Verwenden Sie „earthworm“ in einem Satz
earthworm Beispielsätze
1. that just by selling items to earthworm lovers, you have the potential of
2. Earthworm, species Annelida, n
3. play symphonies to a rock; scratch an armadillo’s back; put rare tropical fish into an empty tank; describe the sunset to an earthworm; give speech lessons to army ants, or hand out condoms to high school boys ? The point? Exercises in futility
4. Why play symphonies to a rock; scratch an armadillo's back; put valuable tropical fish into an empty tank; describe the sunset to an earthworm; give speech lessons to army ants; or hand out condoms to high school boys? Point? Exercises in futility
5. opened up, and this time a giant earthworm appeared; it was similar to the one Sorren had seen at the canyon before
6. The earthworm began its relentless assault, bashing his head against the Rock Worm
7. escape, the earthworm opened its mouth as wide as it could and
8. The earthworm went on its way, contently crawling across the land on its belly
9. The giant earthworm was resting its head upon a pillow
10. earthworm outside, is the same
11. Then, when We decreed death for him, nothing indicated his death to them except an earthworm eating at his staff
12. thunderbolts; they have a hundred thousand victorious soldiers, and back of the hundred thousand a million; their cannon stand with yawning mouths, the match is lighted; they grind down under their heels the Imperial guards, and the grand army; they have just crushed Napoleon, and only Cambronne remains,—only this earthworm is left to protest
13. Germination is complicated with the bursting forth of a meteor and with the peck of a swallow cracking its egg, and it places on one level the birth of an earthworm and the advent of