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    Verwenden Sie „effortless“ in einem Satz

    effortless Beispielsätze


    1. good and to move in the direction of what feels effortless,

    2. This in turn, teaches you about how effortless LOVE really is

    3. Remember that the most effortless acts of deliberate

    4. Before her incarceration walking that distance would have been effortless, but after the months of inactivity and a lack of nutrition it felt like a challenge; the few items in her bag a burden

    5. It was all so effortless that Colling began thinking that perhaps there was some grand plot in place to trap them at the time and place that would be most to the NKVD’s liking

    6. I was mesmerized by them in their effortless choreography of deft movement around the leather steering wheel as they kept the car perfectly aligned and under control

    7. It is the nameless, contentless, effortless and spon-

    8. Q: Realization of the eternal and an effortless and adequate res-

    9. This, when effortless and natural, is

    10. Granted, it’s not effortless on our part

    11. will realize the effortless state of being oneself, of not being de-

    12. He moved us both with effortless grace and I meekly smiled

    13. fact, our information age is characterized by easy access to information; it is understood as the making of information effortless and quick

    14. It was an effortless motion, and he didn’t need to look away from Hilsith as he did so

    15. When she had, Hilsith cast effortless diagnostics, reading the state of Talia’s body as a scholar reads a page of print

    16. Later he would marvel that it had been as effortless and instinctual as walking across a floor

    17. She cast a Speaking to their administrator with an effortless thought

    18. He was taking power from some four hundred people at once! The plates were big enough to hold eighty men! Mind you, it’s effortless to give power once the spell’s working; I spent the hour chatting with girls

    19. He spent ten minutes indoctri�nating Toby in the delights of effortless rolls and loops and wingovers, then talked him to the point of touchdown on runway 34 at Phan Rang

    20. Our relationship was the most effortless experience I have ever had with another human being

    21. the sailcloth taut and bulging, pulling us forward with effortless

    22. Working with Vera was effortless and it was like she was part of the dialog

    23. Peace - the blissful effortless state of residing in awareness without the pull of a mind full of attachments

    24. and it should be nearly effortless to collect, analyze, view,

    25. It is sufficient that we want to pray; then learning becomes rapid and effortless

    26. Accompanying will power is determination, and because the conscious mind is creating it, the process becomes naturally effortless

    27. I rose high enough so that I caught thermals, soaring so that it was nearly effortless

    28. With an almost effortless ease he flexes his fingers and pulls each of the robots heads off

    29. The protective shield around the house is set up in such a way yours, mine, Jabar’s and Oded’s outlook can come in effortless

    30. But was moved by the effortless and unselfish thinking of Collette first of all and then of all of you

    31. stimulate the mind because it is basical y an effortless activity which does not engage the brain

    32. Suddenly, staying focussed on the dot became effortless

    33. It all slipped into place, natural, effortless, elegant even

    34. Charts and tables set up the illusion that anticipation of an economic phase is effortless, but these tables do not function as “tea leaves”

    35. and his buddies their trip up the mountain seems effortless

    36. Oh, if only life was like a dream, effortless creation continuously

    37. Limbs never moved as hers had, effortless and sleek and fluid

    38. before, now that his champion had been dispatched in such effortless fashion

    39. No matter what the terrain, his footing was sure, his gait effortless

    40. You have a natural talent; you make the craft look effortless, so keep up the good work that you have started,” as there hands were clasped in a firm handshake

    41. Her kind heart was an effortless bridge to her passionate

    42. With an almost effortless motion, Enrique

    43. He seemed to catch it so effortless that Guo Yuxia lovingly clapped her

    44. Her skirt dropped to the floor with an effortless unfastening and she slipped her shoes from her feet

    45. With effortless ease and teamwork Joel and Falcon moved Kathy over, so her body was in a more comfortable position

    46. It has a really effortless quality to it

    47. A great example of how effortless pop used to be

    48. you'll find relationships with others relatively effortless and will begin finding the happiness you've always wanted

    49. Listening is the only effortless effort a seeker has to offer

    50. Although the pressure made it hard to breathe for a few seconds, the trip to her house and back was otherwise effortless with the robe and Than’s guidance

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    casual effortless free elementary informal smooth simple unconstrained