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    duality Beispielsätze


    1. Duality, Duality gave birth to Trinity, and Trinity gave birth to the myriad creatures

    2. we can call it duality, it’s what

    3. ‘What about your funny old ways?’ she demanded, with an identical duality

    4. When the duality dissipates, would the game of life not come to an end?

    5. The chief reason for this ironic condition is commonly termed as the duality or dichotomy of life

    6. Here was the rub: every event that he had experienced, every memory could not exist in the future beyond the date of his destination; a curious duality of something that had been erased and yet for him evidentially never existed

    7. But the Romans had already become used to the duality of twin-ruling Caesars, and sometimes, even Triumvirates, three-legged imperial authority

    8. Then as he tried to see its likeness in the forces of nature this duality was extended to these gods who were many times seen as capricious and needed sacrificial offerings to assuage the bad or evil side of their natures

    9. In the part of “science” called Psychology there is the duality of the physical body (the Id) and then the mental processes called the Ego

    10. But Arius was not a strict Unitarian, his representations became a highly compromised version of the duality of Jesus nature, as he tried to walk a thin line between the Unitarians and the Athanasian champions of Trinitarianism

    11. but we paint that according to impressions of duality

    12. It's all the same beyond the secrets of duality

    13. duality in the flesh which wants its own desires to be

    14. This duality may reflect a trend going on everywhere in the international

    15. face, a state of duality

    16. duality of cause and effect

    17. duality is an illusion induced by the imperfection of the psyche

    18. There is no duality what-

    19. M: There is nothing wrong with duality as long as it does not

    20. Q: Still, there is duality, there is sorrow, there is need of help

    21. that your mind too is a part of nature, the duality will cease

    22. ducing a duality where there is none

    23. For, duality implies interaction and interac-

    24. M: You have brought in duality where there is none

    25. like a wave, providing it a duality characteristic that would extend into the realm of sub-atomic

    26. into the Self, the duality of ‘I’ and ‘this’ goes and in the identity of

    27. itself in an atmosphere of duality

    28. Q: This is thinking in terms of duality

    29. Q: In love there must be duality, the lover and the beloved

    30. Duality lasts only as long as it is not ques-

    31. duality that non-violence becomes the unifying law

    32. M: On the level of duality it may be so, but in reality there is only

    33. is in the nature of the mind to create a subject-object duality,

    34. Consciousness is of duality

    35. There is no duality in awareness

    36. sciousness to awareness, you find that the sense of duality per-

    37. duality, in which there is no cognition, only pure being, which

    38. Teaching another is a movement in duality

    39. beyond the duality of the knower and the known

    40. M: The catch is in your mind, which insists on seeing duality

    41. The duality is really very

    42. According to Buddhists 28, the widest ground of experience appears to be a pure, immediate presence before it becomes differentiated into any form of subject-object duality

    43. Already these investigators have found that Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle (which is a bound on information), wave-particle duality and nonlocality can be formulated more powerfully in the context of information theory, according to William Wootters of Williams College, a former Wheeler student who is pursuing the ‘it-from-bit’ concept

    44. This device was a trillion trillion times larger than an atom – and yet exhibited quantum duality associated with waves

    45. A break in symmetry signifies that one of the polarities in the duality takes precedence at a point in time

    46. As Science moves into an appositional phase — where conflicting and complementary internally self-consistent ‘linear theories’ are accepted (as in the case of the particle-wave duality in quantum physics), we will see a closer matching between scientific and mystical models of reality

    47. strates that the duality between particles and waves manifests itself even

    48. duality when he declared; “Science without religion

    49. have generally responded to the duality positively

    50. duality is not practiced, and those nations have

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    duality wave-particle duality dichotomy