of myself and turned to the sound
20. “When she wakes up, she’ll see the hideous monster that you really are again” Max stated, dismissing his plee to have him describe her sacred spiritual dream
21. Dismissing all these as mere fragments of
22. At the same time John Derbyshire cautions against dismissing the whole of science upon which so much of Western civilization is founded and continues to depend
23. "I want to ask you some questions about last night," he said, dismissing the smashed door frame with a wave
24. ” Despite my consistently dismissing the majority filed by Ingalls as without merit, i
25. What would he say if she told him? Quickly dismissing the idea, she looked out over the countryside “This area is beautiful,” she said, scanning the distant skyline
26. ” Hilsith said with a dismissing wave of her hand
27. Once Park found an anomaly, he often sped through the other figures in the report, sometimes deliberately dismissing the credibility of the report and the business, and always to the distress of the author
28. Dismissing the trooper with a wave of his hand, the captain turned to his aide, remarking, “Would it be your observation that someone has been observing us and has beat a hasty retreat when we picked up the pace of our march?”
29. "I saw that TWX, of course," the Army General said, dismissing it with a wave of his hand, "but I have it from the best sources that you work directly for the President and he wants your report on the situation here
30. Dismissing the trooper with a wave of his hand, the captain turned to his aide, remarking,
31. Dismissing Them, He turned to me, then touched my forehead with His hand to take me back two days before
32. Santiago waved his hand at the private, dismissing his idiocy and ignorance
33. “Naw,” she said, dismissing his comment with a wave of her hand
34. Taksin thanked Ratray and apologised for his hastiness in dismissing her, but she understood and realised this was a serious situation and would require immediate attention
35. Dismissing that fact Ahmed continued to push it when he saw that men finally noticed him
36. That night when Sneha wanted to know the cause of his disarray, he took her into confidence about the expediency of dismissing Naina to extricate himself from a tight corner
37. The Master participated in planning for the Decapolis mission and, in dismissing the company, said: "I say to you, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees
38. Dismissing the matter with a wave of his hand, Xaltotun seated himself at the ivory table about which sat the pale kings
39. "Let's stick to the matters at hand," dismissing his question
40. He took the pouch and pocketed it, dismissing it from his mind as Sergeant Wang silently appeared behind him
41. dismissing Connor's attempt to do his job
42. He made reference to the Loch Ness Monster and Bigfoot before dismissing the issue entirely
43. Dismissing first his men, Sartorius then led Nancy to the upper floor of the Southeast tower, where a male servant made them wait while he went inside a room
44. hand at the Royals and in his best dismissing tone replied, “In
45. Sam glanced at her from the corner of his eye, dismissing her as dross
46. He had endless reservations about everything, while dismissing his direct experiences with knowing, and his own successful attempts at channeling, by speculating that Bonnie’s teachings and general influences confused the issue—he was probably making up his experiences
47. Thanking mentally the fact that Sneed was showing common sense and was not dismissing her warning, Ingrid answered after thinking for a few seconds
48. Dismissing this notion that perhaps Faye was one of the spirits wishing to confer with her, Elizabeth carefully returned her glass to the table as the waiter disappeared then removed a freshly baked roll from the basket in the center of the table
49. laugh, as if dismissing the gravity of the situation
50. dismissing it as nothing more than his tired mind that had already been