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    1. His tow truck driver took him into town, and he ate some fairly average food at the diner

    2. The driver chats about the weather for a few minutes then concentrates on the driving, leaving me to my thoughts

    3. driver climbed out and walked round the rear of the car, where he opened one of the

    4. MAJEED, the bus driver, listens to his I-POD, occasionally loudly sings a verse of whatever Arabic song he happens to be listening to at the moment

    5. The limo skids an angle, the driver over-corrects and the car slams into a date tree in the median: CRASH!

    6. He helps the driver out

    7. With him is his driver, DAVID

    8. Hamo pours drinks for everyone as his driver cruises the narrow, crowded streets of Jedana

    9. Ricci sits beside his driver, glances back at the long row of trucks following the lead truck, smiles

    10. Aston Martin swept spray and stones out from under its wheels as though the driver

    11. The driver of the diabolical sports coupe

    12. The driver laughed out loud as he surveyed his little world of

    13. The driver revelled in the fact that he could see virtually nothing, sure in

    14. Hamo’s driver David brings the car to a slow stop near the Departure Terminal

    15. John sits on his knees in the dark van, lurches forward as the driver speeds away

    16. From the license plate she knew that the driver lived in Grand Island, Nebraska, her next stop, but that wasn't all

    17. The driver, a woman named Sarah Watson, had been driving a long way, all day long

    18. Her act caught the attention of a driver of a delivery van passing by, who pulled over to the curb beside her

    19. Leonora looked over to see the broad smiling face of the driver, who said,

    20. "Going somewhere?" the driver asked, and this time Leonora burst out laughing

    21. "Did youse two not see that there's a bleedin' queue back there?" The taxi driver was small but loud, in his 40's and worried that he might not get paid

    22. It seemed to circle with the lead animal coming back to face the driver and the re-entering shuttlecraft

    23. I gather there was some idiot of a white van driver pulling in and out of the traffic, Liz had to brake when the van pulled in front of her

    24. “Another lecturer, I think, and the banker, the one who got his driver shot-up

    25. I am rewarded with one of Rose’s gentle smiles and a quick grin from the driver

    26. The front doors of the van banged shut and I heard the gears whine as the driver engaged first

    27. The driver of this last example of a long since fallen British automotive empire splashed disconsolately towards the rear of the vehicle, depressed the already sticking boot release with the heel of his right hand, and heaved at the tailgate with his left

    28. The driver laughed out loud as he surveyed his little world of perfectly stitched cow hide, walnut veneer and deathly totem

    29. The driver beamed like a supernova going critical, lighting up the cabin with his wide, wild eyes and his deep bellow

    30. The driver revelled in the fact that he could see virtually nothing, sure in the fact that he was master of the little that he needed to survey, certain in the knowledge that nothing in this world could alter the progress that he made towards his next destination

    31. The ribbon of wet sheen running towards the horizon begged the driver of the Aston Martin to put his Cuban heeled boot through the floor, and he duly obliged

    32. At first the driver thought that the dull, humped shape at the side of the road was just a rocky outcrop or an orphaned section of dry stone wall

    33. The bus driver says he remembers you and saw you start walking along the road but the last he saw of the men was them just standing by the bus stop

    34. The diabolic driver of the Aston Martin pulled up alongside the Metro and peered through the passenger window at the wreck of a car parked on the hard shoulder

    35. Vyinga had an iron but had to climb to the driver for change, a couple guys had some fun with that

    36. As for the journey to the airport, well I don't remember much of that and I couldn't describe the driver if it was a matter of life or death

    37. The inside of my mouth was pickled by the time we got to Newquay and the driver had to keep turning up the volume on his radio because of the noise I was making

    38. Minutes earlier I'd almost climbed aboard the regular bus for the island capital but an incident with the driver had left me a little anxious and caused me to change my mind

    39. This was followed by some yelling from the front and the driver appearing, unsteady and charging towards us like a runaway horse

    40. At this the driver reached into the cab and pulled out a hammer, cursing and sneering, and pummelled the door closed then marched out of sight

    41. Following his direction, I spun round and instantly collided with the crazy bus driver in all his swaggering mass

    42. The driver is monosyllabic, uttering brief, curt instructions to the animal and barely using the reins

    43. Quite without warning, in jumped the driver and off we went, crunching up and up the mountain road towards our mountaintop retreat

    44. I leaned towards the driver, 'I've heard the village has a special charm

    45. As soon as he had a clear view the driver pulled to a halt, wound down his window, closed his eyes and deeply inhaled, 'My friends, we are here - the holiday home of the Gods

    46. Our driver began unloading packages and provisions from the boot and seemed to take forever

    47. Our driver was busily dividing the mail into parcels and envelopes

    48. I began to tell her about Yiannis the taxi driver, Kostas at the hotel, my swim and my singing on the ferry and although she nodded and shook her head at all the appropriate moments, I could tell her mind was elsewhere

    49. To my surprise, Wiesse comes with Berndt and I, gracefully turning down Berndt’s polite offer that Wiesse should take the reins – they chat idly while I try to work out if this is mere good manners – the younger man deferring to the older – or because Wiesse is a skilled wagon driver, or whatever they are called

    50. When I look up, I see an approaching tractor and my table is directly in its path so I stand, lift the table back a few feet and the driver passes through touching his forehead as he goes

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    Synonyme für "driver"

    driver number one wood device driver motorist cab driver bus driver licensed operator operator animal handler