Verwenden Sie „doable“ in einem Satz
doable Beispielsätze
1. Having this cheat day is a psychological tool that will help make your 5-day eating plan more doable
2. But option two was doable, even though the rule was that teachers never sought out a student; they became aware of a student’s potential by way of an omen
3. setting out to do in that project is doable, then this will mean that the answers and solutions
4. It was easily completed, and, better, doable in
5. exercise a day, which seems entirely doable
6. And before you ask, of course this is 100% legal, ethical, moral and doable
7. All of the practices in the workbook are simple and doable, some of them are well-known and some of them are pioneering
8. However, this method should only be used on tasks that are doable with your present skills and resources
9. But it is doable
10. “With no Disrupter to worry about, this should be doable,” I said
11. For activists and certain aggressive non-control investors using this approach, finding securities that are attractively priced based on the standards we have discussed is not as difficult as finding doable deals, situations where resource conversions can be made to take place, or where there seem to be probabilities that resource conversions will take place, in the context of cash tenders for control, mergers and acquisitions, going private, and liquidations
12. Thus, for activists in particular, the emphasis may be on spotting attractively priced doable deals where a resource conversion event may be made to occur
13. Doability issues: Cash mergers are very doable if the investor controls the proxy machinery, but see securities law issues above
14. If a broker or finder believes he has a doable deal in terms of control, he has no trouble finding potential buyers to look at the company he proposes to offer
15. Baker Fentress did not appear to be a doable deal
16. Trying to spot doable deals before they are announced is something we describe as prearbitrage or predeal activities
17. After deals are rumored or announced, market activity tends to be dominated by professional arbitrageurs, a coterie of Wall Street people who, as a group, are extremely competent, well financed traders, who enjoy low transaction costs and who also tend to be astute in judging when and how doable deals that have been announced will be consummated
18. Uncovering prearbitrage doable deals, insofar as those deals involve mergers and acquisitions or tender offers, not only creates investment opportunities, but also creates finders’ and brokers’ fee opportunities
19. As is detailed in the Leasco case in Chapter 26, in the vast majority of instances the ability to spot doable deals entails using a combination of the fundamental finance approach and personal relationships, or know-who
20. However, even without any know-who, investors using fundamental finance standards may have opportunities for uncovering doable deals merely by the study of publicly available documents describing situations in companies whose securities appear attractive, even though it has been our experience that without know-who, predicting just what situations will prove to be doable entails as much luck as skill
21. Examples of situations where doable deals could have been spotted on a prearbitrage basis or a detailed description of the necessary conditions for a doable deal are presented next
22. At the time, we wrote that controlled reorganizations appeared doable only for small companies
23. Whether or not a deal is potentially doable is an important market consideration
24. Leasco would not have been in the picture if it was obvious that Reliance was not a doable deal
25. The Reliance takeover represents strong evidence that Saul Steinberg and his associates were intelligent, resourceful businessmen who understood not only how to avoid the risks of committing cash to a deal that might not be doable, but also what their company needed in the way of an acquisition and how to get it
26. As a matter of fact, one of the factors to look for in spotting doable deals is companies that are well managed, at least in the custodial, going concern sense
27. That’s certainly doable if you make sacrifices and track your progress
28. The takedown had been vaguely doable but getting out alive afterward seemed impossible