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    1. It is not, indeed, very common to distil for private use, though it is done sometimes

    2. It is difficult to imagine any equitable reason, why those who either brew or distil for private use should not be subject to a composition of the same kind



    5. The combination of the ocean and sail boating makes for a heady brew that can distil in the

    6. Use distil ed water

    7. Temperate use of distil ed liquors and wines is usually healthful, for they tend to dilate or

    1. Solar Tea: Solar Tea is made by placing the ground up dried leaves of the herb into panty hose tied into a ball (becomes a tea bag) then place into a gallon (or larger) glass container of pure water (not city water, distilled or filtered water is best but stream water is OK)

    2. solid and distilled behind honey shaded lashes

    3. So to eat vegetables is to eat distilled sunshine

    4. Seth sat on the edge of his bed, sipping a cocktail of distilled mead, milk and honey

    5. The flower is cut and then distilled or dried, and the stalk is - for distillation purposes - thrown away

    6. Fermented liquors brewed, and spiritous liquors distilled, not for sale, but for private use, are not in Great Britain liable to any duties of excise

    7. 6d per gallon, these, added to the duties upon the low wines, from which they are distilled, amount to 3s 10 2/3d

    8. What is distilled out is that unique combination of interacting chemical compounds that have combined in the presence of that universal solvent H2O, water

    9. The great historians must have combed through mountains of material before they distilled it into what they wanted to say

    10. (The water should be distilled, if possible, and the cooking done in a large earthenware jar or casserole

    11. Distilled Water should never be put into metal saucepans or kettles, as it is a very powerful solvent

    12. Then cover with distilled water and let stand for 12 hours or until quite soft and swollen

    13. Filter and rinse all your product with boiling distilled water

    14. The Liquefier turned it all into a sludge that was distilled, purified, and

    15. He proposed an amendment to the War Revenue Act for a 76% tax on war profits and also a war tax, war income tax and war tax on tobacco, distilled beverages and cigars

    16. Úrsula found him there one afternoon when she was going about sprinkling the house with distilled water and a bunch of nettles, and in spite of the fact that she had been with him many times she asked him who he was

    17. He then took a bottle of distilled water from a shelf and poured some of it

    18. He then grabbed the bottle of distilled

    19. distilled in the bud of his heart into pure fear

    20. important that it couldn't possibly be distilled

    21. “Smoked, triple distilled and burned off

    22. distilled and deionized water, conductivity meters cannot be used to monitor microbiological

    23. Imagination is God-like light impulse unified by distilled ideas

    24. " That is truth distilled

    25. '” Traxas proclaimed from its theophany that was materializing in front of NuFaith, much to her surprise, but more so to her pleasure, since his virility was distilled from Revenger's Rampage, the third in the Traxas the Tyrant: Reimbodied series

    26. When there is no I'mage pursued, then the voice you can hear and freely choose to follow is your distilled will: the choices your gravity permit you according to the design your lifestyle creates as it orbits the deposited attractor of its hypothetical ideal

    27. It is essential disembodied projected egos distilled into virtual beings

    28. Respect in its most distilled form is invitation to speak and the welcome of listening

    29. “The ideal of my mind tempered by the compassion of my heart distilled into the acts of my soul

    30. placed a bottle of home distilled horilka moonshine spirits on the table for them

    31. process is easy and simple, juice all ingredients and add distilled water

    32. The sky was dark, the stars not visible above the gray clouds, which were also barely discernible in the soft, distilled light of the half moon

    33. grew corn, but most of it was distilled to make rotgut

    34. Distilled water could be considered pure water in that it removes many dissolved solids,

    35. as Reverse Osmosis or Distilled water

    36. Hanna stopped in the next town and bought some cotton-wool and a small bottle of distilled alcohol in a pharmacy to clean Fred's face with

    37. Olin said, "The creosote you are thinking of is distilled from the tar of Beachwood and is intended for medical needs

    38. The creosote that I am talking about is distilled from coal tar and the English have long used it to preserve wood and timbers

    39. Back in the barracks I look at an archer's unique hunting career, distilled into pictures on his laptop

    40. The Solomon R Guggenheim Museum was the purest essence of art and design as distilled by a genius architect, the whole design dictated by the human requirements of the internal space

    41. The HOS test was performed by mixing special sugar and salt in distilled

    42. that it is literally impossible to identify who are pulling the strings, who has the real power, the most influence, the most wealth… Everything has been distilled down to the elitism of the bank account and the investment portfolio… wheelings and dealings behind closed doors… offshore holdings, dummy corporations

    43. Because they had by then distilled this all-powerful Sun God into a pure abstraction: so much that they did not even remember that this God was originally supposed to be the actual SUN

    44. His subconscious distilled the entire genetic past of our species all the way back to the first inferno, the first purgatory, the first heaven… as the three universal fates that all human souls had to experience as a psychological-genetic regression… after they died

