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    1. doting borther and sister-in-law, she was an epitome of

    2. He became a mentor to these young boys and they were often found at his home in the evenings with Miss Susan doting on them

    3. He also had two sets of doting grandparents together with a host of happy aunts, contented uncles and aspirational cousins

    4. Tarak too showed the signs of a successful mating, doting on Rayne at the table

    5. doting husband, more concerned about his wife

    6. I can play the doting partner dropping off the executive at the station …’

    7. sets of doting grandparents together with a host of happy aunts,

    8. He feels the pull of the flash bulbs, like it was seventy-nine, and he wants to stop, wants to make a statement, the statesman, the doting father with a sparkle in his eye, and he is disgusted with himself

    9. “She is about fifteen, on her first trip away from home,” he began anew, “And has escaped her doting Auntie chaperone on the chance that she'll meet a beau

    10. Everyone has a doting aunt

    11. “The beautiful, doting wife

    12. is a doting aunt, but an honest one

    13. Usually one doting parent is enough

    14. The President led the way out of the crowded room, through a throng of doting fans

    15. Rita leaned on me as her arms constricted around my neck as if threatening to crust my windpipe but her doting eyes were brimming with boundless joy

    16. "That's their father," the doting mother said

    17. He is a total straight arrow, goes to Catholic Church every week with his doting, ugly Italian wife and a couple brainy kids

    18. They got lovable and doting son and daughter

    19. He was my doting young brother; I loved him very much and he too

    20. gan to wonder, Why was this lady doting over this man like he

    21. A firstborn, he was much pampered by his doting mother

    22. A doting sister, Priyanka seemed content to remain in Rahul’s shadow, their us-versus-the-rest relationship most famously captured in the photograph of the siblings arm in arm in mutual consolation after the UP defeat in 2012

    23. ‘Far removed from their shadowing spouses, and ensconced with their eager colleagues, aren’t they clearly cut out for liaisons? Besides, won’t the atmosphere at the workplace afford woman more emotional closeness with her doting colleagues, than with her man in the homely monotony? More than anything else, isn’t it their compulsiveness to dress well that makes women seek paramours prepared to foot the bills? How many of them undress in the private arena only to cut a figure for themselves in the public domain

    24. While I was impressed with her sensibility, Ruma was wary about her simplicity; by then, busy with a doting circle of lazy women, she started living in a make-believe world

    25. Walter had it cradled in his arms, doting over it like a bereaved father

    26. Just as he said, he had always been a doting and understanding husband

    27. It was this girl, itching for a bit of fun, who had corrupted her doting husband

    28. Elm sat like a doting mother beside her child, affectionately feeding, stroking her hair aside after spooning broth into her mouth and all the while telling her how well she was doing

    29. The debonair, self-confident Iason spoke near-perfect English-accented Greek and his affection for his half-brother and sister was doting and warm

    30. Whereas, the unfaithful wife becomes a doting wife

    31. When he arrived, I instantly transformed from semi-famous and almost financially independent mystery writer to doting wife

    32. Her relationship with Sansa Denas was more that of a granddaughter to a doting grandmother than that of a slave and her master

    33. It has been found out in the song and dance rooms, that doting sets of Guests, existing by chance of bloom on the company of floating carpets, have been paying great attention to the detail in the neat and the smart and the existence of a fail-safe fleeting part, in time immemorial

    34. As time went on I learned more of the story of why such a once proud and prominent family had become so indebted, from the three women, who in their own way have all become like doting mothers to me

    35. Marianne restored to life, health, friends, and to her doting mother, was an idea to fill her heart with sensations of exquisite comfort, and expand it in fervent gratitude;-- but it lead to no outward demonstrations of joy, no words, no smiles

    36. Thomas was a doting dad to all the children in the neighborhood as well as

    37. He’d been a youth pastor many years ago and remained active in the Inquisition’s youth outreach ministries even today, and he was a doting father of three whose eldest son had recently been ordained as an upper-priest in the Order of Schueler

    38. the long-past day when her doting father had fastened his nickname upon her, because Aunt Pittypat had been christened Sarah Jane Hamilton sixty years before, but since

    39. Scarlett O’Hara, with the County at her doting parents anxious to grant any desire of her heart

    40. Doting on me

    41. I’faith, whene’er some old Woman had the Reputation of a Witch all o’er the Country, she was found, upon closer Inspection, to be a wretched Creature, doting and distemper’d, not so much malevolent as poor and infirm

    42. Ah, how oft’ ’tis true with Women who are Hellions that they were rais’d by doting Papas! For Anne was ne’er restrain’d in any of her Wishes, and, as a Child, was given her own Slaves, Dogs, and Horses

    43. Spoil’d as she was by a doting Papa, she ran off with a Common Tar, fully expecting her foolish Papa to shower ’em with Gifts, Houses, and a gen’rous Marriage Portion; but her Papa prov’d wiser than she expected upon this Occasion, and turn’d her out of Doors

    44. Rostopchin regarded it) would fall upon his doting old head

    45. Why did I not die? More miserable than man ever was before, why did I not sink into forgetfulness and rest? Death snatches away many blooming children, the only hopes of their doting parents; how many brides and youthful lovers have been one day in the bloom of health and hope, and the next a prey for worms and the decay of the tomb! Of what materials was I made that I could thus resist so many shocks, which, like the turning of the wheel, continually renewed the torture?

    46. He would make that foxy old courtier feel that the responsibility for all the calamities that would follow the abandonment of the city and the ruin of Russia (as Rostopchín regarded it) would fall upon his doting old head

    47. they stuff her with sweets and dainties, and the old man is always doting over her: saying ‘my dear, my love, my beauty,’ saying, ‘we’ll marry you to a count!’

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