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    economist Beispielsätze


    1. If he was an economist, he generally found it more profitable to employ his annual savings in new purchases than in the improvement of his old estate

    2. So sayeth Herbert Spencer, British author, economist and philosopher 1820-1903

    3. Influential British economist prominent early in the twentieth century

    4. Great popular author of the 1960"s-1970"s, of the Travis McGee series, with always Travis"s cohort, the hairy economist, Meyer

    5. : A radical leftist white woman with a man"s name, married to a black Kenyan radical economist

    6. In a recent essay, economist Walter Williams gives us some sets of figures worth pondering and remembering, as follows

    7. My favorite Trumanism, however, is his statement that he would prefer a one-armed economist in his administration, due to the fact that he tired of economic advisors telling him one thing on the one hand, and then contradicting that advice on the other

    8. How was I to argue? I am neither an economist nor a clairvoyant 160

    9. Keyes is an Admiral, not to be confused with Keynes, the economist, who has also traipsed through this volume

    10. “I think my idea is good,” said Charles, “but I’m not sure, because it is one of those ideas that you either find ‘practical’ or you don’t…and, unfortunately, many of my economist friends don’t find the idea realistic

    11. “Yes, Gary,” I said, “Charles has been telling the family about some ideas in economics and politics, and though I’m not an economist, they seem pretty straightforward and sensible

    12. To bring this up to the present an article in “The Economist” (March 4, 2006) reports that the new World

    13. Vilfredo Pareto the Italian economist used this chart in distinguishing the key factors which contributes significantly to the results

    14. Columnist and George Mason University economist Walter Williams reports in his syndicated column that British Channel 4 television has done a documentary called “The Great Global Warming Swindle

    15. Nobel economist Douglass North participated in the Copenhagen Consensus

    16. The British publication Economist reports some of the reactions to Lomborg’s work among earth scientists and environmentalists

    17. economist and historian, represented a modified and milder form

    18. Indeed, economist Henry George,

    19. ” And as reported in the July 1, 2006 issue of the Economist, philanthropists…“like the notions that their foundations will live on after them, carrying their name down from generation unto generation

    20. economist Paul Collier sees 20 percent of the world"s population locked out of the

    21. Randal Lovingood was Tucker's business economist and he was the first to speak

    22. works in 1942, economist John Maynard Keynes, for example, opined that "Newton was

    23. When an economist says the evidence is ‘mixed’, he or she means that theory says one thing and data says the opposite

    24. An economist is an expert who will know tomorrow why the things he predicted yesterday didn't happen today

    25. The economist PM was, self-admittedly, not a great public speaker

    26. Sainath, a Magsaysay award-winning journalist, had documented rural India better than anyone else; Kumar Ketkar offered a robust old-style Nehruvian perspective; and just in case the right wing felt outgunned, we had the straight-talking political economist, Surjit Bhalla, who I would often term as being ‘on the right of Atilla the Hun!’ Our number crunching was done by Prof

    27. The Economist, in a scathing piece, wrote: ‘Rahul, who had been long groomed for leadership, is a dud: earnest, but lacking in energy, ideas, strategy, and, crucially, the ability to connect with party workers and voters

    28. When the Indian government blocked a WTO agreement by sticking to its stand on food subsidies, Modi admirer and right-wing economist Surjit Bhalla remarked angrily, ‘A leader, operating from a position of one of the most voted governments in Indian history, should be making policy with conviction, not emulating tactics of a defunct government

    29. ” laughed the economist while juggling creation

    30. Danny idly picked-up a complimentary copy of The Economist

    31. Not a single economist will say the consumers, businesses, or retail

    32. Cares, a study of charitable donation, economist Arthur C

    33. Smith is said to be the first political economist who

    34. Economist Marc Faber has made some pretty negative statements about the future of the U

    35. And then, I met Jeremy Ashton, an economist and stock broker, and got married

    36. Like me, he was of Scandinavian stock and was an economist in the faculty of the University

    37. My mother, ever the economist, rescued the razor from the midden and used it to peel potatoes

    38. Butterfield was shocked at the way Nixon used the popular services to humiliate Arthur Burns, a well-known economist and his counselor at the White House

    39. Howard Goldman, a psychiatry professor at the University of Maryland, and Harvard health economist Dr

    40. It was an underserved market and, although not nearly as important as political economics or macroeconomics or labor economics, it could permanently keep this economist out of his parents’ basement

    41. And so it was that he quit trying to be an important economist

    42. Dubner, “The Most Dangerous Machine,” Freakonomics Radio, December 5, 2013; Ian Savage, a Northwestern economist who studies transportation safety, was especially helpful in compiling this research

    43. LEVITT, a professor of economics at the University of Chicago, was awarded the John Bates Clark medal, given to the most influential American economist under the age of forty

    44. stock market are concerned, it is very helpful to seek guidance from the famous q ratio, which was invented by the Nobel Prize-winning economist James Tobin

    45. The May 27-June 2 issue of the Economist showed a brown bear on its hind legs peeking out from behind a tree

    46. The Economist is more of a general interest magazine than it used to be, but it still emphasizes a business and financial view of world news

    47. The November 29 issue of the Economist had on its cover a cartoon depicting stock traders tumbling down a graph of falling stock prices worldwide

    48. The October 24, 1992, issue of the Economist showed a painting of shipwrecked sailors clinging to a rock in the ocean and was captioned: “Recession or Doom?” Remarkably, barely four months later and following the election of President Bill Clinton, a Democrat, the same magazine showed a cover cartoon of a joyful Uncle Sam springing up from his hospital bed, on which hung a chart of an upturn in economic activity

    49. On the cover of its August 8 issue the Economist showed a cartoon of a bear wearing sunglasses in which was reflected a chart of falling stock prices

    50. The May 27 issue of the Economist had a cover showing a photograph of a brown bear standing on its hind legs and peering out from behind a tree

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    Synonyme für "economist"

    economic expert economist