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    eh Beispielsätze


    1. "Let's just pretend we've had the conversation already, eh? I've threatened to reveal your kiddy fiddler porn addiction, you've begged me not to, blah, blah, fuckin' blah, init?"

    2. The short arm of the law, eh Theo?"

    3. "We will have no interference for once, eh?"

    4. one of the Burfords, eh? What is it you want precisely, Angie?’

    5. “Exactly, eh Jack, you did say that there two of them?”

    6. My first piece of knowledge about boys and sex came when I was 18 – I was raped! Nice beginning, eh?” I guess it warped me somehow

    7. It seemed to old Ted that his employers found some sort of satisfaction in being able to say, “Well, Ted, my old friend, it didn’t turn out quite so well this year, did it? Better luck next year, eh?”

    8. “It seems she has stolen your heart, eh Tarak?” Laughing, she continued, “It’s about time someone did!”

    9. 'You don't shave that often eh? Ew,' she said

    10. “Red Hawk’s quite a character, eh? He nailed two women with tribal truths in one night

    11. ‘Twenty five years, eh? Yes, I should imagine there would have been

    12. ‘When are you going to bring Alastair over to see me, eh, girl?’ he asked, those all-seeing eyes noticing the way I jump at the question as thought he’d stuck a pin in me

    13. ‘Information, eh? What kind of information?’

    14. "Still the mystery girl eh?"

    15. ‘So the child’s not his, eh? Well, that explains a few

    16. that here tent is still too large to fit in its bag eh?" " Mary nodded

    17. "Never know the difference anyhow, leastways it won't be snatched by the wind when he collects it from the box eh!" he gave Mr

    18. "The case you mean, well its Tom Foolery's latest gimmick samples I expect," Fizzicist drew closer, "If I could use your barn we might see what is in it eh!" Clothier tied the well rope to the bottle neck and lowered it back down the well, then hoisted the suitcase onto his broad shoulders and lumbered into the barn

    19. also other varieties of wine, because - eh? - a

    20. But, that’s a story for another day, eh?”

    21. “Hmm…well, I suppose we better enjoy this while we can, eh? It’s back to the grind in the morning

    22. As for the whole being in league with the Empire thing, well…I’ll just have to hope and pray that we can avoid one another for as long as it takes, eh?”

    23. Let’s hope that all of that casual studying, all those days spent in the museums and libraries in Cyrodiil pays off, eh?”

    24. “You just prefer the drama of the snowy Nordic homeland, eh?” That knowing grin of hers was back

    25. "What about our brothers' safety, eh?"

    26. Good thing the bandits who found you couldn’t wield a blade worth a damn, eh?” The gray-haired physician squinted to focus on the bloody flesh once more before producing damp cloths to clean and bandages to secure

    27. “Winterhold, eh? Indeed…I’d certainly have suspected as much…”

    28. “Well, aren’t you the bright one! If I knew where town was, why the hell would I be marching off with her this way instead of that way, eh? For my health? ”

    29. “So you’re the guest whose coming was foretold to us, eh?

    30. Roscius and ‘bloody ghosts’, eh? By the Eight, what is going on? What is all of this? And what does it have to do with Nell?”

    31. “Oh, Clodius, faint-hearted to the last, eh?” The first man took a swig from his vessel

    32. “Business near Ivarstead, eh?” After impatiently gesturing for his companion to hand it over, the gray-eyed man grasped the small note

    33. “Too late for that though, eh?” Clodius raised his tankard for another summary toast, and his drinking partner obliged

    34. Maybe the Thalmor are finally getting around to finishing what they started all of those years ago, eh?”

    35. “That voice and ‘those eyes’, eh? He sounds like a bewitching one

    36. "Just passing through, eh?" he said as he sat down on the step and offered the only chair on his porch to me

    37. "And ya just found more of these assholes instead, eh?" Walt asked, but I didn't answer

    38. “You really got the hots today, eh, Mrs

    39. “I was too much for you, eh?” Sammy said, proud of himself

    40. “Want the old cock up your cunt, eh, baby?” She half closed her eyes

    41. Pretty nifty, eh?” At that moment he got a message in his ear phone

    42. ’ ‘Sure thing, eh, what was your name?’

    43. “We all will, and I think Fletcher will more than the rest of us, eh Fletcher?”

    44. “Who died and made you Sergeant eh?” Elijah shook his and replied

    45. “Wounded eh that’s not too bad you’re a lot luckier than them poor bastards down there”, and he pointed to a line of dead Fusiliers at the edge of the water

    46. "Eh? Come on, mate

    47. “Sorry Billy Boy but safety first eh?” I was so winded that I couldn’t even swear at him so I made do with a glare

    48. eh, files are private

    49. ‘It'd better be a goodun this time, eh Jimmy,’ said a female voice

    50. "Spies eh? That’s the usual charge

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