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    drive through

    1. We drive through Wells and up the winding hill leading towards Bath

    2. We’d planned to drive through it in an hour

    3. After a while we established his tyre had a slow leak, and told him the dog saved his life which he did as he was about to drive through the Stutterheim cuttings

    4. The drive through Nottingham in the early April evening had been exhilarating

    5. Brock then, with a huge smile – practically foaming at the mouth, and glee in his eyes, blurted out into the Big Burger drive thru intercom, “Hey, hey, hey - you guys know Phil? Do you guys know Phil?” he asked the drive through clerk

    6. Suzy had taken advantage of Jessica’s absence that same morning to take a drive through the countryside not far from home

    7. He saw Dave motion him to drive through the double doors with his fugitive

    8. The drive through the Lane is like reading a heart-warming short story in ten minutes

    9. It was a good hour’s drive over there, but the guys said that all you had to do was to drive through the campus in a convertible and the girls would pour out of the dorms and jump into your car

    10. long ago in the drive through line of a fast food restaurant

    11. Whenever he’d drive through in his crisp expensive car people would stand

    12. her where the old school had been and downtown Fremont, and we made a drive through

    13. to drive through the village

    14. You drive through a traffic light skirting through just on the yellow to red transition

    15. The next leg of the journey seemed a very long drive through the wild hinterland of North Mayo

    16. She headed toward her car, which she intended to park near public transportation rather than drive through rush hour traffic

    17. I drive through canyons, the snow

    18. One moment was the drive through Manuka a suburb in Canberra

    19. We drive through a traffic circle with the Audi still following in our tracks

    20. Why couldn’t they have made the tunnel so that you could just drive through it

    21. induce the average tourists to drive through

    22. You could probably drive through this heavy cement creation, but you wouldn’t have a shoulder – to cry on and otherwise

    23. Meme had met him by chance one afternoon when she went with Patricia Brown to get a car to take a drive through the groves

    24. Unfortunately, I had to drive through Chicago on a Sunday afternoon and I am truly glad that I’m not a commuter in that city during the week

    25. continued his drive through Stormville

    26. � Unsure of the number and position of their attackers, the tank commander yelled to his driver to leave the road and to drive through the brushes and trees along the right side of the road, then told his bow machinegunner to spray the area to his front

    27. drive through the base gate, after showing their false identification, and the false documents, to

    28. would arrive at Maxwell Air Force Base – drive through the same gate, after showing the proper

    29. The information told them to drive through the village and continue along the road until they found the large, gated entrance to Kilt's Cove Cottage

    30. He had thought that the nearly hour-long drive through the city after leaving the hospital would provide him time to think and reconcile what had happened to Doug in his mind

    31. From the Caucasus, we could then drive through the Ukraine towards Romania, to seize the other major source of oil for the Germans there

    32. They headed for the M40, and then Birmingham, which they fortunately didn’t have to drive through

    33. After the handing over ceremony at the seat of Northern Ireland’s many and various forms of Government, the meticulously planned motorcade would sweep down the long driveway from Stormont to the Newtownards Road, and cross the River Lagan at the Albert Bridge for a State drive through the streets of Belfast, past City Hall

    34. Simons and I used to drive through to

    35. Most ships are unsuccessful, as along the way to the impossible-to-find exit are innumerable traps like time-travelling wormholes, squadrons of well-funded Plutonian nuclear-eels, or the recently invented Dementia-Mirrors (drive through one of those and you’re only able to make a right turn for six weeks)

    36. ignorable as the millions of leaves falling as I drive through CW's perfectly

    37. “This plan has holes big enough for a truck to drive through,” she said to Anne

    38. At least I was in the woods and nearly anything could be used as a stake to drive through his heart if need be

    39. The quiet was oppressive within the concrete walls; the corridors were wide, so wide a vehicle could drive through

    40. home as it involves the route my wife and I drive through daily

    41. He started the car and we lurched off to a fast, careful drive through sparse traffic

    42. Motorcycles can easily drive through gaps that a car would never fit

    43. I closed the door, and rolled a stone to assist the loosened lock in holding it; and spreading my umbrella, I drew my charge underneath: for the rain began to drive through the moaning branches of the trees, and warned us to avoid delay

    44. A draghound will follow aniseed from here to John o' Groat's, and our friend Armstrong would have to drive through the Cam before he would shake Pompey off his trail

    45. He professed himself equally happy to drive through traffic or sit at a curb

    46. She headed to Beckley, an hour’s drive through the heart of coal country and ground zero for mountaintop removal

    47. The brothers had to drive through the woods to reach the meadows

    48. It was a half-hour drive through bright snow, the flakes turning to stars in her headlights

    49. E: An attempt to drive through the lows fails (note the failure test at E), and most swing traders would have been taken out of this trade a few bars after E, against a greatly tightened stop

    50. Weaving around double-parked cars and inebriated pedestrians, Rich negotiated the six-minute drive through the traffic-choked streets toward an intersection in one of the roughest blocks in the Mission

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