    45. The biblical legend/myth of Cain and Abel is composed of ancient symbolical truths that have been distilled into a concentrated essence

    46. The label on the bottle said it was distilled at Scotland’s oldest distillery

    47. “What’s the name of that game again?” Elizabeth asked as she passed Sophia a bottle of distilled water

    48. Within his truncheon's length; whilst they, distilled

    49. And after having seen all this, what can be more charming than to see how a bevy of damsels comes forth from the gate of the castle in gay and gorgeous attire, such that, were I to set myself now to depict it as the histories describe it to us, I should never have done; and then how she who seems to be the first among them all takes the bold knight who plunged into the boiling lake by the hand, and without addressing a word to him leads him into the rich palace or castle, and strips him as naked as when his mother bore him, and bathes him in lukewarm water, and anoints him all over with sweet-smelling unguents, and clothes him in a shirt of the softest sendal, all scented and perfumed, while another damsel comes and throws over his shoulders a mantle which is said to be worth at the very least a city, and even more? How charming it is, then, when they tell us how, after all this, they lead him to another chamber where he finds the tables set out in such style that he is filled with amazement and wonder; to see how they pour out water for his hands distilled from amber and sweet-scented flowers; how they seat him on an ivory chair; to see how the damsels wait on him all in profound silence; how they bring him such a variety of dainties so temptingly prepared that the appetite is at a loss which to select; to hear the music that resounds while he is at table, by whom or whence produced he knows not

    50. And now gay-plumaged birds of all sorts began to warble in the trees, and with their varied and gladsome notes seemed to welcome and salute the fresh morn that was beginning to show the beauty of her countenance at the gates and balconies of the east, shaking from her locks a profusion of liquid pearls; in which dulcet moisture bathed, the plants, too, seemed to shed and shower down a pearly spray, the willows distilled sweet manna, the fountains laughed, the brooks babbled, the woods rejoiced, and the meadows arrayed themselves in all their glory at her coming

    1. fruits, and at the close of the day clouds distilling the dew of health

    2. thanks to the Lord, who had preserved them to that day, which was the beginning of mercy distilling on them

    3. 7 For winds shall go forth from before Me to bring every morning the fragrance of aromatic fruits and at the close of the day clouds distilling the dew of health

    4. 27 So when they had gathered their armour together and spoiled their enemies they occupied themselves about the Sabbath yielding exceeding praise and thanks to the Lord who had preserved them to that day which was the beginning of mercy distilling on them

    5. The shrubs, emaciated and evaporated by the fury of the roaring fire, were supplanted by an enormous black, ashen and sterile spot that was distilling the gray steams of destruction

    6. The cloud was distilling a sickening smell that impregnated the whole place

    7. The air is suffused with odours of brewing and distilling, and the old town is built of pinkish stone with a sprinkling of Flemish-style stepped gables, witness to Scotland’s ancient preference for alliances with France and the ‘Low Countries’, rather than its treacherous neighbours to the south

    8. However, as I learned later, Zoroastro hadn’t always been like that: the terrible creature that transits evil and violence fairways, by distilling sorrows and calamities everywhere he goes

    9. The simple question hung in the air, distilling years of anguish, doubt and guilt into

    10. and saves time by distilling practical information such as real world

    11. “ It says by the dark of the moon, combine the narcotic extract in mullein and add it to ‘angel water’ made by distilling myrtle leaves and flowers

    12. the distilling of water is the process where water is heated to a boil, the water vapors

    13. Both are experiential products related to distilling and extracting truth, knowledge and wisdom from

    14. It also heated a distilling mechanism that, via evaporation, supplied excellent drinking water

    15. But it was no animal's fault in particular if he was built that way like the camel, ship of the desert, distilling grapes into potheen in his hump

    16. On the other side of the house old Roger Chillingworth arranged his study and laboratory; not such as a modern man of science would reckon even tolerably complete, but provided with a distilling apparatus, and the means of compounding drugs and chemicals, which the practised alchemist knew well how to turn to purpose

    17. He talked of the reddening apples around, of the browning nuts, of jams and preserves and the distilling of cordials; till by easy stages such as these he reached midwinter, its hearty joys and its snug home life, and then he became simply lyrical

    18. We read all of a company’s public filings, we analyze its industry and competitors (of which, ideally, there should not be many), we talk to its management team and industry experts, and we gather any other relevant data we can find, distilling it all into a historical analysis of the performance of the business

    19. They did a certain amount of their own distilling or brewing but for the most part they imported it illicitly, usually from Canada

    20. On distilling salt water they found a considerable quantity of muriate of soda in the receiver

    1. "She distils nothing of the kind, vile rabble," said Don Quixote, burning with rage, "nothing of the kind, I say, only ambergris and civet in cotton; nor is she one-eyed or humpbacked, but straighter than a

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    Synonyme für "distil"

    distil distill extract condense press out derive withdraw