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    dollar volume Beispielsätze

    dollar volume

    1. Activity peaked in the '40s when the dollar volume ran $350 million a year

    2. In general, stocks that trade less than $30 million in daily dollar volume or less than 750,000 shares a day fall into this category

    3. Stick to stocks that trade at least $5 million a day in average daily dollar volume, and preferably much higher

    4. Measures related to trading activity include dollar volume, turnover ratio, proportion of zero daily returns, and short-term return autocorrelation

    5. Analyzing stocks by average six-month dollar volume, we find that the stocks with the greatest average six-month dollar trading volume have the lowest returns, while stocks with the lowest six-month trading volume have the highest returns

    6. $10,000 invested on December 31, 1963, in the decile of stocks with the highest average dollar volume over the last six months becomes $357,900 by the end of 2009, an average annual compound return of 8

    7. Like market cap, there is no ideal number for daily dollar volume

    8. Market cap, daily dollar volume, and sales usually follow the same trend

    9. That is, small companies tend to trade in low dollar volumes and have modest sales

    10. Large companies tend to trade in large dollar volumes and have a lot of sales

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